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18 05 2021 | 06:58

African heads of states set for May 18 Paris summit on Covid and economic revival.

A dozen African leaders, several European leaders and a dozen heads of international organizations will be recieved on Tuesday by French president Emmanuel Macron for a summit on the revival of the…

18 05 2021 | 06:58

Kenya setting up emissions trading market, says Ukur Yatani.

Kenya aims to set up an emissions trading system that will allow companies and other bodies to buy emissions allowances, Treasury said on Tuesday, as the country strives to limit the release of…

18 05 2021 | 06:55

U.S. has entered unprecedented climate territory, EPA warns.

The Trump administration delayed the report, which cites urban heat waves and permafrost loss as signs of global warming, for three years For years, President Donald Trump and his deputies played…

18 05 2021 | 06:44

Half of emissions cuts will come from future tech, says John Kerry.

US climate envoy says people will not have to give up quality of life to achieve some of net zero goals. The US climate envoy, John Kerry, has said 50% of the carbon reductions needed to get to net…

18 05 2021 | 06:39

Youth activists urge bigger say in decision making for climate-hit Africans.

The young environmentalists are looking for a seat at the table when decisions are being made about their futures as climate impacts worsen across the continent LONDON - Young African environmental…

18 05 2021 | 06:34

Kenya starts its first national wildlife census.

Kenya began its first national wildlife census on Friday, aiming to aid conservation and identify threats to its vast but threatened wildlife populations. The census will run until July, with…

18 05 2021 | 06:25

Putting a dollar value on nature will give governments and businesses more reasons to protect it.

President Joe Biden calls climate change “the existential crisis of our time” and has taken steps to curb it that match those words. They include returning the U.S.

18 05 2021 | 06:20

UK vows to hold Cop26 in person amid uncertainty over whether delegates will be offered vaccines.

Prior to the pandemic, it was expected that 30,000 people would attend the Glasgow climate summit. The UK is still planning to host the upcoming global climate summit, known as Cop26, in person in…

18 05 2021 | 06:13

High mineral prices could slow down transition to clean energy, IEA warns.

Demand for metals used in solar panels, wind turbines and batteries is outstripping supply. High mineral prices could delay the global transition to clean energy as the demand for metals in solar…

15 05 2021 | 13:15

Moody’s: Global ESG trends amplified by green stimulus, climate policy and disclosure initiatives.

The impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in financial markets will accelerate in 2021 as the effect of government stimulus, decarbonisation policies and greater disclosure…

15 05 2021 | 13:11

UN: Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2021 Set to Boost Regional Climate Action.

UN Climate Change News, 11 May 2021 – The virtual thematic sessions of Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2021 (11 to 14 May), hosted by the Government of the Dominican Republic, kicked off…

15 05 2021 | 13:01

Tea-growing areas to be badly hit if global heating intensifies.

In Kenya, the area of optimal tea-growing conditions will be reduced by more than a quarter by 2050. Your morning cup of tea may never taste the same again if global heating increases and the…

15 05 2021 | 12:54

'Universal' faith in hydrogen could lock world into fossil fuel reliance: German study.

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research concludes electrification should lead with H2 reserved for decarbonising air travel and heavy-emitting industries. Hydrogen should be reserved for…

15 05 2021 | 12:50

Gigawatt-scale compressed air: World’s largest non-hydro energy-storage projects announced.

The two 500MW/5GWh 'advanced' compressed-air projects in California would each be bigger than the current record holder. A Canadian company has today announced that it is developing two 500MW/5GWh ‘…

15 05 2021 | 12:43

Africa offers opportunities for green growth in post-COVID-19 recovery.

Africa’s recovery pathway offers enormous opportunities, African Development Bank (AfDB) head said at the European Union-Africa Green Investment Forum. AfDB President Dr Akinwumi Adesina reminded…

15 05 2021 | 12:27

Plastic bag charge to rise to 10p in England from 21 May.

The charge will be extended to all businesses, previously it only applied to those with 250 employees or more. The single-use carrier bag charge will increase from 5p to 10p and extend to all…

15 05 2021 | 12:20

Biden reverses last-minute Trump effort to loosen Arctic drilling restrictions.

Joe Biden’s administration has reversed a last-minute push by Donald Trump to overturn drilling restrictions for the oil industry in the Arctic Ocean.

15 05 2021 | 12:01

SINV Europe 2021: Transparency is key for investors to reach goals of the Paris Agreement.

Part 3 and 4 of the Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2021 took place this week on the 20 & 22 April, convening stakeholders committed to driving forward the sustainable finance agenda from…

15 05 2021 | 12:00

Global alliance for phasing out coal not fit for purpose, says NGO

Powering Past Coal Alliance accused of failing to follow up on pledges as many countries expand use of coal. An attempt by the UK government to encourage countries and businesses around the world to…

14 05 2021 | 14:40

Middle East oil producers move to maximize oil assets amid grim revenue future

Within the last month, Saudi Arabia’s state oil giant Aramco has announced the sale of a minority—but large—stake in its pipeline business, the possibility to sell another 1 percent of its stock, and…