
Αποτελέσματα 18741 - 18760 | από συνολικά 25245
03 05 2020 | 05:53

Εκσυγχρονίστηκε τελικά η Περιβαλλοντική Νομοθεσία;

Η περιβαλλοντική κρίση αποτελείται από δύο διασυνδεδεμένους και εξίσου κρίσιμους πυλώνες: την κλιματική κρίση και την απώλεια βιοποικιλότητας.

02 05 2020 | 09:39

Τα Εθνικά Σχέδια Ενέργειας και Κλίματος μπορούν να βοηθήσουν στη δόμηση ενός σταθερού μέλλοντος βιώσιμης ενέργειας μετά το COVID19, εάν επανεξεταστούν σύντομα!

Έχοντας επιζήσει από την οικονομική κρίση του 2008 με βαθιές πληγές, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αντιμετωπίζει τώρα μια άνευ προηγουμένου πρόκλ

02 05 2020 | 09:27

Νέα διεθνής επιστημονική έκδοση από το Ελληνικό Ινστιτούτο Ενεργειακής Ρύθμισης για την Ενεργειακή Μετάβαση.

Παρά τη γενικότερη καθίζηση της παραγωγικής δραστηριότητας τους τελευταίους μήνες ως αποτέλεσμα της πανδημίας, η παραγωγή νέας επιστημονικής γνώσης στη χώρα μας με διεθνή μάλιστα ακτινοβολία και…

02 05 2020 | 09:03

Covid-19: Μια ευκαιρία επαναπροσδιορισμού στον ενεργειακό χώρο.

«We should ask ourselves not only how to overcome the immediate threat, but also what kind of world we will inhabit once the storm passes», Yuval Noah Harari

02 05 2020 | 08:54

UN chief: don't use taxpayer money to save polluting industries.

António Guterres calls for coronavirus aid to be directed at firms with green credentials. Governments should not use taxpayer cash to rescue fossil fuel companies and carbon-intensive industries,…

02 05 2020 | 08:49

Climate science deniers at forefront of downplaying coronavirus pandemic.

Vocal influencers such as the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and the Heartland Institute are hitting back at a time when people’s trust in science is rising. Fringe climate science deniers who…

02 05 2020 | 08:45

Μετά-κορονοϊό εποχή. Τι ακριβώς θέλουμε να επαναφέρουμε;

Η κρίση της πανδημίας δεν έχει τελειώσει ακόμη. Όσοι έχουν προσβληθεί από τον ιό, οι οικογένειές τους, οι εργαζόμενοι στον τομέα της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης στην πρώτη γραμμή της μάχης, οι…

02 05 2020 | 08:40

Church fund urges other ExxonMobil investors to sack board over climate.

Church Commissioners writes to fellow shareholders ahead of protest vote at oil giant’s AGM The Church of England’s investment arm has urged shareholders in ExxonMobil to vote against re-electing…

02 05 2020 | 08:33

The world is on lockdown. So where are all the carbon emissions coming from?

Pedestrians have taken over city streets, people have almost entirely stopped flying, skies are blue (even in Los Angeles!) for the first time in decades, and global CO2 emissions are on-trac

02 05 2020 | 08:32

Europe had hottest year on record in 2019, report shows.

Findings confirm 11 of the 12 warmest years in Europe occurred in past two decades. Europe had its hottest year on record last year, new data has confirmed, with periods of exceptional heat last…

02 05 2020 | 08:18

After 146 years, Rockefeller family is exiting the oil business.

Heirs to the oil fortune created by John D. Rockefeller, who founded Standard Oil in 1870, are exiting the family business. The Rockefeller Family Fund, a charity that supports causes related to the…

02 05 2020 | 07:55

I am Generation Equality: Natalie Isaacs, climate action warrior.

Billions of people across the world stand on the right side of history every day. They speak up, take a stand, mobilize, and take big and small actions to advance women’s rights. This is Generation…

02 05 2020 | 07:53

Weatherwatch: deadly tornadoes hit US while Cuba has hottest day.

Four twisters hit Mississippi while Cuban town of Veguitas has hottest day on record.

02 05 2020 | 07:49

How to source local, affordable, renewable energy for your company.

Because of the current uncertainty brought by the corona pandemic and the impending recession, many companies have put their sustainability actions on hold. However, today’s crisis urges more than…

02 05 2020 | 07:48

Six EU countries join call for 100% renewable energy scenario.

Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Spain have sent a joint letter to the European Commission calling for the inclusion of a 100% renewable energy scenario in long-term climate…

02 05 2020 | 07:47

'Spectacular' artefacts found as Norway ice patch melts.

Discoveries exposed by retreating ice include snowshoe for horses and bronze age ski The retreat of a Norwegian mountain ice patch, which is melting because of climate change, has revealed a lost…

02 05 2020 | 07:46

April 2020 provisionally sunniest on record for UK.

Although many of us have seen a marked change in the weather today the provisional early statistics show that for the UK as a whole it has been the sunniest April on record (figures dating back to…

02 05 2020 | 07:46

Climate strikes continue online: 'We want to keep the momentum going'.

Activists hold mass video calls and share hashtags, and three-day livestream planned for Earth Day. The large crowds and brightly coloured placards of the school climate strikes became some of the…

02 05 2020 | 07:44

Discarded coronavirus face masks and gloves rising threat to ocean life, conservationists warn.

The bright colours of latex gloves risk can be mistaken as food by seabirds, turtles and other marine mammals putting them at risk of severe injuries and death.

02 05 2020 | 07:39

Pollutionwatch: why has particle pollution increased under lockdown?

Air pollution from traffic has dropped but particles also come from gas heating and agriculture. News reports have focused on reductions in air pollution from traffic during the lockdown, but…