Gaia Says No! – Africa: Episode 4. The future.

27 04 2021 | 09:09

The last in our series where we explore the role the continent has to play in delivering net zero

Welcome to our new podcast series, Gaia Says No! – Africa, where we will explore the role the continent has to play in delivering net zero, as well as investigate the impacts of human behaviours upon the region.

In this series I will be accompanied by William Pollen, Director of Invest in Africa, in each episode of the series.

In this the final episode, we look at the future for Africa. Is it time for Africans to exploit their natural resources, allow more mining for rare earths, open up markets and go for growth. Or should they be more careful to ensure any development is controlled with sustainability at the heart of it?

Special guests Kondjeni Ntinda from the Namibia Energy Institute and Charlotte Asiedu, from the Ghana Chaper of Invest in Africa, guide us through the possible paths the great continent might take.

Listen to the full podcast to find out more…




16 April 2021


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