1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week "RE-Engineering Technical Education for the Big 4 Agenda “ Mombasa, Kenya 1st April 2019.

15 02 2019 | 12:49

1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week “RE-Engineering Technical Education for the Big 4 Agenda “ in Mombasa.


The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference & Innovation Week will take place in Mombasa on the following dates:

3rd-5th April 2019 ( Conference )

1-5th April 2019 (Innovation Week)

The Technical  University of Mombasa  call for abstracts and paper submission  contains 4 sub-themes:

  1. Renewable Energy and Green Concept
  2. Applied Science & Health Care Technology
  3. Engineering & Technology for the Next Generation
  4. Business Development & Entrepreneurship
  5. Tourism, Hospitality and Media Innovations
  6. Blue Economy Concept
  7. ICT innovation



Deadline for abstract submission: 25th February 2019

Deadline for paper submission: 11th March 2019

Conference Dates: 3th-5th April 2019



Category A “ TUM Staff (Free for the Best 20 Abstracts)” = 5,000 KES

Category B “Kenya and East African Paricipants” = USD 80 (KES 8,000.00)

Category C “Students (All) (Free for the Best 20 Abstracts/Posters)= USD 25 (KES 2,500.00)

Category D “International Participants” = USD 100 (KES 10,000.00)

Category E “Exhibitors” = KES 7,000


More information:


Email: conference@tum.ac.ke

Tel: 0723 843452/ (+254)41-2492222/3



15 February 2019

Technical  University of Mombasa 


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