Adidas sold 1 million shoes made out of ocean plastic in 2017

Adidas sold 1 million shoes made out of ocean plastic last year, CEO Kasper Rorsted told CNBC on Wednesday.

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World-first: ZX Lidars achieves wind Lidar measurements from a drone

Leading wind Lidar developer, ZX Lidars, has successfully demonstrated the use of Drone Wind Lidar to accurately measure the wind in what is believed to be a world-first

Technology Solutions
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Germany to shutter all 84 coal-fired plants to fight climate change

Germany is planning to shut down all 84 of its coal-fired power plants over a 19-year span in an effort to combat climate change. 

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'Our house is on fire': Greta Thunberg, 16, urges leaders to act on climate

Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire.

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Bali to impose ‘tourist tax’ for plastic pollution

Bali have announced plans to implement a tourist tax which targets plastic pollution.

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2019 set to deliver big jump in atmospheric CO2

Scientists are looking ahead to a “worrying” jump in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations this year, right on the heels of a report de

Climate Environment
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Solar, wind, storage set for breakout year thanks to "remorseless" cost reductions

World-wide renewable generation capacity could grow by more than 200 gigawatts this year, thanks to“remorseless reductions in the costs of solar and wind electricity and of lithium-ion batteries,” according to a commentary published earlier this month by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

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India is now a world leader in renewable energy. Here's how

Developing nations are now driving the world’s gradual shift towards renewable energy, and India has become one of the leaders of the pack.

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How to solve the world's plastics problem: Bring back the milk man

It’s the early 1960s. Girls are fainting over the Beatles, Sean Connery is James Bond and a revolutionary trend is sweeping the United States: Plastic.

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Fast food giants under fire on climate and water usage

A coalition of investors is calling on McDonalds, KFC, and other fast food suppliers to take swift action on climate change. The group, with around $6.5 trillion under management, want the chains to cut carbon and water risks in their dairy and meat suppliers.

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The future of renewable energy in Africa is bright

With more than 640 million people in Africa with no access to energy and investors looking for cheaper and reliable sources of power, there is no doubt that renewable energy is the future for Africa.

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Investor group opposes General Electric plans for Kenyan power plant

NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A group of investors in U.S. conglomerate General Electric (GE) has publicly opposed its plans to buy a stake in a Kenyan coal-fired plant, claiming the project would damage the environment and undermine efforts to fight global warming.

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Saudi Arabia needs to invest $21 bln in power sector by 2022: APICORP

Saudi Arabia will need to invest $21 billion to increase the country’s electricity generation capacity to 92 gigawatts (GW) by 2022, Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP) said in a recent report.

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Africa: 'Food Shocks' Increasing in Frequency Over Last Five Decades, Report Says

New York — Food shocks, or sudden losses of crops, livestock or fish, due to the combination of extreme weather conditions and geopolitical events like war, increased from 1961 to 2013, said researchers at The University of Tasmania in a report released Monday.

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Africa: Investors Call On McDonald's and KFC to Step Up Climate Change Action

Rome — An investor group managing some $6.5 trillion on Tuesday called on six of the world's largest fast food restaurants, including McDonald's, KFC and Burger King, to reduce their planet-harming greenhouse gas emissions and water use.

Climate Environment
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Waitrose and Partners launch £1 million initiative for plastic pollution

Waitrose and Partners have launched a £1 million fund which will be used to target plastic pollution. The initiative is aimed at awarding money to projects that can demonstrate an impact on plastic pollution now and in the future.

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Arctic region experiencing its warmest century in over 115,000 years

Climate change is revealing Arctic landscapes that haven't been seen in over 40,000 years. Arctic temperatures are increasing faster than the Northern Hemisphere average due to strong positive feedbacks unique to Polar Regions.

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Corporate wind energy PPAs are booming

Companies around Europe have now signed 

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EU solar demand to reach 30 GW in 2022

According to a new report from Agora Energiewende and Sandbag, the EU solar market grew around 60%, or 10 GW, last year.

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