climate crisis

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16 11 2020 | 08:19

Trump Administration Removes Scientist in Charge of Assessing Climate Change.

WASHINGTON — The White House has removed the scientist responsible for the National Climate Assessment, the federal government’s premier contribution to climate knowledge and the foundation for…

16 11 2020 | 07:46

What would a Biden victory mean for the climate crisis?

Senior figures from across the world’s major economies have come together to condemn the US after it made its official exit from the Paris Agreement, a major international treaty aimed at delivering…

16 11 2020 | 07:27

Weatherwatch: conditions ripe in US for more dust bowl years.

Across Great Plains, dust levels rising due to farming methods and climate emergency.

16 11 2020 | 06:39

Severe forest fires have increased eightfold in western US since 1985, study finds.

Exclusive: The amount of land burning at ‘high severity’ is also accelerating due to climate change, researchers say. The number of severe forest fires across the western US has increased eightfold…

12 11 2020 | 08:25

If you think Covid is bad, wait until you hear about the climate crisis.

The climate won’t wait for us to sort out coronavirus, but rich people are still destroying it.       9 November 2020 The Guardian

10 11 2020 | 10:11

World is running out of time on climate, experts warn.

In wake of Covid, leading figures call for bold green measures to boost economy. World leaders are running out of time to forge a green recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, with only a year to go…

10 11 2020 | 09:28

‘Hypocrites and greenwash’: Greta Thunberg blasts leaders over climate crisis.

Greta Thunberg has blasted politicians as hypocrites and international climate summits as empty words and greenwash. Until humanity admits it has failed to tackle the climate crisis and begins…

05 11 2020 | 08:22

Tory MPs are right: the north needs a renaissance – but it's got to be green.

Places hollowed out by deindustrialisation could be at the forefront of an environmental revolution.

05 11 2020 | 08:21

We must not miss this glorious chance to address the climate and biodiversity crises.

If the government plots a green recovery from coronavirus, the benefits are endless. If it doesn’t, we’re screwed.

02 11 2020 | 07:35

David Attenborough warns coronavirus pandemic is threat to global climate action.

‘If you're faced with a crisis of the proportion of the epidemic they're facing, it's difficult to lift your eyes from immediate problems’ Sir David Attenborough has said the global focus on the …

02 11 2020 | 07:30

Bill Gates: Billionaire says buildings are biggest climate challenge as he prepares to release book on crisis.

'We don't have a way of making cement that doesn't involve substantial emissions,' Microsoft founder says. Buildings will be the most difficult innovation challenge of the climate crisis, Bill Gates…

02 11 2020 | 07:04

What are Biden's plans to fight climate change and does he support the Green New Deal?

Joe Biden winning the election could have a significant impact on the climate crisis and give the world a fighting chance of keeping global temperatures in check, scientists say.

30 10 2020 | 12:17

Mapped: How climate change disproportionately affects women’s health.

From supercharging extreme weather events to boosting the spread of infectious diseases, climate change is already having a huge impact on human health across the world.

30 10 2020 | 11:18

Biden seeks youth vote on climate change with animated ad on Adult Swim.

With less than a week until Election Day, Joe Biden’s presidential campaign is looking to bolster turnout among young people concerned about climate change. And it’s doing so with a new ad running…

30 10 2020 | 10:28

2020 likely to be one of warmest years on record despite La Niña.

Climate crisis exacerbates extreme weather during natural events, say experts. La Niña climate event is under way, heralding a colder and stormier winter than usual across the northern hemisphere,…

29 10 2020 | 14:54

One thing you can do: Vote

The United States is the world’s second-largest emitter of planet-warming greenhouse gasses and the presidential election next week will have a big impact on the extent to which those emissions are…

25 10 2020 | 10:54

Rewilding 30 per cent of world’s land would halt extinctions and ‘absorb half of CO2 emissions’, major study finds

30x30 goal ‘critical’ in preventing species loss and climate breakdown ‘spinning out of control’ Last month, political leaders from 64 countries around the world all pledged to “reverse biodiversity…

24 10 2020 | 11:51

Earth Just Had Its Hottest September Ever Recorded, NOAA Says

As the climate crisis fuels devastating wildfires across the western United States and melts Arctic sea ice at an alarming rate, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 

23 10 2020 | 11:48

Alaska's new climate threat: tsunamis linked to melting permafrost.

Scientists are warning of a link between rapid warming and landslides that could threaten towns and tourist attractions. In Alaska and other high, cold places around the world, new research shows…

22 10 2020 | 09:32

75 ways Trump made America dirtier and the planet warmer.

In the past four years, Trump has shredded environmental protections for American lands, animals and people. "I want crystal clean water and air." That's what Donald Trump said in the first chaotic…

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