One year ago Jessica Hamilton divested from fossil fuels. Here’s what she has learned since
This time last year I changed my banking and superannuation, and I did it out of climate anxiety. Was it a…
The Atlantic Ocean is getting wider and, after a uniquely ambitious expedition, scientists finally think they know why.
The reason? An upwelling of matter from much deeper below Earth's crust than…
The spring lockdown brought butterflies and biodiversity to the Spanish city, and inspired a reimagining of its relationship with nature
When Barcelona’s inhabitants emerged from a six-week…
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2 February 2021 - The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy…
Offshore seabed auction lands £4bn over 10 years for Treasury and Crown Estate prompting calls for green sovereign wealth fund.
The Queen and the Treasury are in line for a multibillion-pound…
Rigs burn off enough unwanted gas to heat 1m homes, UK regulator said last year.
The UK’s North Sea oil rigs release as much carbon dioxide as a coal-fired power plant every year by deliberately…
Coalition tensions in evidence as growing chorus of Nationals call for new coal plants after PM sends zero emissions signal.
The Nationals are continuing to agitate for new investments in coal,…
COVID-19 has presented us with a unique opportunity for a green and inclusive recovery that will make the world a better place for everyone, says the head of the Organization for Economic Co-…
Financial markets rely on a common language. Before investors can take a view on a company’s prospects, they need to understand its assets and liabilities, its cashflows and earnings. The current…
OPEC boosted crude production as planned last month, but the increase was tempered by disruptions at long-troubled member nations.
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries raised output by…
Ask people to name the world’s largest river, and most will probably guess that it’s the Amazon, the Nile or the Mississippi. In fact, some of Earth’s largest rivers are in the sky – and they can…
An auction of offshore plots for future windfarms is being held by the Crown Estate.
The Queen’s ownership of the British coastline is as old as the monarchy itself. But her right to collect…
The Interior Department is revoking about 70 oil and gas drilling permits issued, invalidly, during the first days of the Biden administration, Bloomberg reports.
Enel SpA is planning to entirely phase out natural gas from its portfolio as it shoots for a net-zero emissions target, arguing that technology to capture carbon has proven to be a bad bet in energy…
EDF Renewables plans to build phase two of the Blyth Offshore Demonstrator (BOD) wind farm off the coast of Northumberland, using floating offshore wind technology. Once complete, it will be among…