EuroSun 2020 - Late Abstract Submissions until 01 June

The organisers of the EuroSun 2020 are very pleased with the high number of abstracts received so far from authors throughout Europe and the world, and thank all the authors that have submitted their work for presentation at the conference. The first round of abstract review has started.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused uncertainties globally about the future, especially in regard to in-person conferences and international travel. The planning of the EuroSun 2020 is currently proceeding as planned, and we are monitoring the situation and following the recommendations of national and international public health authorities.
We are exploring the option for the EuroSun 2020 to be held virtually (on-line). Given the critical importance of the EuroSun 2020 to provide a platform to discuss and explore the latest developments in solar energy and trends that are shaping the renewable energy transformation, the organisers of EuroSun 2020 want to ensure that everyone can participate.
Late submission of abstracts is still possible until 01 June to allow authors who may be uncertain about travel or other issues related to an in-person conference to submit their work with the assurance that participation will be possible in some way.
Rest assured that we are continuing our efforts to bring you a high-quality scientific event you know from ISES conferences, either in-person or virtually and we look forward to your participation!
We look forward to your submissions!
Call for Abstracts
We cordially invite you to submit your latest and best results as an abstract for EuroSun 2020.
Abstracts are welcome on the following conference topics:
• Solar Buildings
• Solar Assisted District Heating and Cooling
• Solar Heat for Industrial Processes
• Domestic Hot Water and Space Heating
• PV and PVT Systems for Buildings and Industry
• Solar Thermal Collectors and Solar Loop Components
• Thermal Storage
• Testing & Certification
• Solar Resource and Energy Meteorology
• Solar Education
• Renewable Energy Strategies, Policies, Scientists for Future
• Renewable Energy Solutions for Isolated Systems (i.e. Islands)
• Renewable Energy Systems and Spatial Energy Planning
Deadline for all abstract submissions is 1 June 2020.
26 Μay 2020