
Αποτελέσματα 10521 - 10540 | από συνολικά 25245
01 01 2022 | 13:28

It’s time we scrubbed the greenwash off the oil industry

To survive this post-Cambridge Analytica world you must treat everything you encounter as if it might be a #sponsoredpost, You may have seen last week that Shell abandoned its proposed

01 01 2022 | 13:10

Is bread bad for the environment?

Bread is a staple food and variations of the popular food item have appeared everywhere in the world, from Middle Eastern pita to Central American tortillas and Ethiopian injera. In the UK alone an…

01 01 2022 | 13:03

Germany ‘will miss two-year carbon targets’, admits climate minister

The country’s new environment head said: ‘We are starting with a drastic backlog’ Germany is likely to fail to hit its carbon emissions reduction targets in the coming two years, Economy and Climate…

01 01 2022 | 12:54

Companies race to stem flood of microplastic fibres into the oceans

New products range from washing machine filters and balls to fabrics made from kelp and orange peel From filters to bags to balls, the number of products aimed at stopping the torrent of…

01 01 2022 | 12:48

‘Waste colonialism’: world grapples with west’s unwanted plastic

Germany and UK are big exporters of plastic, much of which lies rotting in ports in Turkey, Vietnam and other countries

01 01 2022 | 12:41

‘We’ll get it done. Come hell, high water or Covid’: Can 2022 be a super year for nature?

Biodiversity talks in Kunming are likely to be delayed again, but the world urgently needs a Paris-style agreement for nature

01 01 2022 | 12:26

Telling people to ‘follow the science’ won’t save the planet. But they will fight for justice

The climate emergency has clear themes with heroes and villains. Describing it this way is how to build a movement The biggest success of the fossil fuel industry’s decades-long campaign to push…

01 01 2022 | 12:23

I’m a climate scientist. Don’t Look Up captures the madness I see every day

The movie Don’t Look Up is satire. But speaking as a climate scientist doing everything I can to wake people up and avoid planetary destruction, it’s also the most accurate film about society’s…

01 01 2022 | 12:16

Alok Sharma: Cop26 must not become ‘bunch of meaningless promises’

Climate summit president makes clear UK net zero agenda is responsibility of all government colleagues Tackling the climate crisis must be a whole government effort or risk the Cop26 climate summit…

01 01 2022 | 12:08

‘It parodies our inaction’: Don’t Look Up, an allegory of the climate crisis, lauded by activists

Adam McKay’s end-of-the-world film is a ‘powerful’ depiction of society’s response to scientific warnings, campaigners say Don’t Look Up, the latest celluloid offering from the writer-director Adam…

01 01 2022 | 12:02

‘Extraordinary is no longer extraordinary’: US scientists on a year of climate disasters

In the summer, we spoke to four experts about the record-breaking heatwave that scorched the western US and Canada. As the year ends they share their hopes and fears for the future The American…

01 01 2022 | 11:52

The climate victories of 2021 that put fossil fuels in check

From local activism to shareholder rebellions, here’s what climate advocates accomplished over the last year.

01 01 2022 | 11:47

Floods, fires, freezes: how 2021 made Joe Biden a climate crisis president

The US president has made at least five disaster tours in the past year as his administration has tried to pass sweeping climate policies, with mixed success

01 01 2022 | 11:39

Horizon scan: the opportunities and threats facing Earth’s biodiversity

From floating solar farms and volcanic cement to deep-sea mining and asexual reproduction, 15 things to watch

01 01 2022 | 11:32

Before Australia’s climate wars: when a Coalition cabinet leaned towards positive action

Cabinet papers 2001: Despite fierce battles between senior Coalition members, work had begun in 2001 on a national energy policy John Howard still describes himself as “climate change agnostic” even…

30 12 2021 | 08:59

2022: Ανοίγει ο δρόμος για πράσινες μεταφορές στην ΕΕ

Η δέσμη μέτρων για το κλίμα «Fit for 55» και οι διαταραχές στον τομέα των μεταφορών εξαιτίας της COVID πρόκειται να κυριαρχήσουν και πάλι στις συζητήσεις για την πολιτική μεταφορών της ΕΕ το 2022. Η…

30 12 2021 | 08:28

Ευ. Μυτιληναίος: Η ενεργειακή μετάβαση θα είναι διαρκείας και θα κοστίσει ακριβά

Η μετάβαση σε πιο καθαρές μορφές ενέργειας θα είναι διαρκείας και θα κοστίσει ακριβά, τονίζει ο πρόεδρος και διευθύνων σύμβουλος της MYTILINEOS, κ. Ευάγγελος Μυτιληναίος, στη συνέντευξη που…

30 12 2021 | 08:23

Πώς το 2021 έγινε η χρονιά των επενδύσεων ESG

Οι εισροές σε ευρωπαϊκά αμοιβαία κεφάλαια ESG μειώθηκαν το 2021, αλλά αυτό υπεραντισταθμίστηκε από την αύξηση των εισροών σε αμερικανικά και ασιατικά αμοιβαία κεφάλαια ESG. Οι επενδυτές που…

30 12 2021 | 08:19

Παρατείνεται η λειτουργία λιγνιτικών μονάδων της ΔΕΗ

Απαραίτητος έως το 2025 ο λιγνίτης για την ευστάθεια του ηλεκτρικού συστήματος   Απαραίτητος μέχρι και το 2025 θα είναι ο λιγνίτης για την ευστάθεια του ηλεκτρικού συστήματος της χώρας, αλλά και…

30 12 2021 | 08:15

Οι Αφρικανοί αγρότες προβληματίζονται για τη στάση της ΕΕ σχετικά με τα κατάλοιπα φυτοφαρμάκων

Αν και επικροτήθηκε από την ευρωπαϊκή κοινωνία των πολιτών η αυστηρή γραμμή της ΕΕ όσον αφορά τις ανοχές κατά της εισαγωγής φυτοφαρμάκων, μπορεί να προκαλέσει μεγάλο πονοκέφαλο στους Αφρικανούς…