
Αποτελέσματα 12721 - 12740 | από συνολικά 14304
28 08 2019 | 08:23

Μπρουνό Λε Μερ: Χρειάζονται 1000 δολάρια τον χρόνο και ανά κάτοικο για τη μάχη κατά της υπερθέρμανσης του πλανήτη.

Το να τηρηθούν οι στόχοι της συμφωνίας του Παρισιού για το κλίμα θα στοίχιζε 1000 δολάρια τον χρόνο κι ανά κάτοικο, δήλωσε ο υπουργός Οικονομικών της Γαλλίας Μπρουνό Λε Μερ, ο οποίος ζήτησε, για…

28 08 2019 | 08:21

How do Power-to-X technologies work?

P2X, P2Y, PtG, PtL, power-to-gas… These somewhat cryptic terms stand for energy conversion processes that can be used to store surplus power from renewable sources and help meet climate targets. But…

28 08 2019 | 08:20

G7's $29 million Amazon firefighting fund slammed as 'shameful'.

Social media has exploded after French President Emmanuel Macron announced the G7 will commit $29 million to help fight fires in the Amazon and protect the vast rainforest. The G7 has pledged to…

27 08 2019 | 15:29

Emission impossible? Harsh facts on climate change.

How will the world cope as more extreme weather becomes the norm?   July 4, 2019

27 08 2019 | 07:47

Trump skips G7 climate meeting, says he won't risk US wealth for 'dreams and windmills'

Climate change sceptic President Donald Trump says he won't jeopardise the US wealth for "dreams and windmills" but goes on to say he's an environmentalist. US President Donald Trump, responding to…

26 08 2019 | 12:24

TENTRANS Workshop an official side event at Windaba 2019.

The research project on ‘Tendering Sustainable energy Transition’ also known as TENTRANS will present a workshop at the 9th Annual Windaba Conference and Exhibition.

26 08 2019 | 10:13

West Africa Forum for Climate & Clean Energy Financing - Abidjan, 26/09/2019.

Register now! The Private Financing Advisory Network will hold its fourth West Africa Forum for Climate and Clean Energy Financing in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire on September 26, 2019. This Forum will…

26 08 2019 | 07:48

Most German households want more renewable energies: survey.

BERLIN -- The majority of private households in Germany could imagine changing their energy supply, according to the so-called Energy Transition Barometer 2019 published by the German state-owned…

26 08 2019 | 07:40

Renewable energy status to ocean energy gets MNRE nod.

As on date, India does not have any installed ocean energy capacit, according to a government official. In a decision expected to boost to ocean energy in India, the Ministry of New and Renewable…

26 08 2019 | 07:32

The Koch Brothers Have A Mandate To Destroy The EV Revolution — Are You Buying In?

They’re the Koch Brothers. Their subsidiaries focus on all things fossil fuels and chemicals, from manufacturing, refining, and distribution of petroleum, to polymers, minerals, and fertilizers, to…

26 08 2019 | 07:32

The global community is finally acting on climate change, but we need to switch to renewable energy faster.

Energy is the lifeblood of all societies. But the production of energy from the burning of fossil fuels produces carbon emissions that are released into the atmosphere on a grand scale. The energy…

26 08 2019 | 07:26

Are Microgrids the Way of the Future?

It is fact, not opinion, that our planet is warming and that industries are partly to blame. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency identifies human activities as the greatest contributor of…

26 08 2019 | 07:21

Renewable energy sources defeating coal, says report.

Is coal losing its charm? Yes, if the recently released report Coal Vs Renewable is to be believed.  Lenders prefer renewable over coal, especially in 2018, says the report released on August 16,…

26 08 2019 | 00:21

MAESTRALE final conference Rimini 5th November 2019

  The MAESTRALE FINAL CONFERENCE will take place on November 5th 2019 within the Key Energy - ECOMONDO fair  in Rimini (IT).    

26 08 2019 | 00:20


Our World is changing... And it is changing through the innovation taking place in the Energy Sector. The EUNICE ENERGY GROUP (EEG) is at the forefront of investment and the technological…

26 08 2019 | 00:10

New Zealand: Government considered banning fossil fuel vehicles.

This story was first published by Newsroom and is republished with permission. The Government considered and rejected banning the import of fossil fuel vehicles from 2035 onward, new documents show…

26 08 2019 | 00:07

Registration is now open for Offshore 2019.

3 things you need to know about WindEurop

26 08 2019 | 00:06

2nd TUM Multi-Disciplinary Conference and Innovation week, 23-27 March 2020.

Welcome to the 2nd TUM Multidisciplinary Conference and Innovation Week. This conference welcomes academics, researchers, practitioners and innovators from different disciplines, for knowledge…

26 08 2019 | 00:00

Latin American & Caribbean Climate Week Calls for Urgent, Ambitious Action.

Climate City, Salvador da Bahia (Brazil), 23 August 2019 — Around 4,000 people from all over the region and many other countries participated in the Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW…

24 08 2019 | 15:30

A dangerous new form of climate denialism is making the rounds .

In the lead-up to the 2020 election, we will undoubtedly hear more and more from candidates about climate change. The twist is that this election cycle, we will be hearing it from both sides of the…