GREENPEACE AFRICA: 19,684 people already took action to save Ebo Forest, help us reach 25 000!

10 08 2020 | 07:23

Dear Supporter,

Ebo forest in Cameroon is facing a major threat. The latest decree issued by Cameroon’s government might be the death sentence of Ebo forest and many endangered species in it. Communities dependent on this rainforest and the wildlife in it are getting attention thanks to almost 20,000 supporters like you who have signed our petition!

Our movement is growing! Thanks to your efforts, the plight of the communities and wildlife in #EboForest are getting media attention all over the world. We can save this pristine environment together. Please take 20 seconds to sign our petition to empower this movement and join thousands of people already supporting this campaign:

Sign this petition to save Ebo Forest

Last week EU and US ambassadors in Yaoundé sent strong messages to the government of Cameroon, asking them to cancel their logging plans. We can stop the destruction of Ebo forest TOGETHER! Add your voice and help make this petition grow so they cannot ignore us.



7 August 2020