climate activists

Αποτελέσματα 61 - 80 | από συνολικά 163
30 04 2021 | 08:34

Extinction Rebellion activists dump fake coal outside Lloyd’s of London in fossil fuel protest.

Climate group is calling on insurers to stop giving cover to fossil fuel projects. Climate activists have dumped fake coal outside the headquarters of a major insurance market in London to protest…

27 04 2021 | 09:07

Seven arrested after Extinction Rebellion activists smash windows at Barclays’ London HQ

‘Compare a crack in a window to funding wildfires and flooded homes,’ says campaigner. Police have arrested a group of environmental activists who smashed the windows of Barclays’ London …

20 04 2021 | 09:08

Most Economists Agree: Benefits of 'Drastic' Climate Action Outweigh Costs of Status Quo

While scientists and campaigners continue calling on world leaders to pursue more ambitious policies to cut planet-heating emissions based on moral arguments and physical dangers, a U.S. think tank…

13 04 2021 | 12:31

Extinction Rebellion sprays Bank of England with ‘oil’ in new wave of protest.

Protesters dressed as ‘Fossil Fools’ splattered the side of the Bank of England. Several people have been arrested as Extinction Rebellion’s ‘Fossil Fool’ protesters sprayed the Bank of England with…

22 03 2021 | 14:53

Teenage Activists Post Signs to Warn of Toxic Air in London Neighborhoods.

A group of teenagers, living in some of London's most polluted communities, are posting roadsigns highlighting the disproportionate impact air pollution has on people of color.

22 03 2021 | 10:03

Youth Climate Activists Change Legal Strategy.

A group of youth climate activists who sued the U.S. government in 2015 are changing tactics in their fight to force the feds to address climate change.

19 03 2021 | 13:28

FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE: Climate Strikers Mobilise Globally To Demand #NoMoreEmptyPromises

Videos and photos of strikes across the world will be available in this link:

18 03 2021 | 10:48

In Brussels, green still means white.

The EU bubble has a whiteness problem – and the green sector is complicit, write Chloé Mikolajczak and Marianna Tuokkola. Chloé Mikolajczak and Marianna Tuokkola are authors of The Burning Case, a…

16 03 2021 | 14:13

Ugandan youth activist stuns Berlin energy transition event.

Vanessa Nakate shocked organisers of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue by delivering a speech highlighting how she and a fellow youth activist had to submit their presentations for approval in…

12 03 2021 | 09:53

5 Black Heroes of the Environmental Movement.

From Greta Thunberg to Sir David Attenborough, the headline-grabbing climate change activists and environmentalists of today are predominantly white. But like many areas of society, those whose…

07 03 2021 | 07:15

'A duty of care': Australian teenagers take their climate crisis plea to court.

Anj Sharma, 16, and her team hope to force change they say is not coming quickly enough from government. Eight teenagers and an octogenarian nun head to an Australian court on Tuesday to launch what…

26 02 2021 | 10:55

The Chicago plant that sparked a hunger strike amid environmental racism claims.

A metal recycling plant is due to open on the polluted Southeast Side months after the same firm shut a metal scrapyard in a white, affluent part of town. Trinity Colón grew up believing everyone…

29 01 2021 | 09:49

Youth Climate Leaders Say Global Future Depends on Biden Being Bold.

Fed up with "empty promises" from world leaders, a dozen youth activists on Wednesday demanded newly sworn-in President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris take swift and bold climate action…

29 01 2021 | 09:39

A million young people urge governments to prioritise climate crisis.

World leaders will meet for Climate Adaptation Summit to consider how to adapt to extreme weather. More than 1 million young people around the world have urged governments to prioritise measures to…

29 01 2021 | 09:28

Greta Thunberg's Message to World Leaders at Davos Summit.

Greta Thunberg calls for urgent action to address the climate and ecological crisis. She reminds the world of the promises made to children and grandchildren — a promise they expect to be kept.…

20 01 2021 | 07:50

Environmentalists Should Pay Close Attention to the Racial Justice Movement.

There are parallels and overlaps between climate justice and racial justice, as well as many lessons the climate movement can learn from this global moment of reckoning.

15 01 2021 | 09:13

FRIDAYS FOR FUTUTRE: 'No more empty promises'

  Climate strikers announce date for next global climate strike

12 12 2020 | 06:33

High-level summit and video showcase poorest countries’ spearheading efforts to tackle climate crisis.

A new film being launched in advance of the Thimphu Ambition Summit underlines how the least developed countries are leading the way when it comes to climate action.  

07 12 2020 | 07:28

'Mock Cop26' activists vote on treaty ahead of 2021 climate summit.

Young people from 140 countries presented policies to UK climate action champion. Young people from 140 countries who attended an online “mock Cop26” climate summit have presented a treaty of 18…

28 11 2020 | 08:00

Climate activists ramp up pressure on Biden with protest outside Democratic headquarters.

Climate groups plan to camp in Washington DC in protest of Biden’s hires of key staff with connections to the oil and gas industry. Progressive climate activists plan to occupy the Democratic…

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