climate activists

Αποτελέσματα 141 - 160 | από συνολικά 163
22 01 2020 | 09:43

Davos: Trump decries climate 'prophets of doom' with Thunberg in audience.

US President Donald Trump has decried climate "prophets of doom" in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where sustainability is the main theme. He called for a rejection of "predictions…

22 01 2020 | 09:13

Africa's Climate Heroes in Davos.

This year’s Annual Meeting featured a wider array of climate heroes than ever before.  Helping bring about systemic change to return our planet to a sustainable path. There was an unprecedented…

21 01 2020 | 07:53

Federer responds to climate change critics over Credit Suisse links.

Tennis star Roger Federer has responded to climate change critics - including campaigner Greta Thunberg - by saying he takes the issue very seriously. Activists oppose Federer's sponsorship deal…

21 01 2020 | 07:21

At Davos we will tell world leaders to abandon the fossil fuel economy.

Averting catastrophe would be the best business decision to emerge from the economic forum in its 50 years of existence.

17 01 2020 | 08:14

Revealed: US listed climate activist group as ‘extremists’ alongside mass killers.

DHS listed activists engaged in non-violent civil disobedience targeting oil industry alongside white supremacists in documents. A group of US environmental activists engaged in non-violent civil…

09 01 2020 | 09:02

‘Stop taking up space with your false solutions,' say furious activists at UN COP25 – video

NGO delegates at the UN's COP25 conference express their anger at the lack of progress by world governments to act on climate change. 'Stop taking up space with your false solutions and get out of…

23 12 2019 | 13:02

COP25: Self-serving G20 spites youth, humanity, world at climate talks.

With 500,000 mostly young climate activists rallying in Madrid streets, COP25 delegates agreed to disagree on nearly everything, with smaller nations striving to pave the way for implementation of…

16 12 2019 | 15:29

COP25: Συνέντευξη στο e-mc2 της Φανής Τσαρουχά, Youth Climate Ambassador στη Μαδρίτη .

Στη Μαδρίτη είχα τη χαρά και ευτυχία να γνωρίσω τη Φανή, μια ακτιβίστρια του κλίματος απο την Ελλάδα. Ήταν μια ζωντανή φωνή που ήξερε τι ήθελε και γιατί το ήθελε.

10 12 2019 | 05:55

UN Climate Secretariat recognises children’s action on climate.

Over 80 times around the world in a climate-friendly way with Climate Alliance’s Green Footprints Campaign

10 12 2019 | 05:14

Feminists at COP 25 Climate March Call for Climate and Gender Justice to the Tune of “El Violador eres Tú/ The Rapist is You”.

Feminists from all over the world gathered together for the Climate March held at the sidelines of COP 25 in Madrid, calling attention to the disparities and injustices women and non-binary people…

25 11 2019 | 13:57

Greenpeace activists abseil down Hellenic Petroleum storage tank to protest 'climate emergency'.

ATHENS - Greenpeace activists abseiled down the side of huge storage tank at a Hellenic Petroleum refinery near Athens on Thursday and unfurled a huge banner protesting at the company’s oil and gas…

30 10 2019 | 07:36

'There are no excuses left': why climate science deniers are running out of rope.

Guardian environment correspondent Fiona Harvey recalls being heckled at the House of Commons and explains how attitudes to climate have shifted in 10 years The shouted words rang out across the…

29 10 2019 | 13:20

A message from climate activist Youna Marette.

What Does the Future I Want Look Like? Had you asked me that same question just a few years ago, I would have answered very differently. The climate emergency is an enormous challenge, and it is easy…

11 10 2019 | 15:13

It’s not just Greta Thunberg: why are we ignoring the developing world’s inspiring activists?

idhima Pandey was just nine years old in 2017 when she filed a lawsuit against the Indian government for failing to take action against climate change. Pandey’s fierce, astounding passion for the…

02 10 2019 | 10:10

‘We are a disease that is infecting our planet’: Jason Momoa urges climate action.

Hawaiian-born actor Jason Momoa joined leaders from small island developing states at a special event to urge action to address the devastating impact of climate change on vulnerable countries. Game…

23 09 2019 | 08:33

Los Angeles OKs a deal for record-cheap solar power and battery storage.

For a long time, there were two big knocks against solar power: It’s expensive, and it can’t keep the lights on after sundown. A contract approved Tuesday by the Los Angeles Department of Water and…

19 09 2019 | 07:58

Thousands of climate change activists block entrance to Frankfurt auto show.

Thousands of climate-change activists formed a human roadblock on Sunday to the Frankfurt auto show, one of the largest car industry showcases in the world.

19 08 2019 | 07:59

TikTok videos spread climate change awareness.

Users of the social video app TikTok have been spreading a message of climate change awareness through make-up and time-lapse videos. Their chosen hashtag of #Globalwarning - a play on the term "…

09 08 2019 | 11:55

Corruption and lack of law enforcement threaten the lives of environmentalists.

Ιn some parts of the world, protecting the environment has become more dangerous than fighting a war. Among the main factors, corruption and lack of law enforcement rank high, a new study reports.…

07 08 2019 | 06:30

Greta Thunberg hits back at Andrew Bolt for 'deeply disturbing' column.

Campaigner calls out ‘hate and conspiracy campaigns’ after Australian’s attack. The teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg has hit back at the Australian News Corp columnist Andrew Bolt for writing…

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