
Αποτελέσματα 12381 - 12400 | από συνολικά 14304
14 10 2019 | 09:45

National Renewable Energy Lab Studies Plants In Twin Falls Solar Field.

Over a dozen rows of blue solar panels stand in a grassy lot. This is the new solar field opened by Clif Bar. The panels will produce about a third of the energy needs for the company’s manufacturing…

14 10 2019 | 09:45

How green is green gas?

Green gas is being talked up of late as one new way forward for decarbonisation. So what exactly is green gas? It could, in fact, be a lot of different things, some of which are far from green. In…

14 10 2019 | 09:38

Jobs, Mpumalanga & death of coal: Switch to renewables will ensure future for the embattled province.

Mpumalanga is not alone in facing a dicey future: Coal regions around the world are in a similar predicament and some governments have already taken steps to compensate coal workers where mines are…

14 10 2019 | 09:34

Breathing new life into renewable energy.

Green technology has come a long way. The next challenge for the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory is to develop ways to recycle the recycling infrastructure. The clean energy sector faces a…

14 10 2019 | 09:25

Renewable news from East Africa.

Kenya gets energy investments record Sh145bn green.

14 10 2019 | 08:33

Όπως θα έλεγε και ο Κλιντ Ίστγουντ η κλιματική αλλαγή δεν είναι άποψη.

Ενθυμούμενος την όχι τόσο κομψή αλλά ακριβέστατη ρήση του μοναδικού Κλιντ Ίστγουντ για την «άποψη», αυτήν που όλοι έχουμε επί παντός επιστητού, ξεκινάω από το τέλος του άρθρου λέγοντας ότι «η…

13 10 2019 | 12:41

Συνεδρίασε η διυπουργική επιτροπή για το ΕΣΕΚ - Απολιγνιτοποίηση ως το 2028, 35% ΑΠΕ, περισσότερη εξοικονόμηση οι τρείς άξονες

Συνεδρίασε σήμερα υπό την προεδρία του υφυπουργού Ενέργειας κ. Γεράσιμου Θωμά η Διυπουργική Επιτροπή που θα εκπονήσει το νέο Εθνικό Σχέδιο για την Ενέργεια και το Κλίμα (ΕΣΕΚ). 

11 10 2019 | 15:21

Zimbabwe quadruples electricity prices amid blackouts.

The country is experiencing its worst economic crisis in a decade, recalling days of hyperinflation under Robert Mugabe. Zimbabwe has raised its average electricity tariff by 320 percent to ramp up…

11 10 2019 | 15:13

It’s not just Greta Thunberg: why are we ignoring the developing world’s inspiring activists?

idhima Pandey was just nine years old in 2017 when she filed a lawsuit against the Indian government for failing to take action against climate change. Pandey’s fierce, astounding passion for the…

11 10 2019 | 15:12

As UN climate talks near, host Chile charges up electric transport.

Electric and diesel buses pass in turn along one of the main avenues in Chile’s capital Santiago, sweeping past the national football stadium and up towards the Andean mountains. The differences are…

11 10 2019 | 14:56

'It's heartbreaking': a coastal community watches its beach wash away.

Manmade sea walls and the effects of climate change eating away at Stockton beach, and locals are rallying to save it. Noel Burns started work on Stockton beach as a council lifeguard in 1971 and…

11 10 2019 | 14:49

The women taking the plastic out of periods.

Sanitary products litter Europe’s beaches, and 200,000 tonnes a year end up in UK landfill. Meet the people fighting for ‘environmenstrual’ alternatives. Ella Daish has lost count of how many tampon…

11 10 2019 | 14:46

'Once they're gone, they're gone': the fight to save the giant sequoia.

A conservation group plans to buy the largest privately owned sequoia grove as the climate crisis threatens the species’ future. Few living beings have experienced as much as the giant sequoias.…

11 10 2019 | 14:38

Ocean cleanup device successfully collects plastic for first time.

Floating boom finally retains debris from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, creator says. A huge floating device designed by Dutch scientists to clean up an island of rubbish in the Pacific Ocean…

11 10 2019 | 14:29

PreCOP25 in Costa Rica Serves as Springboard for Climate Ambition towards COP25 in Chile.

San José, Costa Rica, 10 October 2019 - After three days of panels, high-level discussions and exchanging best practices for climate action, PreCOP25 in San José concluded today with calls for more…

11 10 2019 | 14:00

Vaclav Smil: We Must Leave Growth Behind.

On September 23, the United Nations opened its Climate Action Summit here in New York, three days after the Global Climate Strike, led by Greta Thunberg, swept through thousands of cities worldwide.

10 10 2019 | 15:20

Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions.

New data shows how fossil fuel companies have driven climate crisis despite industry knowing dangers. The Guardian today reveals the 20 fossil fuel companies whose relentless exploitation of the…

10 10 2019 | 14:17

WindEurope Offshore 2019 (26-28/11/2019): how offshore wind will help Europe go carbon-neutral.

Europe needs to expand its offshore fleet tenfold to meet the EU’s climate objectives for 2050. So that leaves us with a question: how do we get there?  

09 10 2019 | 16:25

Eight EU countries call on Timmermans to raise 2030 climate goal to 55%.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Eight European Union states have called on the bloc’s incoming top climate official, Frans Timmermans, to raise the EU’s carbon dioxide reduction target for 2030 to 55% from 40…