climate crisis

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28 11 2020 | 08:10

Scorching Tucson bucks US trend to put climate justice at centre of plans.

Key goals include powering city buildings on renewables and curbing urban sprawl. It was another scorching summer this year in Tucson, Arizona, the second hottest city in the United States, where…

28 11 2020 | 08:05

Biden’s climate change plans can quickly raise the bar, but can they be transformative?

The day Joe Biden becomes president, he can start taking actions that can help slow climate change. The question is whether he can match the magnitude of the challenge. If his administration focuses…

28 11 2020 | 08:00

Climate activists ramp up pressure on Biden with protest outside Democratic headquarters.

Climate groups plan to camp in Washington DC in protest of Biden’s hires of key staff with connections to the oil and gas industry. Progressive climate activists plan to occupy the Democratic…

28 11 2020 | 07:55

World's Latest Climate Refugees Lived in Guatemalan Village Destroyed by Hurricane Eta.

A large landslide caused by torrential rains during Hurricane Eta buried half a small village's residents, leaving the other half searching for family members and neighbors in Guatemala on Tuesday, …

28 11 2020 | 07:47

Earlier springs could cause common bird species to become extinct by end of the century, scientists warn.

‘It could be that the apparent stability today is hiding a future collapse’. A rapidly warming climate will spell disaster for swathes of life on earth, including many bird species. A new study…

28 11 2020 | 07:32

Scientists link record-breaking hurricane season to climate crisis.

Evidence is not so much in the number of tropical storms the Atlantic has seen, but in their strength, intensity and rainfall. Paddling in a canoe through the flood waters left by Hurricane Eta in…

28 11 2020 | 07:26

We’ll see more fire seasons like 2020 - here’s a strategy for managing our nation’s flammable landscapes.

As of late fall, wildfires are still smoldering under snowfall in Colorado. I am hoping that the cold and snowy weather over the last few days will finally put to bed the 2020 fire season in my state…

28 11 2020 | 07:21

On environmental protection, Biden’s election will mean a 180-degree turn from Trump policies.

The Trump administration has waged what I and many other legal experts view as an all-out assault on the nation’s environmental laws for the past four years.

27 11 2020 | 12:48

Climate Coalition Pressures Biden to Reject 'Corporate Shill' Ernest Moniz as Energy Chief.

Amid reports that oil industry-friendly former Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz remains under consideration to return to his old post in the incoming Biden administration, a diverse coalition of…

20 11 2020 | 17:04

Humidity – the second pillar of climate change.

Climate change isn’t just affecting global temperature, it’s also changing the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere with potentially significant impacts, finds a new study looking at global…

19 11 2020 | 09:52

The Guardian view on Biden and the climate crisis: fight for net zero.

A US president who recognises the threat will make a huge difference, but environmentalists must push hard.

19 11 2020 | 09:39

Suing for climate action: can the courts save us from the black hole of political inaction?

Climate litigator David Barnden had a landmark win this month against a major superannuation fund. He tells Guardian Australia he is just getting started. In the public imagination, blockbuster…

19 11 2020 | 09:39

Stay, Fight, or Flee: Considering Climate Migration.

This article was originally published on Common Edge as "Considering Climate Migration".

19 11 2020 | 08:55

Five post-Trump obstacles to a global green recovery.

Joe Biden’s win gives the globe a better chance of averting climate catastrophe, but major obstacles remain Environmentalists have been heartened by Joe Biden’s victory as, if the US rejoins the…

19 11 2020 | 08:49

In first for Fed, U.S. central bank says climate poses stability risks.

The U.S. Federal Reserve for the first time called out climate change among risks enumerated in its biannual financial stability report, and warned about the potential for abrupt changes in asset…

19 11 2020 | 08:46

'Finally': In Potential Nod To Biden Win, Federal Reserve Applies To Join Climate Network for Central Banks.

In a decision seen by some as a subtle acknowledgement of President-elect Joe Biden's victory even as President Donald Trump still refuses to concede, the Federal Reserve has applied to join what…

19 11 2020 | 08:42

Biden launches transition teams of Obama alum, tech execs and activists to tackle environmental rollbacks – but Trump team refuses to work with them.

The White House has instructed senior department officials to rebuff overtures from the Biden team to get the transition process underway while Mr Trump refuses to concede, writes Louise Boyle

18 11 2020 | 13:43

SDG’S: not an option but a prerequisite for the lives of ordinary people -23/11/2020, 3:00-5:00 pm (EAT)

We cordially invite you to attend this webinar on sustainable development goals, their fate and what it means for us if we fail to achieve them. The discussion will be by Dr Ioannis Tsipouridis,…

17 11 2020 | 16:05

Climate change: New report shows global response is failing people in greatest need.

Photo: Assam state, India, 2020/Indian Red Cross Society Geneva, 17 November 2020 – Global efforts to tackle climate change are currently failing to protect the people who are most at risk,…

16 11 2020 | 08:19

How Can We Comprehend the Climate Crisis?

  The science is clear. If we continue to emit greenhouse gases at the same rate we have been doing for the past decades, 80 years from now, our planet will be at least four degrees warmer than pre-…

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