Science – Technology – Innovation

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11 05 2021 | 09:56

U.K. Grid Installs New Kit to Stop Green Power Going to Waste.

National Grid Plc is installing new technology on the U.K. network that will remove bottlenecks of renewable power and free up enough power to supply a million homes that would otherwise be wasted.…

10 05 2021 | 14:26

Only one-third of increase in Africa electricity demand met by renewables.

Renewables supplied only a third of Africa’s electricity demand growth in 2020 according to energy think tank Ember’s The Global Electricity Review. The Global Electricity Review showed that wind…

10 05 2021 | 11:12

Rich nations’ climate targets will mean global heating of 2.4C – study.

Rise is a 0.2C improvement on previous forecast but still substantially above goal of Paris climate agreement. New climate targets announced by the US and other rich nations in recent weeks have put…

07 05 2021 | 09:53

COP25 and COP26 Presidents Urge Governments to Strengthen the Climate Ambition Alliance

UN Climate Change News - Ahead of this year’s UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow, the President of the conference, Mr. Alok Sharma, and the President of the UN Climate Change Conference…

06 05 2021 | 16:44

Consultants poised to make more than $1 billion from bankrupt Puerto Rico utility.

Huge consulting fees highlight systemic problems with reform of island utility. April 29, 2021 (IEEFA) ⎼ The transformation and financial restructuring of Puerto Rico’s bankrupt electric power…

06 05 2021 | 16:13

Costly electricity bars Kenya from becoming energy-secure country.

Expensive pricing has hit Kenya’s transition into an energy-secure country over the past decade, a new index shows, despite improvements in customer connections, uptake of renewable energy and high…

06 05 2021 | 16:03

Rotterdam, major port cities, push to become hydrogen hubs.

Hydrogen, produced without carbon emissions, will find use in many sectors of a future ‘hydrogen economy.’ Its high energy intensity can make it the basis of fuels that reduce carbon emissions in the…

06 05 2021 | 16:00

Oil prices set for massive plunge if Paris climate goals met by 2050.

The price of oil could plunge to as little as $10 a barrel by 2050 if the world succeeds in electrifying the energy market and meeting Paris Agreement goals, a consultancy said on Thursday.  Energy…

06 05 2021 | 11:43

The COP26 Climate Action Plan: Sign the letter

In 2020, Prime Minister Boris Johnson's UK government took the world-leading decision to put an end to public finance for fossil fuel projects(1) overseas. That same government should now take…

04 05 2021 | 11:40

Activists fight to save 550-year-old oak threatened by new Shrewsbury road.

Objectors say relief road contradicts council’s net zero target and will damage local wildlife sites. A 550-year-old tree known as “Darwin’s oak”, 4km of hedgerows and an internationally-renowned…

04 05 2021 | 11:37

Saudi Arabia bets the House on a greener planet.

As the House of Saud marks the 5th anniversary of the launch of the Kingdom’s ground-breaking Vision 2030 project, Oliver Poole in Riyadh examines its impact and why success is needed if the world is…

04 05 2021 | 11:30

Alarm as Florida Set to Begin Release of Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes.

Environmentalists and Florida residents voiced concern and outrage Monday as state government officials and the biotechnology giant Oxitec announced plans to move ahead this week with a pilot project…

04 05 2021 | 11:27

Earth Day: Teachers from every corner of the world call for quality climate change education for all.

Ahead of this year's Earth Day on April 22nd, Teachers from across the world have called for quality climate change education for all. Representing 32.5 million teachers and education support…

04 05 2021 | 11:21

Sort your greenwashing from your black carbon with The Independent’s climate jargon buster.

Live in a climate of confusion no longer. Here’s our handy guide to the essential words and terms required to understand the biggest issue facing our planet Bad things are happening and we need to…

04 05 2021 | 11:13

Revealed: UK solar projects using panels from firms linked to Xinjiang forced labour

Investigation finds up to 40% of UK solar farms were built using panels from leading Chinese companies. Solar projects commissioned by the Ministry of Defence, the government’s Coal Authority,…

04 05 2021 | 10:58

85% of Mexico Is in a Drought.

Lakes and reservoirs are drying up as 85% of Mexico is in a drought, with Mexico City in its worst drought in 30 years. Major reservoirs that supply the capital's 9 million residents are more than…

04 05 2021 | 10:51

Working Groups Develop Recommendations for Just, Inclusive Energy Transitions

Five technical working groups are revising draft reports that will feed into a global roadmap for achieving SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050, consistent with…

04 05 2021 | 10:27

Shell and BP bounce back into profit even as oil’s glory days fade.

Covid dealt fossil fuel giants a heavy blow, but demand is lifting revenues again in a last hurrah before decarbonisation.

04 05 2021 | 10:12

‘Insanely cheap energy’: how solar power continues to shock the world.

Australian smarts and Chinese industrial might made solar power the cheapest power humanity has seen – and no one saw it coming.

03 05 2021 | 08:23

School climate strikers urge boycott of Science Museum show over Shell deal

Group hits out at oil and gas firm’s sponsorship of Our Future Planet exhibition as ‘appalling’ Organisers of the school strike movement, in which tens of thousands of young people have taken to the…