Science – Technology – Innovation

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23 04 2021 | 10:43

Namibia: Indigenous leaders want big oil out of Kavango Basin.

ReconAfrica believes the Kavango Basin in Namibia and Botswana could generate billions of barrels of oil, but environmentalists and Indigenous leaders want the area to remain untouched. Windhoek,…

23 04 2021 | 10:32

A rare tropical cyclone is approaching one of Africa's most populated cities

(CNN)A rare tropical cyclone is approaching Tanzania and could become the first cyclone to make landfall in the nation in modern records. Tropical Cyclone Jobo, located near Madagascar in the South…

23 04 2021 | 08:02

Rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide continues unabated.

Despite Covid-induced reductions in industrial activity last year, climate concerns remain. Every day, above where this column appears in the newspaper, the latest daily atmospheric carbon dioxide…

23 04 2021 | 07:30

Global carbon dioxide emissions are set for their second-biggest increase in history.

New IEA report sees global energy-related CO2 emissions rising by 1.5 billion tonnes in 2021, driven by a strong rebound in demand for coal in electricity generation. Global energy-related carbon…

22 04 2021 | 23:05

United Nations Secretary-General’s remarks to Leader Summit on Climate.

Friends,   Thank you, President Biden, for bringing us together to focus on the existential threat of climate change.     Mother Nature is not waiting.     The past decade was the hottest on record…

21 04 2021 | 06:37

Financing the Race to Zero’ Takes Centre Stage at We Don’t Have Time Exponential Climate Action Summit.

Top Climate Economist Lord Stern Will Say Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050 is the Growth Story of the 21st Century. We Don’t Have Time, Exponential Roadmap Initiative and Grantham Institute,…

21 04 2021 | 06:24

Greta Thunberg, climate and environment activist, joins World Health Organization’s call for vaccine equity.

The Greta Thunberg Foundation to donate 100,000 Euros to support vaccine equity

21 04 2021 | 06:17

Earth Day 2021: When is it and how are people marking global day of environmental action?

As the climate emergency deepens, each successive Earth Day takes on a greater urgency in the fight against the global crisis. Celebrated every year on April 22, the international day of…

21 04 2021 | 06:13

A great deception’: oil giants taken to task over ‘greenwash’ ads.

ClientEarth calls for tobacco-like health warnings on advertisements from fossil fuel firms. Some of the world’s biggest fossil fuel companies have used advertising to “greenwash” their ongoing…

21 04 2021 | 06:11

Climate crisis: ‘Humans are intruders’ and the natural world is better off without us, says Sir David Attenborough

Legendary naturalist explores lockdown’s influence on the environment in new documentary. Sir David Attenborough has said that human beings have a duty to remember that we are “intruders” and “…

20 04 2021 | 14:57

Kenya warns of 'vaccine apartheid' as it hits back at the UK over travel ban move

Kenya has sounded the alarm over a potential coronavirus "vaccine apartheid" playing out between countries, as it accused the United Kingdom of instituting a "discriminatory policy" after London…

20 04 2021 | 14:46

New Report Warns Climate Change Will Accelerate Global Instability.

Climate change, the coronavirus pandemic, and growing inequality will exacerbate global volatility over the coming decades, a report by top U.S. intelligence officials released Thursday warns.

20 04 2021 | 14:34

The Guardian view on peat: keep it in the ground.

A target for phasing out its use in gardens was missed last year, and campaigners are right to demand action

20 04 2021 | 14:02

Kenya Lamu mosque: Anger over T-shirt worn by Jay-Z. P

A US-based designer has apologised for using a portrait of a historic mosque in Kenya's island of Lamu on a T-shirt worn by celebrity Jay-Z, an official in charge of the site has told the BBC.…

20 04 2021 | 12:57

Mississippi Power to close last coal plant, three gas-fired facilities by 2027.

Southern Co.’s Mississippi Power subsidiary will close the last of its coal-fired power plants, as well as aging, inefficient natural gas ones, as part of its first-ever comprehensive long-term…

20 04 2021 | 12:54

CEO of Poland’s PGE utility acknowledges need ‘to move away from coal’.

Coal has obviously to be scrapped as a power source, the CEO of the Polish group which owns the EU’s biggest carbon-emitting power plant said on Thursday, underscoring a policy shift in a country…

20 04 2021 | 12:35

Coal financing costs have surged in past 10 years—University of Oxford.

Coal financing costs have surged over the last decade as investors demand returns four times as high as the payoff required from renewable energy projects to justify the risk of investing in fossil…

20 04 2021 | 12:29

Group of U.S. utilities backs proposal to cut carbon emissions by 80% by 2030.

A group of U.S. electricity companies wrote to President Joe Biden this week saying it will work with his administration and Congress to design a broad set of policies to reach a near-term goal of…

20 04 2021 | 12:25

Stranded asset risks for gas investments climbing quickly.

Natural gas is falling out of favor with emissions-wary investors and utilities at a quicker pace than coal did, catching some power generators unaware and potentially leaving them stuck with…

20 04 2021 | 11:19

How large miners and states stifle local capital and innovation in DR Congo

Over the last few decades, African governments have removed restrictions on and privatised their mining industries, attracting significant foreign direct investment.