
Αποτελέσματα 1721 - 1740 | από συνολικά 24321
18 01 2024 | 04:34

Drax gets go-ahead for carbon capture project at estimated £40bn cost to bill-payers

Scheme to convert biomass units could become one of world’s most expensive energy projects, experts say Drax has received permission from the government to fit carbon capture technology to its wood-…

18 01 2024 | 04:28

Murder, drought and peyote: the deadly struggle for Mexico’s water

Every year, members of Mexico’s Indigenous Wixárika people make an arduous 800km (500-mile) pilgrimage from San Andrés Cohamiata in the highlands of Jalisco to the semi-arid desert of San Luis Potosí…

18 01 2024 | 04:28

This pristine lake has endured for 2m years. Why are its fish in crisis?

In one of the world’s oldest lakes, Hovsgol grayling, a species found only in these azure waters in Mongolia, are struggling to survive Pine-studded mountains and snow-capped hills fringe Mongolia’s…

18 01 2024 | 04:21

MENA: Clean energy transition in top gear

Middle East and North African countries are diversifying their economies towards clean energy. Strategic plans are in place to boost renewable energy capacities, EV adoption, and green hydrogen…

18 01 2024 | 04:15

Ocean fungi from twilight zone could be source of next penicillin-like drug

Largest study of ocean DNA reveals abundance of fungi thriving in extreme environment of the deep sea Large numbers of fungi have been found living in the twilight zone of the ocean, and could…

18 01 2024 | 04:07

Kenya's infrastructure funding from AfDB to be restricted to water and transport projects

The African Development Bank (AfDB), a major financier for Kenya, will limit its funding to infrastructure projects focused on transport and water. This decision is aimed at prioritizing areas that…

18 01 2024 | 04:03

The Ukraine war is no excuse for endless fossil fuel expansion

We need to get serious about transitioning off fossil fuels At the close of the hottest year in history, delegates from around the world gathered at climate talks in Dubai in December and agreed,…

18 01 2024 | 04:02

Third of UK teenagers believe climate change exaggerated, report shows

YouTube criticised for amplifying lies about the climate with disinformation videos watched by young people A third of UK teenagers believe climate change is “exaggerated”, a report has found, as…

18 01 2024 | 03:50

20 years ago South Africa had 40 qualified astronomers – all white. How it’s opened space science and developed skills since then

South African astronomy started an important journey two decades ago, when an initiative to attract and train future scientists in the field welcomed its first group of students under the National…

18 01 2024 | 03:38

Hunger, drought, child mortality in Africa fall out of focus

From Angola to Zambia: The 2023 top ten forgotten humanitarian crises all took place in Africa, says Care International, and climate change played a huge role. The organization's takeaway: More media…

18 01 2024 | 03:31

US won't reverse clean energy transition, regardless of election outcome - Kerry

WASHINGTON, Jan 16 (Reuters) - The transition toward clean energy and electric vehicles will not be interrupted regardless of who wins the 2024 U.S. presidential election, outgoing U.S. climate envoy…

18 01 2024 | 03:21

Do we have sufficient skills for the energy transition in the changing labour market?

The energy transition will accelerate demand for labour at a time when industry is already struggling with shortages. The disruption caused by structural changes needs to be managed well to ensure…

18 01 2024 | 03:12

Franco-British partnership to develop fourth-generation nuclear technology

UK company Newcleo and French company NAAREA are set to form a strategic partnership to accelerate the development of their fourth-generation nuclear technologies, the two announced in an interview…

18 01 2024 | 03:02

Certification as a tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Biofuels are seen as a key means to decarbonise the transport sector, with growing quantities of green fuels set to be used in planes and ships, as well as road transport. Prior to being sold in the…

18 01 2024 | 02:50

‘Very worrying’: Trade unions alarmed by EU’s industrial collapse

Europe’s major trade union organisations have expressed deep concern about the scale of the EU’s industrial decline, as structurally high energy prices continue to lay waste to a crucial pillar of…

17 01 2024 | 07:27

Κλιματική αλλαγή: Τι είναι η «νέα άρνηση» και πώς εξαπλώνεται στο Youtube

Τα τελευταία πέντε χρόνια παρατηρήθηκε μια «εντυπωσιακή» αύξηση αυτής της «νέας άρνησης»   Αν έχετε μπει στο Youtube τον τελευταίο καιρό, μπορεί να έχει ακούσει τους ισχυρισμούς ότι η αιολική και η…

17 01 2024 | 07:18

Οι γυναίκες που ερευνούν την κλιματική αλλαγή στην Αρκτική

Πώς είναι να εργάζεσαι στους -30 βαθμούς Κελσίου.   Κάθε μέρα, γύρω στο μεσημέρι, κάποιος βγαίνει στο παγωμένο κρύο και εκτοξεύει ένα αερόστατο. Και κάθε φορά, αυτό το μετεωρολογικό μπαλόνι…

17 01 2024 | 07:16

Κλιματική αλλαγή: Πιθανόν θερμότερο από το προηγούμενο έτος το 2024

Μείωση των εκπομπών αερίων του θερμοκηπίου ζητά ο ΟΗΕ στο πλαίσιο των μέτρων για την καταπολέμηση της κλιματικής αλλαγής. Μέσα στο 2024 ενδέχεται να καταγραφούν θερμοκρασίες που θα ξεπεράσουν το…

17 01 2024 | 07:11

Κλιματική κρίση και ενέργεια: Οι εκπομπές αερίων του θερμοκηπίου ανα τομέα

Στις εκπομπές ρύπων η ενέργεια θεωρείται η ρίζα του προβλήματος, με λιγότερη αναφορά σε γεωργία και βιομηχανία Η ενέργεια, ρίζα του προβλήματος Στις εκπομπές ρύπων η ενέργεια θεωρείται η ρίζα του…

17 01 2024 | 07:07

Παρουσίαση μελέτης στο Νταβός: Εκατομμύρια οι θάνατοι από την κλιματική αλλαγή τις επόμενες δεκαετίες

Άσχημα τα νέα από την παρατεταμένη κλιματική αλλαγή. Σύμφωνα με σημερινή μελέτη, η κλιματική αλλαγή απειλεί να προκαλέσει πολλά εκατομμύρια θανάτους τις επόμενες δεκαετίες, καθώς και σοβαρές…