5 | 6 | 2019_World Environment Day: Platypus trail in Australia photo exhibition.

“We do not own the world, we are a part of it” (Aborigines’ proverb).
In order to celebrate the World Environment Day of the United Nations, the green-project.org presents in the context of the Athens Photo Festival 2019, the original photographs produced during an extraordinary environmental journey in Australia under the title: “Platypus trail: Melbourne - Perth: Renewables, UNESCO Biospheres and Aborigines”.
From the 5th up to the 31st August 2018, 26 never-ending days and nights packed with spectacular images out of this world. 5 states, i.e. Tasmania Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia. 2 territories, i.e. Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory. 11 volunteers, scientists and artists visited 41 awesome “green points of interest”, took 42 interviews, covered 13.110 kilometers, driving eco-friendly motor homes with solar panels, on snow and ice, through rivers and mud, near marine ecosystems, across the desert and droughty lands, tropical rainforests and bushlands, along glaciation and alpine areas, etc. The photographs record the importance of the co-existence of the Renewable energy technology innovation and the traditional environmental knowledge of Australian Aborigines, within the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. The in-depth knowledge of Australian best environmental practices could become a valuable source of inspiration in developing Renewables in Greece, as well as in preventing disasters like the wildfires which devastated Attica, last year.
Curator: Yannis Tzortzis, Royal Photographic Society
Participants: Yannis Anastasopoulos, Katerina Charterou, Kassiani Kaltezioti, Valeria Kaltezioti, Vasiliki Kasoumi, Aggelos Katsaggelos, Dimitris Paterakis, Jason Tavlas, Yannis Tzortzis, Konstantinos Vardas and Sandy Vergitsi.
We believe in the power of photography to change our world!
Join us in our next environmental journeys:
“Green Project in Crete: Iris 2019”
“Green Project in Japan-Alaska 2020”
Information: tel. +30 6974 796797, email: info@green-project.org
Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/events/2287738084637901/
1 June 2019