Science – Technology – Innovation

Αποτελέσματα 1461 - 1480 | από συνολικά 4183
22 03 2021 | 10:03

Youth Climate Activists Change Legal Strategy.

A group of youth climate activists who sued the U.S. government in 2015 are changing tactics in their fight to force the feds to address climate change.

22 03 2021 | 09:59

US urged to cut 50% of emissions by 2030 to spur other countries to action.

Biden administration is set to unveil a new greenhouse gas reduction target at a climate meeting on 22 April, Earth Day. The US needs to commit to slashing its planet-heating emissions by at least…

22 03 2021 | 09:54

Coalition Says Healing 'Broken Relationship With Nature' Key to Stopping Next Pandemic

As the World Health Organization stresses the need for continued measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the face of a global rise in cases, reporting out Tuesday spotlights a new…

22 03 2021 | 09:54

ENEL joins equal by 30 campaign, confirming its commitments on gender equality.

The Enel Group is among the signatories of the Equal by 30 Campaign, a public commitment by public and private sector organizations to work towards equal pay, equal leadership and equal…

22 03 2021 | 09:54

China leads world's biggest increase in wind power capacity.

Developers built windfarms with a total capacity of almost 100GW in 2020, a rise of nearly 60% on previous year China built more new windfarm capacity in 2020 than the whole world combined in the…

22 03 2021 | 09:50

National Trust launches ‘worst case scenario’ map showing impact of climate crisis on UK heritage sites

Stark warning from charity highlights risks to properties, monuments and landscapes in Britain as planet heats up. The National Trust has developed what it has described as a “game changing” map…

22 03 2021 | 09:45

Biden DOI Reverses Trump Rule That Stripped Migratory Bird Protections.

On Monday the Biden administration restored protections for migratory birds from accidental, industry-caused deaths.

22 03 2021 | 09:44

EU Parliament votes to retain free CO2 quotas for industry.

The European Parliament has rejected proposals to phase out free CO2 pollution credits for industries covered by the EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), even as the bloc plans to gradually…

22 03 2021 | 09:34

Pushed past coping: IIED animation captures destruction of climate change loss and damage in Sierra Leone

A new animation from IIED – the second in a three-part series of animations on loss and damage caused by climate change in the least developed countries – shows the devastating loss and damage…

22 03 2021 | 09:33

Enel breaks ground on large wind-plus-storage project in Texas.

Enel Green Power North America has started construction of the Azure Sky wind plus storage project in Texas that, once operational, will supply Kellogg Company with electricity through a 100MW…

22 03 2021 | 09:29

Good vibrations: bladeless turbines could bring wind power to your home.

Skybrators’ generate clean energy without environmental impact of large windfarms, say green pioneers. The giant windfarms that line hills and coastlines are not the only way to harness the power of…

22 03 2021 | 09:28

Charging infrastructure business electrifies Europe.

The public charging infrastructure in Europe continues to grow rapidly - by 35 percent in 2020 compared to the previous year.

22 03 2021 | 09:28

Fisherman in Kenya swap petrol outboard motors for electric engines.

Fishermen on Lake Victoria in Kenya have begun using some of Africa’s first electric fishing boats. A Kenya-based start-up is offering battery-powered engines to some of the tens of thousands of…

22 03 2021 | 09:28

Singapore builds huge floating solar farm at sea in bid to tackle climate crisis.

Oceans are ‘new frontier’ in electricity production, says firm tasked with carrying out project. A growing push in Singapore to reduce the city-state’s greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate…

22 03 2021 | 09:27

Exotic crystals of 'ice 19' discovered.

Scientists have identified the 19th form of water ice. The exotic, four-sided crystals of this rare ice variety, now dubbed ice XIX, form at ultra-low temperatures and ultra-high pressures.  It only…

22 03 2021 | 09:24

Greta Thunberg says Biden isn’t doing ‘nearly enough’ on climate change (cloned)

The Biden administration must “treat the climate crisis like a crisis,” the Swedish activist says. Teenage climate activistGreta Thunberg slammed President Joe Biden’s handling of the climate crisis…

22 03 2021 | 09:19

Yallourn, one of Australia's last brown coal power stations, to close early in favour of giant battery.

Power station produces 13% of Victoria’s and 3% of national emissions and employs 500 people. One of Australia’s dirtiest coal-fired power stations, Yallourn in Victoria’s Latrobe valley, will close…

22 03 2021 | 09:11

Extreme rain three times more likely thanks to climate change, Met Office warns.

Enough rain to fill Loch Ness fell on 3 October 2020 — an extreme event that’s already three times more likely because of global warming. Record-breaking rain and “days with extreme rainfall…

22 03 2021 | 09:07

Endangered vultures: A species on the 'brink of extinction' in Kenya.

Out of 11 vulture species found in Africa, 7 are on the verge of extinction. In Kenya, one species - bearded vulture - has less than five individuals remaining according to conservationists.…

22 03 2021 | 08:58

Australian exporters could face millions of dollars in European tariffs as EU seeks to punish polluters.

Australian exporters to Europe are likely to face millions of dollars in new tariffs after the European Parliament voted overnight to move forward with a carbon levy on products from countries…