
Αποτελέσματα 10381 - 10400 | από συνολικά 14362
23 07 2020 | 19:21

The most important renewable energy project in Africa in 2019, with Safiatou Alzouma Nouhou, GSR2020.

Discover what makes the Benban Solar Park special. And why it should inspire other African countries.       10 July 2020 REN21

23 07 2020 | 19:18

Pandemic shows climate has never been treated as crisis, say scientists.

Letter also signed by Greta Thunberg urges EU leaders to act immediately on global heating. Greta Thunberg and some of the world’s leading climate scientists have written to EU leaders demanding…

23 07 2020 | 19:16

Kenya: Sh10bn needed to power idle medical kits.

The Ministry of Energy requires more than Sh10 billion to connect or upgrade electricity connectivity to all Level 2 to Level 5 hospitals for the leased medical equipment service (MES). Under the…

23 07 2020 | 19:07

Birriah elders accuse Shine Energy of using Indigenous links to promote coal-fired power.

Exclusive: Shine Energy, which has proposed a new plant at Collinsville in north Queensland, describes itself as a ‘traditional owner company’ The company proposing a coal-fired power station at…

23 07 2020 | 19:06

Guest post: Why Africa’s heatwaves are a forgotten impact of climate change.

Recent summers have demonstrated dramatically that heatwaves are not only deadly, but they are already being influenced by human-induced climate change.

23 07 2020 | 19:05

Weatherwatch: the Gambia's pleasant subtropical climate.

Tiny west African country enjoys warm temperatures, which are cooler on its tourist-filled coast. As the smallest country on the African mainland – just 30 miles (50km) across at its widest point,…

23 07 2020 | 18:53

Aldi commits to removing over 2 billion pieces of plastic by 2025.

By 2020 Aldi aims for 100% of all of their own label packaging to be recyclable, reusable or compositable and across all products by 2025. Last year’s report by Environmental Investigation Agency (…

23 07 2020 | 18:40

Brenda the Civil Disobedience Penguin vs the Gigantic Floating Gas Refinery.

You’re turning a perfectly good planet into a hellworld for money!       10 July 2020 The Guardian

23 07 2020 | 18:40

Samsung investment in Adani's Australian coal operation prompts call for boycott.

Activists protest at Samsung Electronics store in Sydney over debt purchase by affiliate Samsung Securities. A company in the Samsung Group invested in Adani’s Australian coal operation last year in…

23 07 2020 | 09:21

Ban new gas boilers in UK from 2025 or risk missing net zero target, says CBI

The installation of new gas boilers must be banned from 2025 or the UK’s net-zero climate target will be “doomed”, according to a high-level commission convened by the CBI. The ban would apply to…

23 07 2020 | 09:14

Global heating: best and worst case scenarios less likely than thought

Doomsayers and hopemongers alike may need to revise their climate predictions after a study that almost rules out the most optimistic forecasts for global heating while downplaying the likelihood of…

23 07 2020 | 09:13

ECB developing an appetite for green bonds.

In a recent interview Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, announced that they will begin to use the bank’s asset purchase scheme to pursue green objectives. “I want to explore…

23 07 2020 | 08:53

The US is headed for climate disaster – but Joe Biden's green plan might just work.

Biden’s $2tn green agriculture plan is ambitious but realistic. That’s important, because everything is riding on it. The world’s food supply is imperiled by a climate crisis already upon us, and …

22 07 2020 | 13:46

Is there a link between climate change and child slavery in West Africa?

On this edition of the Sky News Daily podcast with Dermot Murnaghan, we examine the exploitation of young boys in Senegal and why climate change is adding to problems in the region. We are joined by…

22 07 2020 | 09:01

First active leak of sea-bed methane discovered in Antarctica

The first active leak of methane from the sea floor in Antarctica has been revealed by scientists. The researchers also found microbes that normally consume the potent greenhouse gas before it…

22 07 2020 | 08:53

Tensions mount as Ethiopia allows dam across Nile headwaters to fill.

Egypt fears hydroelectric project will restrict limited waters on which its population depends. Ethiopia has allowed a controversial dam built across the headwaters of the Nile to fill with rain…

22 07 2020 | 08:32

Record heat wave in Siberia has far-flung consequences.

Oil spills, intense heat waves, smoldering wildfires and thawing permafrost: Siberia is experiencing the destructive effects of climate change. And scientists say if action isn't taken soon, it's…

22 07 2020 | 08:32

Το Ταμείο Δίκαιης Μετάβασης "πληρώνει" το μεγάλο συμβιβασμό στις Βρυξέλλες - Xάνει περίπου 1 δισ. έσοδα η Ελλάδα

Ερωτήματα για την ομαλή πορεία του εγχειρήματος της απολιγνιτοποίησης και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αυτή θα χρηματοδοτηθεί, εγείρουν οι μεγάλες περικοπές που όπως φαίνεται θα υποστεί το Ταμείο Δίκαιης…

22 07 2020 | 08:28

World's largest oil firm agrees to carbon cuts to tackle climate crisis.

Saudi Aramco joins Oil and Gas Climate Initiative pledge but critics say targets are insufficient. The world’s biggest oil company, Saudi Aramco, has joined an alliance of oil companies to set the…

22 07 2020 | 08:26

ΑΔΜΗΕ και ΔΕΔΔΗΕ παρουσίασαν στην αγορά τη νέα διαδικασία ομαδικού αιτήματος ΑΠΕ για υποσταθμό και σύνδεση με το δίκτυο

Τα μοντέλα που έχουν επεξεργαστεί οι Διαχειριστές Συστήματος Μεταφοράς και Δικτύου Διανομής Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας (ΑΔΜΗΕ και ΔΕΔΔΗΕ αντίστοιχα) για ταχύτερη σύνδεση ομάδων ΑΠΕ μικρής ισχύος στο Δίκτυο…