
Αποτελέσματα 12701 - 12720 | από συνολικά 15380
15 02 2020 | 10:26

ΕΕ: Οι δήμαρχοι 15 μεγάλων πόλεων ζητούν πόρους για να καταπολεμήσουν την κλιματική αλλαγή

Πολλές μεγάλες ευρωπαϊκές πόλεις ζητούν από τις Βρυξέλλες άμεση πρόσβαση στους πόρους του επόμενου πολυετούς προϋπολογισμού της ΕΕ, ώστε να βοηθήσουν να επιτευχθεί ο στόχος της «ουδετερότητας» σε ό…

15 02 2020 | 10:21

ΚΚΕ: Απολιγνιτοποίηση σημαίνει πανάκριβο ρεύμα για το λαό και περαιτέρω χτύπημα των δικαιωμάτων των εργαζομένων στη ΔΕΗ

Με όχημα τη λεγόμενη “απολιγνιτοποίηση της ΔΕΗ” υλοποιείται η πολιτική της ΕΕ για την αποκαλούμενη “πράσινη ανάπτυξη”, μέσω του “Εθνικού Σχεδίου για την Ενέργεια και το Κλίμα”, όπως αναφέρει το ΚΚΕ…

15 02 2020 | 10:18

Επενδύσεις και κλιματική αλλαγή στο επίκεντρο της συνάντησης Τσίπρα-Werner Hoyer

Ο Πρόεδρος του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ, Αλέξης Τσίπρας, είχε σήμερα συνάντηση με τον Πρόεδρο της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων, Werner Hoyer.

15 02 2020 | 10:02

Africa Must Choose Renewables Over Coal

African governments should strengthen strategies and policies aimed at encouraging the transition to a new climate economy and increasing investment in clean energy. By phasing out fossil fuels,…

15 02 2020 | 09:56

Bernie Sanders’s magical thinking on climate change

The prospect of Bernie Sanders becoming the Democratic nominee has startled many people who worry that his brand of democratic socialism won’t sell and would pave the way for a second Trump term.…

15 02 2020 | 09:47

The false promise of “renewable natural gas”

It’s no substitute for shifting to clean electricity.   To stay in line with the targets laid out in the Paris climate agreement, the US needs to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, known as…

15 02 2020 | 07:24

January 2020 noted as warmest since records began.

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has announced that January 2020 was the warmest January ever recorded.   In the span of 141 years of climate records, there has…

14 02 2020 | 08:42

Amazon Rainforest - Carbon sink or carbon source?

For decades, scientists have warned of an ‘Amazon tipping-point’: the point at which the forest loses its ability to renew itself and begins to emit more carbon than it absorbs.

14 02 2020 | 06:35

BP sets net zero carbon target for 2050.

New CEO Bernard Looney reveals plan to invest more in low-carbon businesses BP’s new chief executive has set an ambitious target to shrink the oil firm’s carbon footprint to net zero by 2050 by…

14 02 2020 | 06:29

Renewable energy generator powered by rainfall developed by City University of Hong Kong scientists.

Flooding, droughts, destructive wildfires, and more natural disasters are taking place across the globe, growing more common and extreme with climate change. The climate emergency has heightened the…

14 02 2020 | 06:25

Correcting Anti-Renewable Energy Propaganda.

In 1989, pro-nuclear lobbyists claimed that wind power couldn’t even provide 1% of Germany’s electricity. A few years later, pro-nuclear lobbyists ran ads in German newspapers, claiming that…

14 02 2020 | 06:07

New campaign launched on campuses urges colleges and universities to shift to 100 percent clean renewable power.

Environment America Research & Policy Center leads nationwide effort BOSTON -- As students across the country begin a new semester, Environment America Research & Policy Center is launching…

14 02 2020 | 06:04

Antarctic temperature rises above 20C for first time on record

Scientists describe 20.75C logged at Seymour Islan

14 02 2020 | 06:02

Global Energy CO2 Emissions Stabilised In 2019: IEA.

Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions stabilised last year according to the International Energy Agency. The IEA hopes it’s not just another pause in growth.

14 02 2020 | 05:19

Global Investors Driving Business Transition.

Climate Action 100+ is an investor initiative to ensure the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change.

14 02 2020 | 05:12

The potential of hydrogen to accelerate the energy transition.

Hydrogen as an energy vector is back in fashion due to its potential to support the transition to a decarbonized energy system required to meet the emission reduction goals of the Paris Agreement.…

14 02 2020 | 05:12

Carbon-neutral in 15 years? The country with an ambitious plan.

When a small village in Finland took the country’s biggest peat producer to court over a polluted river, it didn’t expect to win.  But it had a secret weapon - a local fisherman-turned-scientist…

14 02 2020 | 05:12

Africa and Middle East add 894MW of wind energy capacity in 2019, market expected to grow by over 10GW by 2024.

The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has released its latest wind energy capacity figures for Africa and the Middle East as part of its annual statistical release in the lead up to the Global Wind…

13 02 2020 | 08:58

Blade recycling: a top priority for the wind industry.

Wind turbines already have a recyclability rate of 85% to 90%. Making turbines 100% recyclable is an important task for the wind industry – and we are making significant progress in the right…

13 02 2020 | 06:52

Moixa team up with Alfen to demonstrate how AI could ‘revolutionise’ home EV charging.

Moixa has teamed up with energy solution specialist Alfen to launch a new EV charging partnership. Moixa, the developer of smart software for domestic battery and electric vehicle charging, and…