
Αποτελέσματα 18701 - 18720 | από συνολικά 25245
07 05 2020 | 07:23

BLOOMBERG: Renewables Are the Only Winners in Historic Decline in Energy Demand.

Global emissions will fall by 2.6 billion metric tons in 2020—the largest fall in history. The coronavirus lockdown will cause the biggest drop in energy demand in history, with only renewables…

07 05 2020 | 07:22

Will coronavirus reduce emissions long term?

This research, published by MSCI, looks at how emissions will be affected by the coronavirus pandemic. 

07 05 2020 | 07:18

Emptying Skies to Cut Airline Emissions 38% in 2020, Report Says.

Airlines’ carbon emissions could drop by more than one-third this year as travel demand sinks, a trend that could continue as businesses reassess their need to fly, according to the Australia…

07 05 2020 | 07:17

COVID-19 crisis set to eradicate demand for fossil fuels, says IEA.

In the biggest shock the energy world has seen in 70 years, IEA announce renewable energy may be the only source expected to grow, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The coronavirus outbreak…

07 05 2020 | 07:17

One billion people will live in insufferable heat within 50 years – study.

Human cost of climate crisis will hit harder and sooner than previously believed, research reveals. The human cost of the climate crisis will hit harder, wider and sooner than previously believed,…

07 05 2020 | 07:16

FORBES: In A Post-Pandemic World, Renewable Energy Is The Only Way Forward.

The Economist’s regular cartoonist, KAL, summed it up neatly 

07 05 2020 | 07:13

So, What Exactly Is Community Solar?

Not everyone can have solar on their own roof. A new GTM series helps explain the weird and wonderful world of clean energy. Residential solar has grown by leaps and bounds in the U.S. over the past…

07 05 2020 | 07:12

Trump vs Windmill. - AGE OF RENEWALBES

    5 May 2020 AGE OF RENEWALBES

07 05 2020 | 07:05

Gas stoves making indoor air up to five times dirtier than outdoor air, report finds.

Gas stoves are making people sick, contributing pollution that makes indoor air up to two to five times dirtier than outdoor air, according to a new report. Despite the risks, regulators have failed…

07 05 2020 | 07:03

‘A Bomb in the Center of the Climate Movement’: Michael Moore Damages Our Most Important Goal.

It hurts to be personally attacked in a movie. It hurts more to see a movement divided If you’re looking for a little distraction from the news of the pandemic — something a little gossipy, but with…

07 05 2020 | 06:47

Convergence between technological progress and sustainability is not that obvious

The coronavirus pandemic, like climate change, teaches us about the importance of mitigating risk to ensure our future prosperity. Should we place all our hopes on technology to deliver this safer…

06 05 2020 | 09:30

Παρακολούθηση Θαλασσίων Απορριμμάτων μέσα από ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα για τη Μεσόγειο.

«Η Μεσόγειος είναι ένα από τα σημαντικότερα κέντρα βιοποικιλότητας, αλλά ταυτόχρονα και μία από τις πλέον ρυπασμένες θάλασσες παγκοσμίως. Μέσω του ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος MEDSEALITTER, 83…

06 05 2020 | 09:24

Θωμάς: Ο χρόνος αδειοδότησης των ΑΠΕ θα μειωθεί στα 2 χρόνια από το 2021 - Έρχονται πρόσθετες αλλαγές το καλοκαίρι.

«Πολύτιμο εργαλείο για την ενεργειακή μετάβαση της χώρας όπως έχει αποτυπωθεί στο ΕΣΕΚ. Ακολουθεί καλές ευρωπαϊκές πρακτικές, με το βλέμμα στην μετα-κορωνοϊό εποχή. Η πανδημία όχι απλώς δεν…

06 05 2020 | 09:18

Μητσοτάκης: Ατμομηχανή ανάπτυξης οι ΑΠΕ και η πράσινη οικονομία.

Την στροφή της χώρας στις ανανεώσιμες πηγές ενέργειας και την μετατροπή της πράσινης οικονομίας σε ατμομηχανή ανάπτυξης υπογράμμισε, μεταξύ άλλων, ο Πρωθυπουργός της χώρας σε ομιλία του στη Βουλή,…

06 05 2020 | 09:15

Περιοχές Natura2000: πως διαχειρίζονται και διοικούνται στην Ευρώπη.

Την ώρα που στη Βουλή συζητείται το περιβαλλοντικό πολυνομοσχέδιο, μέρος του οποίου αφορά το σύστημα διοίκησης των προστατευόμενων περιοχών, απουσιάζει από το διάλογο μια σχετικά πρόσφατη και…

06 05 2020 | 09:04

What happens after coronavirus will determine our climate's future.

Daily CO2 counts from Hawaii make depressing reading – but this year the usual pattern may change.

06 05 2020 | 08:59

Without food, there can be no exit from the pandemic.

Countries must join forces to avert a global food crisis from COVID-19. The coronavirus pandemic has laid many things bare, none more so than how interconnected our world is. The impact of…

06 05 2020 | 08:52

Africa's exploding plastic nightmare.

As Africa Drowns in Garbage, the Plastics Business Keeps Booming ROSEMARY NYAMBURA SPENDS her weekends collecting plastic with her aunt Miriam in the Dandora dump in Nairobi.

06 05 2020 | 08:47

Human-caused warming will cause more slow-moving hurricanes, warn climatologists.

Hurricanes moving slowly over an area can cause more damage than faster-moving storms, because the longer a storm lingers, the more time it has to pound an area with storm winds and drop huge volumes…

06 05 2020 | 08:36

Multilateralism is necessary now more than ever.

On April 24, 2019, representatives from across the world celebrated the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace for the first time. The occasion took place in the emblematic hall…