Η ασφάλεια εφοδιασμού της χώρας και το ενεργειακό κόστος βρέθηκαν στο επίκεντρο της ενεργειακής εκδήλωσης της Ρυθμιστικής Αρχής Ενέργειας που διεξήχθη στο πλαίσιο της 86ης Διεθνούς Έκθεσης…
Sudan is currently experiencing its fourth consecutive year of abnormally extensive floods, with above-average rainfall causing at least 89 deaths and partly or completely destroying more than 47,000…
A lack of bankable projects from producers of clean cooking technologies could undermine clean targets set by Rwanda.
Experts have said that even though Rwanda seeks to reduce the percentage of…
The transition to ‘just’ energy has posed an economic challenge for many African governments, particularly those reliant on their vast hydrocarbon resources.
Though many African countries are…
Fruits and vegetables, known for their large nutrient potential, are more susceptible to high postharvest loss than other crops. Factors such as perishability, poor post-production handling and…
Right now Productive Use of Energy, known as PUE to rural electrification practitioners, has governments, development banks, power utilities and renewable energy companies talking about ‘the…
In this paper, we seek to understand how the rapid expansion of off-grid solar energy across the global South since the turn of the century is influencing local and national processes of economic…
Negotiations are accelerating between the Egyptian and European authorities with a view to exporting clean energy from Egypt to Europe. The discussions should notably lead to a project to supply…
Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen), the largest producer of geothermal energy in East Africa, has signed a partnership with Japan's Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation (…
British company Chariot will implement its Nour project in partnership with Total Eren, the subsidiary of French multinational TotalEnergies. Chariot's project involves the production of hydrogen…
The French company Voltalia and the Chinese company Trina Solar are completing the construction of the Kesses solar photovoltaic power plant in Kenya. The 55.6 MWp project is being developed by the…
A case pending in the court of Batouri, in the eastern region of Cameroon, involves Mencheng Wang Woping. The Chinese mining company is accused by four families of being responsible for the death of…
The Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) is implementing reforms for the year 2023. Households in Lagos will be provided with two refuse bins each from January 2023, to support the waste…
We have become used to thinking about things from a driver’s perspective – but is that the sort of world we want?
When we block traffic from a street, like for a sports event or a street party,…
Boris Johnson is expected to confirm government funding for Suffolk project
Boris Johnson is poised to sign off as prime minister by giving the green light for a new nuclear reactor costing up to…
Experts and environmentalists say aquifer feeding Doñana national park, a Unesco heritage site, has been overexploited for tourism and to water fruit farms