climate crisis

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21 11 2019 | 08:55

Venice council flooded moments after rejecting climate crisis plan.

Veneto’s regional council rejected a plan to combat climate change minutes before its offices on the Grand Canal, in Venice, were flooded, it has emerged as the city continues to battle high water …

21 11 2019 | 08:44

'What could I have done?' The scientist who predicted the bushfire emergency four decades ago.

Dr Tom Beer’s pioneering 1980s research into bushfires and climate change has, to his dismay, proved all too accurate From his lounge in Brunswick, Melbourne, 72-year-old Dr Tom Beer has been…

21 11 2019 | 08:42

Climate crisis will affect lifelong health of young, warn doctors.

The climate crisis will determine the lifelong health of today’s children, doctors have warned, noting that global heating was already causing harm. Children are especially vulnerable and the global…

21 11 2019 | 08:29

Greta Thunberg leaves US with simple climate crisis message: vote

Thunberg: ‘My message to the Americans is the same as to everyone – to unite behind the science and to act on the science’ As Greta Thunberg departs the US to sail across the Atlantic for the second…

18 11 2019 | 17:05

German government wants to weaken country’s proposed climate protection goals.

Although many have called for improvements to the German climate package, the government wants to impose a weaker formulation of the core climate protection goals.EURACTIV’s partner Der Tagesspiegel…

18 11 2019 | 16:58

Will Germany block EIB plans to ditch natural gas?

The European Investment Bank wants to purge its loan books of fossil fuels, including natural gas, by 2020. Although the Bank’s final decision is expected to be delivered on 15 October, resistance,…

15 11 2019 | 21:49

Climate-change confessions of an energy reporter.

I cover energy and climate change, and yet even I do little to reduce my own environmental footprint. Why it matters: Because most people don't! Recent polling and research show that most of us don'…

12 11 2019 | 04:29

A Scary Year for Climate Change.

Scientists’ warnings about climate change have intensified over the past 12 months. Will world leaders finally listen? One year ago, the international scientific community could hardly have expected…

10 11 2019 | 05:30

The facts about sea level rise.

Global warming has raised global sea level about 8 inches since 1880, and the rate of rise is accelerating. Rising seas dramatically increase the odds of damaging floods from storm surges. A Climate…

10 11 2019 | 05:23

Climate crisis: business leaders say cost to taxpayers will spiral unless new policies introduced.

Organisations such as Australian Industry Group and National Farmers’ Federation letter says greater private-sector action needed. Industry, farming and investor groups say the federal government…

06 11 2019 | 17:01

More than 11,000 scientists from around the world have declared a "climate emergency".

More than 11,000 scientists from around the world have declared a "climate emergency" — and they say the Earth needs fewer people to beat the crisis. The stark warning in the journal BioScience was…

23 10 2019 | 10:22

87% of Americans Unaware There's Scientific Consensus on Climate Change.

Nearly 90 percent of Americans are unaware that there is a consensus within the scientific community that human-caused climate change is real and threatens the planet, a new report says.

09 10 2019 | 14:28

A novel European Green New Deal to tackle climate change.

Support has been surging on both sides of the Atlantic for the idea of a Green New Deal. Time to turn it into action, and jobs, on the ground.

09 10 2019 | 14:24

Climate and Energy Experts Debate How to Respond to a Warming World.

Experts in energy and environmental fields weigh in on the need for an urgent transition to alternative energy. As energy demand rises around the globe, so does concern about climate change. The…

09 10 2019 | 14:17

A Green New Deal beyond growth.

A genuine European Green New Deal must place social justice and ecological protection ahead of fiscal discipline and economic growth.

06 10 2019 | 18:14

Ramaphosa’s $11bn climate fund, or, how the smart money could turn Mpumalanga into the envy of the world.

In a nation that’s become used to operating in the shadows, sometimes even the mention of sunlight can be met with disbelief.

03 10 2019 | 08:14

Barbados Prime Minister Warns of Mass Migration Backlash Because of Climate Crisis.

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 1 2019 (IPS) - The Prime Minister of Barbados Mia Mottley tells IPS her patience is running thin, as she challenges the world to tackle the climate crisis. She warned of a…

01 10 2019 | 10:48

ITV News at Ten increases climate change coverage.

ITV has launched a new series that will focus on the devastating impacts of climate change. ITV News at Ten will devote a portion of their show to highlight the severity of the climate crisis this…

29 09 2019 | 10:23

Climate crisis: 6 million people join latest wave of global protests

Six million people have taken to the streets over the past week, uniting across timezones, cultures and generations to demand urgent action on the escalating ecological emergency. Demonstrators in…

27 09 2019 | 10:32

Christian Aid response to IPCC report on oceans and cryosphere .

In response to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere, Christian Aid’s Global Climate Lead, Dr Kat Kramer said:   “This report must act as a clarion…

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