climate crisis

Αποτελέσματα 641 - 660 | από συνολικά 714
10 01 2020 | 14:44

Natural Disasters Caused Over $80 Billion In Damages Last Year. These 5 Were The Worst.

Last year, we observed a number of trends that seem to suggest we have made progress in tackling climate change but we have not done enough. In 2019 alone, there were 15 natural disasters that caused…

09 01 2020 | 09:07

The UN climate talks ended in deadlock. Is this really the best the world can manage?

Last week, a whistle rang out in a buzzing conference fairground on the edge of Madrid. Instantly, a swell of protesters rose up, determined to “bring in the streets and tear down the walls”, enraged…

07 01 2020 | 10:29

Prince William launches Earthshot Prize to inspire a ‘decade of action’.

Prince William has launched a prize to reward new innovative solutions for the climate crisis. The new Earthshot Prize is an ambitious set of challenges to inspire a decade of action to repair the…

27 12 2019 | 11:51

'If the climate stays like this, we won't make it' say those on the frontline of Africa's drought.

Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (CNN)Torrents of water once thundered over the precipice at Victoria Falls, on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia, shrouding the area in mist.

23 12 2019 | 08:49

US coalition says "we are still in" at UN summit.

Coalition of actors from the US rejects Trump's stand on climate change. As the US federal government steps down from the Paris Agreement, a group of representatives from local governments, business…

23 12 2019 | 07:20

Oxford City Council sets £19 million budget for climate crisis.

Oxford City Council has announced that will put £19 million into a fund for the climate emergency. In response to the Oxford Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change, Oxford City Council will set a …

08 12 2019 | 10:47

We really may have just 11 years to save the climate.

As the crisis becomes dominated by urgent survival needs, the political window to prevent further climate change will close. “Eleven years to save the world” reads a common sign at the global…

06 12 2019 | 08:16

Greenpeace: 'Our addiction to fossil fuels has pushed oceans to the brink of collapse'.

The world's oceans act as a massive carbon sink trapping 50 times more than is in the atmosphere. A global network of ocean sanctuaries is needed to help the seas store carbon and protect nature,…

05 12 2019 | 07:07

Floods predicted to uproot 50 mln people a year as climate heats up.

MADRID - The number of people at risk of being forced from their homes by river flooding could surge to as many as 50 million a year by the end of the century if governments do not step up action to…

05 12 2019 | 06:59

Green Economy 'Not to Be Feared, but an Opportunity to Be Embraced' Says UN Chief As COP25 Gets Underway.

Madrid — A green economy is "not one to be feared but an opportunity to be embraced", UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday, in a keynote speech to delegates at the opening of the…

03 12 2019 | 08:18

Climate's Titanic moment is fast approaching.

Scientist's theory of climate's Titanic moment the 'tip of a mathematical iceberg' Formula for climate emergency shows if ‘reaction time is longer than intervention time left’ then ‘we have lost…

03 12 2019 | 08:03

COP25: Ο πλανήτης έχει καταστραφεί και αυτή είναι μόνο η αρχή

Ρεκόρ ζέστης, αύξηση των φυσικών καταστροφών, λιώσιμο των πάγων: οι αποδείξεις των καταστροφικών συνεπειών της ανθρώπινης δραστηριότητας στον πλανήτη πολλαπλασιάζονται, καθιστώντας πιο επιτακτική…

02 12 2019 | 07:54

COP25 talks to open as 'point of no return' in sight.

Political leaders and climate diplomats are to meet in Madrid for two weeks of talks amid a growing sense of crisis. According to UN Secretary General António Guterres, "the point of no return is no…

30 11 2019 | 10:50

The climate crisis leaders' debate: what did we learn?

How did the leaders of the main parties, minus Boris Johnson, address the biggest issue of our times? Four writers respond Zoe Williams:It showed the insufficiency of politics in the face of this…

28 11 2019 | 07:22

It's time to retire metrics like GDP. They don't measure everything that matters.

The way we assess economic performance and social progress is fundamentally wrong, and the climate crisis has brought these concerns to the fore.

26 11 2019 | 05:32

Global use of coal-fired electricity set for biggest fall this year.

The world’s use of coal-fired electricity is on track for its biggest annual fall on record this year after more than four decades of near-uninterrupted growth that has stoked the global climate…

25 11 2019 | 14:18

Venice Floods Again — What to Do When You Can’t Move to Higher Ground?

The historic city of Venice (a UNESCO world heritage site) flooded for the third time in a week, with Piazza St.

21 11 2019 | 09:01

Methane emissions from coalmines could stoke climate crisis – study.

Millions of tonnes belched into atmosphere as bad as shipping and aviation emissions combined, researchers find The methane emissions leaking from the world’s coalmines could be stoking the global…

21 11 2019 | 08:58

Climate change: Warming signal links global floods and fires.

With homes under water in South Yorkshire, near record flooding in Venice, and burgeoning wildfires in Australia, many people are asking if and how climate change is connected to these extreme…

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