solar energy

Αποτελέσματα 301 - 320 | από συνολικά 504
08 11 2019 | 06:35

Solarglass Can Survive a Two-Story Pumpkin Drop. Elon Musk Has Video.

Tesla’s Solarglass can survive a pumpkin being dropped from a two-story building, a Halloween-themed test of durability that may ease questions about how the product could fare against inclement…

02 11 2019 | 12:38

Africa's largest solar park is finished!

This inspiring video takes viewers inside one of the world’s largest solar parks, the huge plant at Benban in Egypt. The video includes exclusive footage of this modern-day miracle from space.…

30 10 2019 | 07:29

France's first floating solar power plant.

France has unveiled its first floating solar power plant. A total of 47,000 photovoltaic solar panels have been floated on the surface of a lake in Vaucluse in southern France. The project is the…

30 10 2019 | 07:06

Renewable energy is booming. But it’s not growing fast enough to fight climate change.

Nearly a third of the Earth’s electricity will come from renewables by 2024, according to the International Energy Agency. Renewable power capacity is expected to surge by 50% globally in the next…

29 10 2019 | 13:15

Do I detect a hint of sunlight? Australia’s wineries harvest solar energy.

Electricity is the single biggest cost incurred in the winemaking process. Looking to save on bills, and save the environment, wineries across Australia are rapidly up-taking solar PV. “Fill a glass…

24 10 2019 | 07:23

Renewable energy to expand by 50% in next five years - report.

Energy agency says solar power will drive faster than forecast growth in renewables. Global supplies of renewable electricity are growing faster than expected and could expand by 50% in the next…

19 10 2019 | 14:22

If You’re Already Replacing Your Roof, Why Not Turn It Into A Power Plant?

Every year, roughly 5% of U.S. homeowners gaze forlornly up at their aging and weathered shingles, sigh, and take the financial plunge to get a new roof.  Martin DeBono, President of GAF Energy, sees…

19 10 2019 | 10:34

Gulf sets a new global benchmark for solar energy production.

The submission of two tariffs below $1.8 cents a kilowatt-hour (kWh) for the fifth phase of Dubai’s Mohammed bin Rashid (MBR) renewable energy park marks the latest world record to be set by the Gulf…

19 10 2019 | 09:47

EDF Renewables commissions 130MWp in solar energy capacity in Egypt.

PARIS - EDF Renewables said it had commissioned 130 megawatt power worth of solar energy capacity in Egypt, as it steps up the pace of its development in North Africa.

17 10 2019 | 09:48

Industrial Applications of Renewable Energy.

We tend to blame meat-eaters and plastic-straw-users when it comes to climate change. However, according to a report released in 2017, only 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global greenhouse…

14 10 2019 | 10:04

Germany’s Bet on Solar Power May Get Lost in the Wind.

As Germany prepares to pass its climate protection plan through 2030, the government is trying to decide whether to prioritize solar or wind energy. The latest version of the plan leans toward solar…

14 10 2019 | 09:59

Solar PV prices fall to record lows in tender for 900MW solar park in Dubai.

A consortium led by Saudi Arabia-based ACWA Power had reportedly lodged a world record low price bid of $16.953 ($A25) a megawatt hour for a 900MW solar park in Dubai. The bid – reported by…

14 10 2019 | 09:45

National Renewable Energy Lab Studies Plants In Twin Falls Solar Field.

Over a dozen rows of blue solar panels stand in a grassy lot. This is the new solar field opened by Clif Bar. The panels will produce about a third of the energy needs for the company’s manufacturing…

09 10 2019 | 14:20

Trump Kills a Tariff Loophole in Latest Blow to Renewable Energy.

The Trump administration dealt a fresh blow to renewable energy developers on Friday by stripping away an exemption the industry was counting on to weather the president’s tariffs on imported panels.

09 10 2019 | 13:59

Community Microgrids: Renewables-Driven Resilience.

The Climate Crisis is very much in the news now. This is a global problem, but some of the solutions are happening at a local or regional level. Craig Lewis of the Clean Coalition gave a spirited…

06 10 2019 | 17:32

Feds Seek to Gut Law Boosting Small-Scale Renewables.

Since 1978, the federal Public Utilities Regulatory Act has boosted renewable energy by requiring big utilities to buy some power from small solar and wind companies. PURPA reduces the nation’s…

06 10 2019 | 17:27

How the U.S. Power grid is evolving to handle solar and wind.

As renewable energy sources move mainstream, electricity generation and distribution systems are getting an extreme makeover

01 10 2019 | 10:36

Can solar power shake up the energy market?

The classical Greek philosopher Socrates believed the ideal house should be warm in winter and cool in summer. With clarity of thought like that, it's easy to see how the great man got his reputation…

27 09 2019 | 10:54

Tanzania's Int'l Trade Show on Solar Products, Eqpts & Machinery (7-9/11/2019).

Solar returns to Tanzania at the Diamond Jubilee Expo Center, Dar-es-Salaam 5th Solar Africa 2019, East Africa's largest Solar Technology Products, Machinery and Equipment fair, is back again this…

23 09 2019 | 08:16

Over-capacity, water shortage and renewable power exerts pressure on thermal power plants.

According to the report three major challenges that are expected to intensify in the years ahead, are over-building of coal-fired capacity, declining water supplies and increasing competition from…