climate activists

Αποτελέσματα 101 - 120 | από συνολικά 163
15 09 2020 | 10:13

Portuguese Youth Activists Sue 33 Countries Over Climate Crisis.

In what is being described as an unprecedented climate case, four children and two young adults from Portugal have filed a complaint at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg against 33…

15 09 2020 | 10:03

HS2 protesters glue themselves to DfT as construction begins.

Campaigners spray fake blood over building’s entrance in protest against high-speed line. Anti-HS2 protesters have sprayed fake blood over the entrance to the Department for Transport and glued…

15 09 2020 | 09:48

Boris Johnson accuses Extinction Rebellion of trying to limit public access to news.

National papers missing from some newsagents after protesters blockading Murdoch-owned print sites. The prime minister, Boris Johnson, has accused Extinction Rebellion of seeking “to limit the…

09 09 2020 | 11:42

Greta Thunberg: don't dump climate crisis on children to fix.

World political leaders must step up on the environment, activist tells Venice film festival showing of documentary about her. The Swedish activist Greta Thunberg has called for more action to be…

07 09 2020 | 10:46

Police arrest dozens of Extinction Rebellion protesters in London.

Roads blocked near Parliament Square as group begins 10 days of UK-wide climate action. Thousands of Extinction Rebellion protesters have descended on Parliament Square in London leading to at least…

07 09 2020 | 10:45

Literary figures join Extinction Rebellion campaign against thinktanks.

Margaret Atwood among those supporting Writers Rebel group set to protest in London. A number of famous novelists, poets and playwrights including Margaret Atwood and Zadie Smith have lent their…

07 09 2020 | 09:51

Python skin jackets and elephant leather boots: How wealthy Western nations help drive the global wildlife trade

Three-quarters of new and emerging infectious diseases in humans originate in wildlife. COVID-19, SARS and Ebola all started this way. The COVID-19 global pandemic has drawn new attention to how…

07 09 2020 | 09:39

Adani Coal Company Attempted to Search Home of Activist Who Opposes Its Australian Mine.

Coal company Adani sought to raid the home of an environmental activist who opposed its controversial mine in Queensland, Australia's Galilee Basin, court documents have shown.

16 08 2020 | 08:19

Forgive us our trespasses: forbidden rambles with a right-to-roam campaigner.

The law excludes ordinary people from 92% of English land, but that doesn’t stop activist, artist and writer Nick Hayes.

23 07 2020 | 19:18

Pandemic shows climate has never been treated as crisis, say scientists.

Letter also signed by Greta Thunberg urges EU leaders to act immediately on global heating. Greta Thunberg and some of the world’s leading climate scientists have written to EU leaders demanding…

17 07 2020 | 09:19

Greta Thunberg describes the remarkable and tumultuous past year of her life.

Everywhere she goes, people ask for selfies and tell her how wonderful she is. But what’s it really like to be the world’s most famous climate campaigner when you’re still a teenager? In this…

12 07 2020 | 08:36

4 Ways to Be a Real Youth Activist.

The 2008 financial crisis spurred a number of youth movements including Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring. A decade later, this anger resurfaced in a new wave of global protests, from Hong Kong…

12 07 2020 | 07:58

Campaign group warns UK Government of ‘imminent’ legal action over plans for a green recovery

Campaign group Plan B has written a letter to Prime Minister and the Chancellor warning legal action is imminent if stimulus package becomes a ‘New Deal for Polluters’.   On Tuesday, the climate…

30 06 2020 | 08:32

Forgotten farmers, mining and anti-green invective: how the Nationals became a party for coal.

In this extract from her Quarterly Essay, Judith Brett says mining has offered the Nationals a way to supplement their declining agricultural base At the gala dinner in March this year to celebrate…

29 06 2020 | 07:53

Extinction Rebellion activists launch UK Beyond Politics party by stealing food.

Robin Hood-style shoplifting session at London supermarket ‘because poverty sucks’ A new political party was launched in London on Thursday by a group of activists from Extinction Rebellion, who…

22 06 2020 | 08:39

Black Environmentalists Are Organizing to Save the Planet From Injustice.

"I can't breathe." These were among the final words that George Floyd and Eric Garner gasped before their deaths at the hands of white police officers. That plea has become part of the current…

16 06 2020 | 09:13

Research Finds Hacking Operation Targeted Climate Action Groups.

The Canadian digital watchdog group Citizen Lab reported Tuesday that a hack-for-hire group targeted thousands of organizations around the world, including climate advocacy groups involved in the #…

08 06 2020 | 07:04

European Call: 3 solutions for climate and jobs

The European Green Deal is the best way to make the real changes Europe needs to be able to recover from the COVID-19 crisis, writes a group of 700 elected representatives and citizens from all…

04 06 2020 | 07:16

Climate Activists Protest Germany's New Datteln 4 Coal Power Plant.

Around 500 climate activists on Saturday gathered outside the new Datteln 4 coal power plant in Germany's Ruhr region, to protest against its opening. Fridays for Future, Greenpeace, as well as…

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