About the event
Date : 30 September, 2019 - 1 October, 2019
Location : CCD, Dublin, Ireland
The annual Ocean Energy Europe Conference & Exhibition is the meeting point for the whole ocean…
The Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (GORD) announces the 6th edition of its annual Sustainability Summit 2019 taking place on October 15 & 16at Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Doha, Qatar.…
Greening the Islands conferences to focus on making circular economy and sustainable tourism a reality on islands.
Palermo this year will host the 6th international conference and the 4th Greening…
New York - Networks representing more than 7,000 higher and further education institutions from 6 continents announced that they are declaring a Climate Emergency, and agreed to undertake a three-…
Despite the rapid growth of renewable energy over the past decade, fossil fuels still dominate global energy consumption -- providing for 85% of global energy needs in 2018, according to BP's…
As Daniela Orozco picks off excess plastic bordering a 3D-printed box, she recalls how many homeless people she saw on her way to school when she was a high school freshman.
Just one.
This month, officials in Los Angeles, California, are expected to approve a deal that would make solar power cheaper than ever while also addressing its chief flaw: It works only when the sun shines…
WASHINGTON — When almost a month’s worth of rain deluged this city on Monday morning, turning streets into rivers and basements into wading pools, it showed just how vulnerable cities with aging…
On the heels of the polarizing “Green New Deal,” the BlueGreen Alliance has released a “Solidarity for Climate Action” plan. The plan is the product of a partnership between 14 organized labor and…
Living sustainably doesn’t mean you have to live without luxuries but instead be aware of your resource consumption and choose options that reduce unnecessary waste.
Urban consumption contributes 10…
The new wave of sustainable jeans is here.T
Denim producers, Blackhorse Lane Ateliers allow transparency – fashions latest buzz – by inviting potential customers into their factory to present to…
MODERN lifestyles depend on a variety of energy sources for everyday needs, ranging from food production to the transport of goods and people, to heating and lighting. These energy sources, if not…
Περισσότερα από 1 στα 10 παιδιά, ήτοι 20 εκατομμύρια παγκοσμίως, έχασαν πέρυσι τη δυνατότητα να εμβολιαστούν για απειλητικές ασθένειες, όπως η ιλαρά, η διφθερίτιδα και ο τέτανος, έγινε χθες γνωστό…
As concern for the environment grows across the globe, around 350 young leaders from more than 50 countries today discussed solutions, examining innovative examples and best practices as they met at…
Finland, Sweden, Portugal, France and Germany are often seen as “climate leaders” when it comes to setting ambitious carbon reduction objectives for 2050. However, they lack concrete measures to…
Sir David Attenborough, perhaps the world's oldest environmentalist at 93, has told British politicians they can't be "radical enough" in dealing with the threat of climate change.
He's warned a…
Thai energy conglomerate PTT Pcl is boosting investments in electricity generation, particularly renewables, given what it says is a “highly uncertain” outlook for oil over the next year.
The European Commission registered an official petition on Wednesday (7 July) that calls on the EU executive to set up a minimum carbon price, “discourage the consumption of fossil fuels” and keep…