Science – Technology – Innovation

Αποτελέσματα 1081 - 1100 | από συνολικά 4183
02 06 2021 | 18:38

Australian court finds government has duty to protect young people from climate crisis.

Eight teenagers, along with 86-year-old nun, launched case to prevent the approval of a massive coalmine. The federal court of Australia has found the environment minister, Sussan Ley, has a duty of…

02 06 2021 | 11:26

GREENPEACE AFRICA: Africa is not a dumping ground!

Say it with me: Africa is not a dumping ground!

02 06 2021 | 11:10

Mozambique launches build of new $1bn power projects.

Temane initiative is a regional game-changer, says developer. Maputo  — Mozambique on Monday began construction of gas-to-power plant and transmission line projects worth $1bn in the southern…

02 06 2021 | 10:52

EPA suggests FERC consider gas pipelines as potential stranded assets.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency staked out a new position on federal reviews of interstate natural gas pipelines, advising the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to weigh the potential for…

02 06 2021 | 10:25

South Korea pension fund will limit investments in coal-tied sectors.

South Korea’s National Pension Service, the world’s third-largest retirement fund, “will adopt investment-restriction strategies” for coal-mining and power-generation industries, another sign of…

02 06 2021 | 10:13

Illinois, Exelon hit impasse over subsidies to prevent nuke closures.

With two more days until the scheduled adjournment of the General Assembly’s spring legislative session, negotiations on a high-stakes deal to steer Illinois away from carbon-causing energy sources…

02 06 2021 | 10:01

Chinese regulators urged to tighten rules for carbon neutral bonds.

Bond proceeds going to coal-dominated state-owned enterprises – ESG investors beware China’s carbon neutral bonds fail to restrict the use of funds to green projects and are adding to the working…

01 06 2021 | 17:13

UN: Progress Urged as May-June Climate Change Conference Opens in Preparation for COP26.

UN Climate Change News, 31 May 2021 – Against the backdrop of a new international warning that the world is dangerously close to exceeding the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global temperature rise…

01 06 2021 | 10:44

New IEA scenario finds fossil fuel expansion is needless and incompatible with 1.5°C

IEA’s modeling of a 1.5°C-aligned energy scenario shows there is no room for investment in oil, gas and coal in a net zero pathway. MAY 18, 2021 -The release of a 1.5°C-aligned energy scenario from…

01 06 2021 | 09:59

Greece adds gloss as Lightsource BP cracks second new solar market in a week.

Joint venture co-owned by supermajor links with local player and takes big share of spoils in Greek government renewable energy auction Lightsource BP – the solar developer half-owned by oil…

30 05 2021 | 17:55

Prince Charles: small-scale family farms must be at heart of sustainable future.

Exclusive: ‘Rapid transition to regenerative farming’ needed, says prince, as data reveals 100,000 UK farms lost since 1990. The Prince of Wales has called for small family farmers in the UK and…

30 05 2021 | 17:52

A Leaking Oil Refinery on St. Croix Gives Biden His First Environmental Justice Test

A controversial oil refinery on St. Croix, one of the U.S. Virgin Islands, is in the government's crosshairs after a third incident in just three months has sickened people.

30 05 2021 | 17:46

UK Government urged to use geothermal to aid the green recovery.

The Renewable Energy Association (REA) has released a new report with ARUP which details how geothermal can be used to aid the green recovery. The Association for Renewable Energy and Clean…

30 05 2021 | 17:14

Big Oil’s Climate-Change Takedown Arrives With Stunning Rebukes

Fresh from striking a hammer blow in the boardrooms of the world’s biggest oil companies, the climate movement has a clear message: the energy transition is happening and there’s no turning back.

30 05 2021 | 17:08

Chance for extractive industries to support an inclusive and sustainable recovery

UN Secretary-General calls for sea-change in extractive industries as crucial ingredient in COVID-19 recovery, addressing inequalities and climate action  New York, 25 May 2021—United Nations…

30 05 2021 | 17:04

Climate change added $8 billion to Hurricane Sandy’s damages, study says

A new study says climate change added $8 billion to the massive costs of 2012's Superstorm Sandy Climate change-triggered sea level rise added $8 billion in damage during 2012’s Superstorm Sandy,…

30 05 2021 | 17:00

Petition calls for smoking ban on all Spanish beaches.

More than 283,000 back call to rid Spain’s coastline of smoke and discarded cigarette butts. A petition signed by more than 283,000 people calling on Spain to ban smoking at all its beaches has been…

30 05 2021 | 16:50

Biden Orders Gov. Agencies to Address Financial Climate Change Risks

President Biden on Thursday 

30 05 2021 | 16:41

In Historic Move, Chile Unanimously Approves Ambitious Single-Use Plastics Law

In a historic move, Chile's legislature has unanimously passed a plastic regulation law that advocates say will reduce the country's plastic waste by more than 23,000 tons every year. The new law…

30 05 2021 | 16:29

Shell forced to slash global emissions after landmark court ruling.

Activist groups hail ‘historic win’ as Dutch court orders multinational fossil fuel company to cut CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030. Climate activists who have taken fossil fuel giant Royal Dutch Shell …