Η σύσταση κοινής ομάδας εργασίας από τον ΑΔΜΗΕ και τον ΔΕΔΔΗΕ, με τη συμμετοχή και της Ρυθμιστικής Αρχής Ενέργειας, αποφασίσθηκε κατά τη χθεσινή σύσκεψη των δύο Διαχειριστών με τη ΡΑΕ. Όπως έγραψε…
Από τα έσοδα πλειστηριασμών για τα αδιάθετα δικαιώματα ρύπων, το ψαλίδισμα του ΕΛΑΠΕ και το Πράσινο Ταμείο θα προέλθει το φετινό «οπλοστάσιο» του Ταμείου Ενεργειακής Μετάβασης, που υπολογίζεται…
Μελέτη του ΣΠΕΦ (συνημμένη) με ποσοτικά ευρήματα και συμπεράσματα για τα φωτοβολταϊκά ισχύος από 10 kW έως 1 MW στο ηπειρωτικό δίκτυο του ΔΕΔΔΗΕ αναφορικά με τη σημαντική αύξηση (σε μήνες) του χρόνου…
Στο πεδίο βρέθηκε άμεσα η Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Περιβάλλοντος της Βουλής, Δρ. Διονυσία – Θεοδώρα Αυγερινοπούλου, άμα της ενημέρωσής της για τον εντοπισμό μιας μικρής φάλαινας στην παραλία Εδέμ στον…
Jakarta. President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on Thursday’s global economic forum asked developed nations to help their developing counterparts, including Indonesia, in the energy transition by providing…
To cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in half within a decade, the Biden administration’s goal, the U.S. is going to need a lot more solar and wind power generation, and lots of cheap energy storage.
London and Paris among cities with highest number of avoided deaths thanks to lower pollution in first lockdown
More than 800 lives may have been saved across Europe thanks to better air quality…
The ANU’s Dr Fiona Beck says turning fossil fuels into hydrogen is always going to be dirtier than using renewables
A world-first shipment of liquid hydrogen from Australia was declared momentous…
Phoenix’s new ‘heat tsar’ is betting on less asphalt, more green canopy and reflective surfaces to cool the sprawling heat island
A surge in heat-related deaths amid record-breaking summer…
North Yorkshire fishers found pots heavy not with brown crab but with prized invader
Invasive king crabs have made their way to British shores, sparking fears that local brown crab and scallop…
A federal court has rejected a plan to lease millions of acres in the Gulf of Mexico for offshore oil drilling, saying the Biden administration failed to conduct a proper environmental review
Average February daytime temperature in host cities has jumped from 0.4C at events in the 1920s–1950s, to 6.3C this century
On a rapidly-heating planet is there a future for a global event whose…
Indigenous people throughout the world are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis, even when it comes to climate-related violence.
A record number of activists working to protect the…
The Beijing Olympics is not the first winter games to use fake snow which has received a mixed response from athletes and ski enthusiasts, Louise Boyle writes
The forecast for the Beijing Winter…
If the financial crisis and Covid were important enough for governments to do whatever it takes to find the money needed, then surely the climate crisis demands a similar response
The UN climate…
A decade of learning, experimenting and making mistakes has resulted in McMaster’s restaurant Silo’s impressive closed-loop system. Kate Ng explores the trailblazing chef’s ideas for a future free…