climate change

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26 05 2021 | 09:12

Enbridge Pipeline Day of Reckoning? Indigenous Rights Groups Join Michigan Gov. Whitmer in Demanding Shutdown.

Indigenous rights and climate action groups are set to hold an "Evict Enbridge" celebration on Wednesday and Thursday to mark Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's deadline for Canadian oil and gas…

26 05 2021 | 08:57

5 Ways the World Bank’s Climate Action Plan Could Go Further.

The recent 2021 World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund spring meetings took place during challenging times. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused loss of life and exacerbated global poverty and…

26 05 2021 | 08:53

Warming is clearly visible in new US ‘climate normal’ datasets.

Anyone who listens to weather reports has heard meteorologists comment that yesterday’s temperature was 3 degrees above normal, or last month was much drier than normal. But what does “normal” mean…

26 05 2021 | 08:47

Australia’s big banks reject Nationals’ claims managing climate risk is ‘virtue signalling’

Major banks say Australia’s international trading partners require the sector to identify and disclose climate risk on their balance sheets. Australia’s big banks have declared they need to actively…

26 05 2021 | 08:38

BlackRock Backed Climate Proposals, But Key Votes Are Yet to Come

The money manager’s first-quarter stewardship report shows that it’s been more willing to stand up to management, while activists are looking ahead. BlackRock Inc. disclosed that over the first…

26 05 2021 | 08:33

The world’s largest iceberg broke off Antarctica’s Renn Ice Shelf. Named A-76, it heads into the Weddell Sea and is 5-times larger than New York city.

An enormous iceberg broke off the Ronne Ice Shelf in Antarctica, moving into the Weddell Sea. It is over 4,300 square kilometers in size and is now the largest iceberg in the world. The iceberg is…

26 05 2021 | 08:19

Influential investor joins shareholder rebellion over Shell’s climate plan.

Legal & General Investment Management, Britain’s biggest fund manager, piles pressure on oil firm Britain’s biggest fund manager has piled pressure on Shell after joining a shareholder rebellion…

26 05 2021 | 08:17

How has our thinking on the climate crisis changed? – podcast

When the Guardian began reporting on the climate crisis 70 years ago, people were worried that warmer temperatures would make it harder to complain about the weather. Today it is the biggest…

26 05 2021 | 08:14

Parched Taiwan prays for rain as Sun Moon Lake is hit by drought.

Taps are now shut off two days a week, and worse is to come unless action is taken on climate crisis Taiwan’s Sun Moon Lake is so low that parts of it have dried and turned to grass. Jetties that…

26 05 2021 | 08:11

Climate and COVID-19 crises both need feminism – here's why.

People all over the world are reeling from the one-two punch of climate change and COVID-19. The overlapping crises are exposing and intensifying patterns of disadvantage, marginalization and…

26 05 2021 | 08:09

Air pollution linked to ‘huge’ rise in child asthma GP visits.

Exclusive: consultations for asthma and other respiratory infections go up with increased dirty air, finds study A “huge” increase in the number of visits to doctors by children with asthma problems…

26 05 2021 | 08:00

Richest nations agree to end support for coal production overseas.

G7 countries reaffirm commitment to limit global heating to 1.5C after nearly two days of wrangling. The world’s richest nations have agreed to end their financial support for coal development…

26 05 2021 | 07:49

The Particular Psychology of Destroying a Planet.

What kind of thinking goes into engaging in planetary sabotage? Two weeks ago, I looked at the question of the anxiety that the climate crisis is causing our psyches. But, if you think about it,…

26 05 2021 | 07:39

Opinion: Keeping fossil fuels in the ground is the only corporate strategy possible.

The net-zero road map published this week by the International Energy Agency shows a way forward to a new, cleaner world in line with the Paris Agreement, but the task ahead is massive and companies…

26 05 2021 | 07:23

No place for new fossil fuels if world is to reach net zero by 2050, says landmark report.

Roadmap comes just months before UK hosts major global climate summit. There is no place for new fossil fuel projects if the world is to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, according to a landmark…

25 05 2021 | 15:06

Paris Reinforce: Join us for the presentation of ‘From Numbers to Insights: How to think about economic-climate modelling’ - 26/5/2021

Economic-climate models are a powerful tool for providing insight into sensible climate policy choices and how they would impact our economy. As the EU announces stricter climate targets, there are…

25 05 2021 | 13:56

Extreme Weather Displaces Record Numbers of People as Temperatures Rise

Storms, floods, wildfires and droughts drove more than 30 million people from their homes last year, as rising temperatures wrought extra chaos on the climate, according to a report published…

25 05 2021 | 13:33

Pathway to critical and formidable goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 is narrow but brings huge benefits, according to IEA special report.

World’s first comprehensive energy roadmap shows government actions to rapidly boost clean energy and reduce fossil fuel use can create millions of jobs, lift economic growth and keep net zero in…

25 05 2021 | 13:25

Crying about hamburgers is dead-end on climate crisis, Republicans warned

Congressman Peter Meijer, 33, warns that false claims of a burger ban or blaming immigrants risk losing the young generation. Lies that hamburgers will be banned, conspiracy-laden claims of…

25 05 2021 | 13:24

Land-Use Change Has Affected ‘Almost a Third’ of World’s Terrain Since 1960

Current estimates of land-use change may be capturing only one-quarter of its true extent across the world, new research shows.