climate change

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16 06 2021 | 08:54

World’s soils ‘under great pressure’, says UN pollution report.

Soils provide 95% of all food but are damaged by industrial, farming, mining and urban pollution. The world’s soils, which provide 95% of humanity’s food, are “under great pressure”, according to a…

16 06 2021 | 08:52

Investors managing $41 trillion in assets urge governments for ambitious climate policy ahead of COP

57 investors managing more than US$41 trillion in assets have released a new joint statement to all world governments urging a global race-to-the-top on climate policy and warning that laggards will…

16 06 2021 | 08:12

South Korea to Plant 3 Billion Trees to Help Reach Carbon Neutrality by 2050

World Economic Forum's global initiative the Tree Trillion campaign aims to plant one trillion trees by 2030. The South Korean Forest Service is planning to contribute to this initiative by planting…

15 06 2021 | 15:17

Swiss voters reject new climate law to help cut carbon emissions.

Defeat will make it ‘very difficult’ to reach 2050 net zero target, says government minister Swiss voters have rejected a new law which was proposed to help the country meet its target for cutting …

15 06 2021 | 14:43

Drought Fuels Conflict in Klamath Basin.

The massive drought parching the American West has reached a (dry) boil in the Klamath Basin along the California-Oregon border as climate change drives conflict between Native American tribes,…

15 06 2021 | 13:53

Sexual violence along pipeline route follows Indigenous women’s warnings.

The $2,9bn Line 3 pipeline has brought thousands of workers to Minnesota – and one crisis center has received more than 40 reports of harassment and abuse. On 15 May, a woman met a pipeline worker…

15 06 2021 | 13:09

G7 summit protests – in pictures.

Protesters turn out in support of a range of causes as the leaders of Group of Seven nations meet for the forum’s 47th summit in Cornwall Marvina Newton of United For Black Lives. Protestors in…

15 06 2021 | 12:16

Where is Sub-Saharan Africa in the race to net-zero?

African governments face more immediately pressing economic needs than zero emissions. But meeting those needs and growing the continent’s economies will depend on their energy systems evolving,…

15 06 2021 | 10:02

G7 leaders face make-or-break moment in climate crisis.

Analysis: message in Cornwall is clear – leaders must act now or go down in history as the ones who threw away last-ditch chance

14 06 2021 | 09:58

Arctic coastal sea ice thinning twice as fast than thought.

Research based on ice-thickness data from ESA’s CryoSat and Envisat missions along with a new model of snow has revealed that sea ice in the coastal regions of the Arctic may be thinning twice as…

14 06 2021 | 09:53

UK banks to reveal exposure to climate crisis for first time

Bank of England to examine risks rising temperatures and sea levels could pose for financial system UK banks will for the first time be forced to reveal their exposure to the climate crisis,…

14 06 2021 | 09:44

G7 nations committing billions more to fossil fuel than green energy.

In spite of green rhetoric, money has piled into aviation and car industries since start of pandemic, report finds. The nations that make up the G7 have pumped billions of dollars more into fossil…

14 06 2021 | 09:30

Any Reform of Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Must Include Environmental Justice

Drilling and refining has often come at the expense of Black communities, engulfing our neighborhoods with massive amounts of toxic pollution.

14 06 2021 | 09:26

Low Clean-Energy Spending in Poor Countries Puts Climate Goals in Peril

Investments in developing markets need to reach $1 trillion by 2030, up from just $150 billion last year, according to a new IEA report. As the world’s richest economies invest in new and cleaner…

14 06 2021 | 09:01

Climate tipping points could topple like dominoes, warn scientists.

Analysis shows significant risk of cascading events even at 2C of heating, with severe long-term effects. Ice sheets and ocean currents at risk of climate tipping points can destabilise each other…

14 06 2021 | 08:47

Australian coal burnt overseas creates nearly twice the nation’s domestic emissions.

New data comes amid warning that world’s growing awareness of coal exports’ impact risks further damaging Australia’s reputation on climate. Emissions from coal mined in Australia but exported and…

14 06 2021 | 08:44

350,000 people in famine conditions in Ethiopia’s Tigray

Millions more across Tigray require urgent food and agriculture support to avert further slide towards famine, an analysis says. Some 350,000 people in Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region are facing…

14 06 2021 | 08:38

Extremophiles could hold clues for climate change-tackling technologies.

Microscopic organisms known as extremophiles inhabit some of the last places on Earth you might expect to find life, from the extreme pressures of the ocean floor to freezing ice caps. Understanding…

14 06 2021 | 08:34

‘Never, ever give up’, Mckibben says, as TC energy cancels keystone XL

It took nearly five months, after U.S. President Joe Biden dealt a death blow to the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office. But Calgary-based pipeliner TC Energy finally, formally cancelled…

14 06 2021 | 08:12

9 Staggering Facts From David Attenborough’s New Devastating Documentary on Climate Change

It’s a tough watch, but it shows that if we bring down emissions now we can avoid a tipping point. And it's neatly broken down into easy-to-understand sections, making Breaking Boundaries: The…