climate crisis

Αποτελέσματα 341 - 360 | από συνολικά 714
04 04 2021 | 08:33

Time is running short – but we can get a grip on the climate crisis.

Today’s targets are nowhere near enough, we must speed up change and halve global emissions in the next decade

04 04 2021 | 08:32

10 Million Climate Refugees in Past Six Months: Red Cross Calls for Urgent International Help

The world's largest humanitarian network warned Wednesday that urgent international action is needed to address the rising risk of climate-related displacement, highlighting data that shows disasters…

03 04 2021 | 07:39

World running out of time to tackle climate change, Prince Charles says.

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The world is running out of time to tackle climate change, Prince Charles, the 72-year-old heir to the British throne, said on Thursday, as Britain pledges to…

03 04 2021 | 07:27

New Research on Earth's Worst Extinction Event Provides Insight Into Today’s Climate Crisis

Scientists say the planet is facing its "sixth mass extinction" and human activity is to blame. But as ecosystems change at unprecedented rates, predicting what future life on Earth could look like…

03 04 2021 | 07:08

Eye-Opening Video Explains the Origins of Climate Change 'Polarization'

A story "about today. That started yesterday. And impacts tomorrow." That's how the University of Virginia's Religion, Race & Democracy Lab introduces its new "God $ Green: An Unholy Alliance"…

01 04 2021 | 11:07

Hold firms responsible for their role in climate crisis, says top British investor

Sir Chris Hohn spoke of the ‘injustice’ of the climate crisis and urged businesses and banks to do more. The British billionaire Sir Chris Hohn has called on companies to be held more accountable…

26 03 2021 | 16:48

Penises are shrinking because of pollution, warns environmental scientist

In case you needed another reason to care about the climate crisis, it has been found that pollution is causing human penises to shrink. A leading epidemiologist and environmental scientist has…

24 03 2021 | 11:55

New Report: World’s 60 Largest Banks Have Poured $3.8 Trillion Into Fossil Fuels Since Paris Agreement.

Climate groups sound alarm as fossil fuel financing continues to rise even amidst the global economic downturn

22 03 2021 | 14:21

Climate fight 'is undermined by social media's toxic reports'.

Scientists warn that Nobel summit and long-term decisions to save the planet are at risk from targeted attacks online Fake news on social media about climate change and biodiversity loss is having a…

22 03 2021 | 14:13

Canadian Conservative party votes not to recognize climate crisis as real.

Delegates vote 54%-46% against policy change request Leader O’Toole has sought ambitious climate change agenda Canada’s main opposition Conservative party members have voted down a proposal to…

22 03 2021 | 10:14

Monumental ‘Eye’ watches over Geneva.

A flag the size of a ten-storey building has been raised in the Swiss city of Geneva to warn of the negative impact of global climate change. The work of art consists of 13,250 of portraits from 190…

22 03 2021 | 09:44

EU Parliament votes to retain free CO2 quotas for industry.

The European Parliament has rejected proposals to phase out free CO2 pollution credits for industries covered by the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), even as the bloc plans to gradually…

22 03 2021 | 09:34

Pushed past coping: IIED animation captures destruction of climate change loss and damage in Sierra Leone

A new animation from IIED – the second in a three-part series of animations on loss and damage caused by climate change in the least developed countries – shows the devastating loss and damage…

22 03 2021 | 09:03

Republicans' new favorite study trashes Biden's climate plans – but who's behind it?

Wyoming representative Liz Cheney says the study proves Biden’s policies would destroy state economies. But it has the oil and gas industry’s fingerprints all over it. Wyoming’s US representative,…

18 03 2021 | 09:03

Chris Packham: ‘We’re in deep s***. We need science more than ever’.

  Exclusive: Naturalist and TV presenter’s latest programme Animal Einsteins explores species’ intelligence and holds a critical mirror up to our own kind at a crucial moment in time, writes Harry…

18 03 2021 | 08:52

Climate crisis altering the flow of rivers worldwide, study suggests

Scientists have detected the ‘fingerprint’ of the climate crisis on increasing river flows in some regions and decreasing river flows in others. The climate crisis is altering the flow of rivers …

12 03 2021 | 14:43

When climate change and other emergencies threaten where we live, how will we manage our retreat?

Despite living in dynamic environments and facing an uncertain future due to climate change, New Zealanders generally expect their land and property rights will endure indefinitely.

12 03 2021 | 14:18

Global oil companies have committed to 'net zero' emissions. It's a sham.

The energy industry is like a smoker who goes from one pack a day to two – but claims they’re quitting because they switched to filtered cigarettes.

12 03 2021 | 14:14

The climate crisis can't be solved by carbon accounting tricks.

Disaster looms if big finance is allowed to game the carbon offsetting markets to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions.

12 03 2021 | 10:14

Smugglers Throw Migrants Overboard; at Least 20 Are Feared Drowned.

Several times in recent years, migrants trying to cross between Djibouti and Yemen have been thrown into the sea. ​​​​Smugglers threw 80 migrants into the sea between the Horn of Africa and the…

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