
Αποτελέσματα 13261 - 13280 | από συνολικά 15380
16 11 2019 | 13:41

Paris e-scooters under pressure to prove green credentials.

Pulling on makeshift roped hooks along a sun-drenched bank of the Seine River in Paris, Youva Hadjali and Edison Gompo fish out two electric scooters -- not the most ecological fate for devices…

15 11 2019 | 21:58

Korean firms urged to work harder to cut gas emissions.

Corporations around the world use two-thirds of the electricity produced globally.  Meanwhile, here in Korea, companies consume over 50 percent of the electric power generated from coal-fired power…

15 11 2019 | 21:49

Climate-change confessions of an energy reporter.

I cover energy and climate change, and yet even I do little to reduce my own environmental footprint. Why it matters: Because most people don't! Recent polling and research show that most of us don'…

15 11 2019 | 21:46

Lib Dems pledge renewable energy boost through home insulation investment.

The Liberal Democrats are pledging to invest £15 billion over the next parliament insulating homes to tackle climate change and fuel poverty. Plans to upgrade the energy efficiency of 26 million…

15 11 2019 | 21:40

Zimbabwe to cut power to mines, others over $77m in unpaid bills.

Daily power cuts lasting up to 18 hours are common after a severe drought reduced water levels at a key hydro plant. Zimbabwe's state-owned electricity distributor, grappling with drought and ageing…

15 11 2019 | 21:13

DNV GL upgrades battery scorecard.

DNV GL has released an updated version of its battery performance scorecard, which ranks and evaluates of different types of batteries used for energy storage. The scorecard also provides industry…

15 11 2019 | 21:13

Engie's renewables chief on scaling corporate contracts, hydrogen hopes and offshore wind.

Earlier this year, French-born energy company Engie made a bold proclamation — it will add at least 9 gigawatts of renewable energy between now and 2021, at least half of which will come from power…

15 11 2019 | 21:06

Amy Khor on renewable energy financing.

Funds are being re-channelled away from traditional projects to more sustainable ones, such as those involving cleaner renewables. In April this year, Singapore’s three local banks announced their…

15 11 2019 | 21:06

How To Reach U.S. Net Zero Emissions By 2050: Decarbonizing Industry.

Presidential candidates, state governments, and 

15 11 2019 | 10:02

Eurostar announces first plastic-free train.

For its 25th anniversary, Eurostar have announced they will be running their first plastic-free train. As a mark of its commitment to eco-responsible travel, Eurostar is today running its first ever…

14 11 2019 | 18:24

Ο Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Αδικημένων Αγροτικών Φωτοβολταϊκών (ΠΣΑΑΦ) για το ενεργειακό νομοσχέδιο.

Ο Πανελλήνιος Σύλλογος Αδικημένων Αγροτικών Φωτοβολταϊκών (ΠΣΑΑΦ) παρενέβει με πρόταση / σχόλιο στο άρθρου 25 του υπό διαβούλευση ενεργειακού νομοσχεδίου:  

14 11 2019 | 15:26

Battery Storage Still More Expensive Than Fossil Fuels—But Probably Not For Long.

As an increasing number of states focus on renewable energy, batteries are becoming more of a necessity. And according to a new report, battery costs are dropping—but not enough to compete with…

14 11 2019 | 11:10

Action on the ground takes centre stage in Abu Dhabi as countries gather for 18th IRENA Council.

Agency reviews progress and plans new work programme towards a climate-safe, sustainable future. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates — More than 370 high-level government representatives from 124…

14 11 2019 | 08:45

Asia 'coal addiction' must end, UN chief warns.

The chief of the United Nations has warned Asia to quit its "addiction" to coal in a bid to tackle climate change. UN Secretary General António Guterres said countries in the region were among the…

13 11 2019 | 14:20

Venice floods: Climate change behind highest tide in 50 years, says mayor.

Severe flooding in Venice that has left much of the Italian city under water is a direct result of climate change, the mayor says. The highest water levels in the region in more than 50 years will…

13 11 2019 | 10:03

World Economic Forum: Climate change action needed to avoid societal 'collapse' says minister.

Costa Rica is on track to be the first country in the world to achieve carbon neutrality, the country's environment minister has said. The Central American nation of 4.9 million people has a hugely…

13 11 2019 | 09:54

Are Employees Pushing Insurers to Shun Coal in Climate Change Movement?

Seventeen insurers have restricted insurance services to coal projects in the past two years. A dozen insurers have adopted policies to stop all direct insurance coverage to new coal projects –…

13 11 2019 | 09:53

Renewable energy and sustainable groundwater.

New research show that solar and wind power are directly linked to the sustainable management of groundwater availability. Researchers at the International Institute for Applies Systems Analysis,…

13 11 2019 | 09:50

Breaking down controls to better control wind energy systems.

Researchers based in Brazil have developed a way to better control wind energy systems in electrical generation. Wind energy systems are typically expensive to maintain, and they can only convert a…

13 11 2019 | 09:46

UK needs to act to prevent electric vehicle battery waste mountain.

Recycling technologies for end-of-life lithium ion batteries (LIBs) are not keeping pace with the rapid rise of electric vehicles, storing up a potentially huge waste management problem for the…