Academics and some scientific organizations will stop research activities on 10 June to reflect and take action on systemic inequalities in science.
Thousands of academics and major scientific…
Climate change deniers have spread countless posts and videos which contain misinformation. It may appear as if these are people who are simply ill-informed about the issue.
However, there is, in…
Replacing 500 gigawatts of high-cost coal plants with solar and wind farms would reduce carbon emissions by about 1.8 gigatons, equivalent to 5% of CO2 emissions in 2019, and save consumers billions…
The ocean covers two-thirds of the planet and is vital for human well-being. It provides invaluable ecosystem services, contributes to global food security, and offers immense opportunities for…
As PV Impact partner, 3E invites you to participate to an online matchmaking session focusing on operations and diagnosis of PV plants on 17 June 2020 from 14:00 to 17:30.
This event aims to…
Safeguarding biodiversity can help reduce future health risks making our societies more resilient, but the benefits of biodiversity go far beyond disease protection, contributing to global public…
As governments design stimulus measures for economies hit by the Covid-19 crisis, they should seize the opportunity of historically low oil prices to redirect some of the half a trillion dollars…
Think you know about wind energy? Pop culture? General knowledge? Do you and your teammates have what it takes to compete against the wind community? 2020 marks the 13th year of Global Wind Day, our…
The failure of governments and central banks to set out a green recovery from the coronavirus crisis is threatening to derail vital UN climate talks aimed at staving off global catastrophe,…
The influential French thinker explains the politics of the Gaia principle, the problems of post-truth and how coronavirus gives us a model for spreading ideas.
On World Environment Day, global institutions working on development, labour and environment have united around key actions for spurring a green, just and transformative recovery.
The Partners for…
UN environment chief and economist warn human wealth depends on nature’s health.
The coronavirus pandemic is an “SOS signal for the human enterprise”, according to a leading economist and the United…
A glut of discarded single-use masks and gloves is washing up on shorelines and littering the seabed.
Conservationists have warned that the coronavirus pandemic could spark a surge in ocean…
Oταν, πριν απο 2.000 χρόνια περίπου, ο Ηρων ο Αλεξανδρεύς αντικατέστησε τη μυϊκή ενέργεια του δούλου που λειτουργούσε την εμβολοφόρο αντλία του Κτησιβίου, με μια κινητήρια ανεμοφτερωτή, δεν μπορούσε…
The European Commission’s €750 billion recovery fund could be covered financially by new sources of revenue, which include extending the EU’s carbon market to the aviation and shipping sectors, the…
Bonn/ Mountain View, 5 June 2020 - Today, on World Environment Day, UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Google Arts & Culture Lab residency program announce “Heartbeat of the Earth”, a series of…