Science – Technology – Innovation

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12 03 2021 | 11:52

We Had Electric Cars in 1900 ... Then This Happened.

Tearing through the crowded streets of Philadelphia, an electric car and a gas-powered car sought to win a heated race.

12 03 2021 | 10:51

A practical guide to tackling the climate crisis – podcast.

The first UN climate change conference was held in 1995 in Berlin. More than two decades later, our planet remains on track for three degrees of warming above pre-industrial levels by the end of the…

12 03 2021 | 10:36

People wasting almost 1bn tonnes of food a year, UN report reveals.

Food discarded in homes is 74kg per person each year, with problem affecting rich and poor countries. People waste almost a billion tonnes of food a year, a UN report has revealed. It is the most…

12 03 2021 | 10:31

Cancel all planned coal projects globally to end ‘deadly addiction’, says UN chief.

Call comes at event hosted by UK government, which is under pressure over planned coalmine in Cumbria. All planned coal projects around the world must be cancelled to end the “deadly addiction” to…

12 03 2021 | 10:20

'Medium danger' as unknown number of crocodiles escape into Breede River in Western Cape.

People urged to be on the lookout for subadult crocs 'about 5km upstream towards Robertson and 5km downstream towards Swellendam' Traps have been set in the Breede River after an unknown number of…

12 03 2021 | 10:18

Graves of nearly 600 cats and dogs in ancient Egypt may be world’s oldest pet cemetery.

The cats and dogs lie as if asleep, in individual graves. Many wore collars or other adornments, and they had been cared for through injury and old age, like today’s pets. But the last person to bury…

12 03 2021 | 10:12

An NGO is building the world’s first 3D-printed school in Madagascar.

Construction will start later this year, and the concept may expand to other countries. The school was designed by Studio Mortazavi, an architecture firm based in San Francisco and Lisbon, in…

12 03 2021 | 10:05

Cape Verde’s sea-inspired murals protect aquatic biodiversity.

Aquatic Murals for a Cause Beautiful images of aquatic life can be seen painted on the facades of 13 houses in Porto Mosquito, a fishing village 20km from Praia the capital of Cape Verde. Inspired…

12 03 2021 | 09:54

Conservation is failing communities who share space with wildlife.

We must address the needs of rural communities in Africa to help solve the continent’s human-elephant conflict. When we think of elephants, we may think: gentle giants, majestic, noble creatures.…

12 03 2021 | 09:54

The Texas blackouts showed how climate extremes threaten energy systems across the US.

Pundits and politicians have been quick to point fingers over the debacle in Texas that left millions without power or clean water during February’s deep freeze. Many have blamed the state’s …

12 03 2021 | 09:53

Women must not be sidelined in climate crisis talks, says scientist Katharine Hayhoe.

The Independent speaks to Prof Hayhoe as she is appointed chief scientist of the Nature Conservancy, one of the world’s largest environmental organisations. More effort must be made to represent…

12 03 2021 | 09:50

OCEAN WINDS and TERNA ENERGY forge floating collaboration.

OCEAN WINDS (OW, a Joint Venture between EDP Renewables and ENGIE) and TERNA ENERGY have signed a collaboration agreement to co-develop floating offshore wind projects in the Greek seas. OW and…

12 03 2021 | 09:43

Blue carbon: how three Australian marine sites lock away 2bn tonnes of CO2.

Greenhouse gas stored in country’s marine world heritage sites about same as four years of national emissions. Three of Australia’s world heritage-listed marine sites have more than 2bn tonnes of…

12 03 2021 | 09:36

UK Government urged to include aviation and shipping in net zero legislation.

The Aviation Environment Federation, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Green Alliance, Possible and Transport & Environment have written an open letter directly to Boris Johnson to urge the UK…

12 03 2021 | 09:33

Riskthinking.AI announces new global community advancing groundbreaking research ‘Climate Risk Labs’

Announcing Climate Risk Labs: A global community of experts advancing ground-breaking research and radical strategies for climate risk management. Riskthinking.AI has launched, a…

12 03 2021 | 09:23

'Biden must undo Trump's damaging decision on Western Sahara'

In August 2012, my daughter Mariah and I took part in an international human rights delegation trip to Western Sahara, where we met with hundreds and hundreds of victims of abuse. People there told…

12 03 2021 | 09:23

New EarthX Special 'Protecting the Amazon' Suggests Ways to Save the World’s Greatest Rainforest.

To save the planet, we must save the Amazon rainforest. To save the rainforest, we must save its indigenous peoples. And to do that, we must demarcate their land.

12 03 2021 | 09:12

Kenyan farmers are turning crop-eating locusts into sustainable animal feed.

Laura Stanford says the project helps farmers turn a profit with the very thing that killed their crops When Laura Stanford heard stories from Kenyan farmers about the devastation that the locust…

12 03 2021 | 08:52

Oozing tendrils of lava spew from Mount Etna in spectacular nighttime photos.

Europe's most active volcano is having an epic couple of weeks. Mount Etna, Europe's most active volcano, has been belching ash, smoke and lava over the Sicilian countryside for more than two weeks…