climate change

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28 06 2021 | 09:41

Record-Breaking Heat Is a Clear Sign of Climate Change.

A heat wave scorched the U.S. West just before the official start of summer, bringing record-breaking temperatures, worsening a dangerous drought and offering yet another example of how the climate…

28 06 2021 | 09:11

High greenhouse gas emitters should pay for carbon they produce, says IMF

Companies should be subject to globally agreed carbon floor price to reach Paris climate goals. Companies with high greenhouse gas emissions should be subject to a carbon price of $75 a tonne of…

28 06 2021 | 09:07

Record-shattering heat wave bakes western US, raising drought and fire concerns

Summer has yet to officially begin and temperatures are soaring, bringing bad air quality and worsening the mega-drought This week the temperatures hit 106F (41C) in Billings, in southern Montana.…

25 06 2021 | 11:50

Glaciers All Over the World Are Shrinking Fast—See for Yourself.

Advances in satellite technology reveal ice masses in Alaska and Asia have lost 4% of their volume in less than a decade. Glaciers in the Gulf of Alaska and in Asia’s High Mountain region are…

25 06 2021 | 11:32

UK less prepared for climate crisis now than five years ago, government advisers warn

Worsening effects threaten country’s ability to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, experts say The UK is less prepared now than it was five years ago for the escalating effects of the climate…

25 06 2021 | 10:30

Baringa and BlackRock enter long-term climate partnership

BlackRock, Inc. and Baringa Partners have announced a long-term climate partnership. The partnership will see BlackRock acquire and integrate Baringa’s industry-leading Climate Change Scenario Model…

25 06 2021 | 10:00

UK refuses to commit to immediate lowering of air pollution limits.

Government accused of disregarding coroner’s words about death of Ella Kissi-Debrah, aged 9. The government has refused to commit to an immediate lowering of legal levels of air pollution as a…

25 06 2021 | 09:58

Cloud spraying and hurricane slaying: how ocean geoengineering became the frontier of the climate crisis

Around the world, dozens of ingenious projects are trying to ‘trick’ the ocean into absorbing more CO2. But critics warn of unforeseen consequences. Tom Green has a plan to tackle climate change.…

25 06 2021 | 09:56

Belgium’s climate failures violate human rights, court rules.

Judges say state’s failure to meet climate targets breaches civil law and human rights convention. Belgium’s failure to meet climate targets is a violation of human rights, a Brussels court has…

25 06 2021 | 09:50

Arizona to Use People in Prison to Fight Its Wildfires, Pay $1.50 an Hour

As extreme heat, drought, and wildfires spread across the state, Arizona is allocating funding to pay incarcerated people fighting those wildfires $1.50 per hour. Incarcerated people clearing brush…

25 06 2021 | 09:45

High Levels of Mercury Found in Greenland's Glaciers

When British environmental geochemist Jon Hawkings arrived in Greenland for the first time in 2012, he was impressed. "It's mind-blowing: You look onto the horizon and it's just ice and it goes on…

25 06 2021 | 09:40

On Climate Crisis and COVID-19, G7 Is Judged a 'Colossal Failure'

Anti-poverty groups, climate campaigners, and public health experts reacted with outrage and howls of disappointment Sunday after the G7 leaders who spent the weekend at a summit in Cornwall, England…

25 06 2021 | 09:37

Bangladesh Offers a Model for Climate Migration

New research points to ways migrant-friendly cities with low-cost housing and job opportunities are helping those fleeing the effects of climate change. Bangladesh faces a worsening climate…

25 06 2021 | 08:03

How to do a more carbon-neutral supermarket shop.

The popularity of plant-based diets continues to grow around the world, but the indent of your carbon footprint probably isn’t at the forefront of your mind when doing your weekly supermarket shop.

24 06 2021 | 09:55

IPCC steps up warning on climate tipping points in leaked draft report

Scientists increasingly concerned about thresholds beyond which recovery may become impossible. Climate scientists are increasingly concerned that global heating will trigger tipping points in Earth…

23 06 2021 | 14:22

Pollution could be sucking the youth out of you, quite literally.

Our messy ways were bound to catch up to us at some point. Exposure to pollution in all its forms could be making us age faster, according to new research.

23 06 2021 | 13:14

The Race to Build Solar Power in the Desert — and Protect Rare Plants and Animals

The Biden administration greenlighted a major new solar development in May. The Crimson Solar Project will stretch across 2,500 acres of public lands in the desert of Southern California and provide…

23 06 2021 | 11:14

Proposed global roadmap shows how universal access to sustainable energy can be achieved by 2030, transforming the lives of millions

Major commitments to be announced at Ministerial Forums on 21-25 June to accelerate access and transition to clean energy by 2030 New York – Everyone in the world could have access to clean,…

22 06 2021 | 10:02

Group of EU states push back on using green finance rules in public spending

* Czech Republic, Bulgaria among states warning on use of rulebook * Taxonomy aims to boost green private investments * Commission wants rules to guide COVID-19 recovery cash The European Union's…

22 06 2021 | 09:57

DRC copper holds key to greening global economy, says mining magnate

Robert Friedland says country has the best deposits of the metal, used in everything from electric cars to solar panels. An African nation emerging from decades of conflict and corruption holds the…