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27 09 2020 | 08:03

Climate Explained: Methane Is Short-Lived in the Atmosphere but Leaves Long-Term Damage.

Methane is a shorter-lived greenhouse gas - why do we average it out over 100 years? By doing so, do we risk emitting so much in the upcoming decades that we reach climate tipping points? The…

27 09 2020 | 08:01

Is This The Cleanest Energy On Earth?

The green energy revolution is well and truly underway. Renewables have proven to be highly resilient, emerging as the only energy sector to record any kind of growth at a time when fossil fuels are…

27 09 2020 | 08:01

Climate crisis 233m years ago reshaped life on Earth, say scientists.

Volcanic eruptions drove global heating, causing mass extinctions and ushering in dinosaur era. A mass extinction event sparked by a sudden shift in climate more than 200m years ago reshaped life on…

27 09 2020 | 08:00

New Cooling Technology Protects Against Severe Heat and Viral Spread

In the face of dangerous heat waves this summer, Americans have taken shelter in air conditioned cooling centers. Normally, that would be a wise choice, but during a pandemic, indoor shelters present…

27 09 2020 | 07:59

More Can Be Done To Ensure A Green Recovery From COVID-19 Crisis, Says OECD.

Many countries are making “green” recovery measures a central part of stimulus packages to drive sustainable, inclusive, resilient economic growth and improve well-being in the wake of the COVID-19…

27 09 2020 | 07:49

Solar Windows Will Soon Become A Commercial Reality.

Last year, the United Nations sent out a grim warning: The world has a very short 10-year window to act to avert catastrophic and irreversible climate change.

27 09 2020 | 07:48

UN: 'Climate-Smart' Cities Are the Future – Here Are Three Examples.

More than half of the world's population lives in cities, and most future population growth is predicted to happen in urban areas. But the concentration of large numbers of people and the ecosystems…

27 09 2020 | 07:44

High-resolution methane emissions data for waste management.

Copernicus Sentinel-5P’s high revisit rate combined with GHGSat’s high-resolution commercial imagery can give landfill operators and regulators the information they need to reduce methane emissions…

27 09 2020 | 07:43

Air pollution in a post-COVID-19 world.

Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems of our time. According to a new report from the European Environment Agency (EEA), air pollution now contributes to one in eight deaths in…

27 09 2020 | 07:41

Why Solar Geoengineering Should Be Part of the Climate Crisis Solution.

For decades, climate scientist David Keith of Harvard University has been trying to get people to take his research seriously. He's a pioneer in the field of geoengineering, which aims to combat…

27 09 2020 | 07:33

How coral transplants could rescue Turkey's threatened reefs.

Scientists are carefully moving the sea animals to new locations to save them from construction schemes. Transplanting coral is difficult work. “You only have 20 minutes to dive down 30 metres and…

25 09 2020 | 10:31

Melting Antarctic ice will raise sea level by 2.5 metres – even if Paris climate goals are met, study finds.

Research says melting will continue even if temperature rises are limited to 2C. Melting of the Antarctic ice sheet will cause sea level rises of about two and a half metres around the world, even…

24 09 2020 | 13:00

Fund to cut emissions in developing world cities launched.

LONDON (Reuters) - A new multilateral finance fund was launched on Wednesday that aims to cut carbon emissions and improve conditions in developing-world cities. Implemented by the World Bank and…

24 09 2020 | 12:52

IDMC Internal Displacement 2020: Mid-Year Update.

Millions of people forced from their homes face dual hardship of COVID-19 Around 14.6 million new internal displacements were recorded across 127 countries and territories between January and June…

24 09 2020 | 12:41

Six African heritage sites under threat from climate change.

From rock art in southern Africa to pyramids along the River Nile, humans have been leaving their mark across the continent for millennia. But extreme weather events, the rise in sea levels and…

24 09 2020 | 12:16

World Bank launches Africa climate strategy as pandemic hammers green growth.

The World Bank has launched its multi-billion dollar Africa climate change strategy for the next six years in a bid to kickstart green growth hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

24 09 2020 | 12:05

With climate crisis top public concern, UN’s ActNow campaign steps up public engagement for more sustainable lifestyles.

New York – In light of worsening climate impacts around the world and strong public concern about the climate crisis, the United Nations is stepping up engagement of its global audiences, calling on…

23 09 2020 | 11:53

The Guardian view on politics and the environment: we demand better.

The British public are way ahead of the government in their ideas for a fairer, greener country. Time for Downing Street to listen.

23 09 2020 | 11:50

World fails to meet a single target to stop destruction of nature – UN report.

Humanity at a crossroads’ after a decade in which all of the 2010 Aichi goals to protect wildlife and ecosystems have been missed. The world has failed to meet a single target to stem the…

23 09 2020 | 11:19

LEGO Plans to Eliminate Single-Use Plastic Following Children's Request.

Lego said on Tuesday that it plans to stop using plastic bags inside of box sets and replace them with paper ones. The Danish company said it would start making the switch next year and aimed to…