
Αποτελέσματα 13281 - 13300 | από συνολικά 14304
12 06 2019 | 18:03

Climate becomes top priority in EU’s 2020 budget.

The European Commission proposed on Wednesday (5 June) a budget worth €168.3 billion for the bloc in 2020, aimed at promoting a more competitive European economy and solidarity and security in the EU…

12 06 2019 | 15:08

The big exit: Why capital is deserting coal.

As more and more funds pull out of coal, Andrew Tunnicliffe talks with the IEEFA’s Tim Buckley about what’s leading the exodus and what it means for the future of coal. For more than two centuries…

12 06 2019 | 14:23

A bitter taste.

  Europe’s chocolate habit is driving the world’s fastest rising deforestation rates. We need new EU laws to stop this, writes Julia Christian. Using satellite imagery and remote sensing algorithms…

12 06 2019 | 13:31

Representatives from the Gulf Region Visit Solar Thermal Power Sites in Spain.

Experts of energy authorities and R&D organisations from the Gulf region are visiting solar thermal power sites in Spain this week in the framework of a 5–day study tour on “Solar thermal…

12 06 2019 | 11:50

The Ocean Could be a New Wave for Renewable Energy, But What Are the Risks?

There's no question that finding new sources of renewable energy is good for the environment. Less pollution and fewer greenhouse gases are good for people, plants, and animals. But clean energy…

12 06 2019 | 11:49

Eurelectric boss: Rooftop solar will be as common as having a fridge.

The emergence of small-scale renewable energy such as rooftop solar panels brings new challenges for consumers and energy utilities, says the newly-appointed president of Eurelectric. Magnus Hall,…

12 06 2019 | 11:48

UN Climate Change Annual Report Demonstrates Growing Climate Action.

UN Climate Change News – UN Climate Change today launched its Annual Report, highlighting the progress made on tackling climate change in 2018 and the ways in which the international community can…

12 06 2019 | 11:42

Africa's Largest Economy Struggles To Keep The Lights On

WHY YOU SHOULD CARE: Whether Nigeria can improve its power generation could determine the future of Africa’s largest economy. 

12 06 2019 | 11:18

Massive Artificial Islands Could Extract CO2 From Seawater To Produce Renewable Energy, Study Says

A group of European scientists wants to mitigate the effects of climate change and advance renewable energy sources by building millions of artificial islands throughout the world’s oceans capable of…

12 06 2019 | 11:10

Solar cell defect mystery solved after decades of global effort.

A team of scientists at The University of Manchester has solved a key flaw in solar panels after 40 years of research around the world. Solar panels are among the most available system of generating…

12 06 2019 | 09:55

Scottish Power to invest in 50MW battery for UK’s largest onshore wind farm.

Scottish Power has announced plans to build vast battery to improve the UK’s wind and solar energy. The energy company will connect an industrial-scale battery, the size of half a football pitch to…

12 06 2019 | 07:23

France among members putting EU 2020 renewables target at risk.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - France is one of six EU nations unlikely to hit their 2020 renewable energy targets, putting the European Union’s 20% goal at risk, the bloc’s auditors said on Thursday. France…

11 06 2019 | 17:59

Michael Bloomberg launches $500m campaign to end US coal production.

Michael Bloomberg, American Businessman, 108th Mayor of New York and 9th richest man on the planet has pledged $500 million under a new campaign ‘Beyond Carbon’ towards ending US coal production.…

11 06 2019 | 10:53

How countries can learn from Jordan’s renewable energy pivot.

By 2021 the country is aiming to have well over half of its power generated by wind or solar energy On the road from Wadi Rum to Petra in Jordan, where signs point to the Sheikh Zayed solar complex…

11 06 2019 | 10:49

Construction of 40 MW Malindi solar photovoltaic project in Kenya begins.

Construction of 40 MW Malindi solar photovoltaic project in Kenya has commenced.Globeleq, project developers and Africa’s leading independent power producer announced the reports. The project which…

11 06 2019 | 10:48

Europe Invests in African Renewable Energy.

The provider of testing and advisory services to the energy value chain including renewables and energy management, DNV GL has joined European signatories including ABB, EDP Renewables, Enel Green…

11 06 2019 | 10:45

Construction of US $34m Sidi Ifni desalination plant in Morocco to begin

The Moroccan authorities has announced that construction of Sidi Ifni desalination plant is set to begin following German development agency, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)granting US $34m loan…

11 06 2019 | 10:42

Geothermal electricity contributing to energy security in Turkey.

Geothermal electricity generation keeps gradually increasing in Turkey and continues to play an important role in decreasing dependency on foreign energy import. Reporting on the released…

11 06 2019 | 09:40

UK launching new scheme to pay households for unused renewable power.

BRITAIN will launch a new scheme to pay households producing energy from renewable sources, such as solar panels, for their surplus electricity, the government said on Sunday. Around 800,000 homes…

11 06 2019 | 08:46

The last of the 'Gorillas in the Mist' is presumed dead.

The last of the "Gorillas in the Mist" -- made famous by renowned American primatologist Dian Fossey -- is believed to have died.