Science – Technology – Innovation

Αποτελέσματα 3501 - 3520 | από συνολικά 4183
15 10 2019 | 08:24

Development banks reducing investment in renewables despite claiming to tackle climate crisis – new report.

New report shows that multilateral development banks funding for renewables fell by half a billion dollars last year. This despite need for clean energy investment to rapidly increase to tackle…

14 10 2019 | 10:04

Germany’s Bet on Solar Power May Get Lost in the Wind.

As Germany prepares to pass its climate protection plan through 2030, the government is trying to decide whether to prioritize solar or wind energy. The latest version of the plan leans toward solar…

14 10 2019 | 09:59

Solar PV prices fall to record lows in tender for 900MW solar park in Dubai.

A consortium led by Saudi Arabia-based ACWA Power had reportedly lodged a world record low price bid of $16.953 ($A25) a megawatt hour for a 900MW solar park in Dubai. The bid – reported by…

14 10 2019 | 09:25

Renewable news from East Africa.

Kenya gets energy investments record Sh145bn green.

11 10 2019 | 15:21

Zimbabwe quadruples electricity prices amid blackouts.

The country is experiencing its worst economic crisis in a decade, recalling days of hyperinflation under Robert Mugabe. Zimbabwe has raised its average electricity tariff by 320 percent to ramp up…

11 10 2019 | 14:38

Ocean cleanup device successfully collects plastic for first time.

Floating boom finally retains debris from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, creator says. A huge floating device designed by Dutch scientists to clean up an island of rubbish in the Pacific Ocean…

11 10 2019 | 14:29

PreCOP25 in Costa Rica Serves as Springboard for Climate Ambition towards COP25 in Chile.

San José, Costa Rica, 10 October 2019 - After three days of panels, high-level discussions and exchanging best practices for climate action, PreCOP25 in San José concluded today with calls for more…

10 10 2019 | 15:20

Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions.

New data shows how fossil fuel companies have driven climate crisis despite industry knowing dangers. The Guardian today reveals the 20 fossil fuel companies whose relentless exploitation of the…

09 10 2019 | 16:25

Eight EU countries call on Timmermans to raise 2030 climate goal to 55%.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Eight European Union states have called on the bloc’s incoming top climate official, Frans Timmermans, to raise the EU’s carbon dioxide reduction target for 2030 to 55% from 40…

09 10 2019 | 14:20

Trump Kills a Tariff Loophole in Latest Blow to Renewable Energy.

The Trump administration dealt a fresh blow to renewable energy developers on Friday by stripping away an exemption the industry was counting on to weather the president’s tariffs on imported panels.

08 10 2019 | 12:24

30 of the World's largest & most influential cities have peaked greenhouse gas emissions.

Copenhagen, Denmark (October 8, 2019) - Austin, Athens, Lisbon, and Venice are the latest major cities to have peaked their greenhouse gas emissions. The world’s leading scientists have calculated…

08 10 2019 | 12:01

30 cities have peaked greenhouse gas emissions.

Austin, Athens, Lisbon, and Venice join a group of 30 global cities in reaching major climate milestone.

08 10 2019 | 11:56

Extinction Rebellion: Έκλεισε το κέντρο του Βερολίνου – Συλλήψεις στο Λονδίνο.

Στον αποκλεισμό κεντρικών οδικών αρτηριών του Βερολίνου προχωρούν από το πρωί διαδηλωτές για το κλίμα, ανταποκρινόμενοι στο κάλεσμα της οργάνωσης «Extinction Rebellion», η οποία διοργανώνει από…

08 10 2019 | 11:09

Entry into force of amended Gothenburg Protocol is landmark for clean air and climate action.

Air pollution kills 7 million people every year according to WHO data. It is by far the world’s largest single environmental health risk and a leading cause of death by cancer. Air pollution is also…

08 10 2019 | 08:34

Some $71 bln of Japanese coal assets at risk from cheaper renewables.

As much as $71 billion of Japanese coal assets could be at risk as the economic viability of plants is undermined by cheaper renewable energy, research by the University of Tokyo, Carbon Tracker and…

08 10 2019 | 08:23

Policy flip-flops will have India's renewable energy target missing by over 42%

Faced by many a regulatory challenge, policy flip-flops and also a steep fall in tariffs, the country is likely to miss the renewable energy target of 175 GW by 2022 by a wide margin, says a report…

06 10 2019 | 18:06

Tractebel eyes green hydrogen offshore.

Tractebel Engineering and Tractebel Overdick are working on an offshore platform that could produce 'green' hydrogen from offshore wind power. The companies, which are part of Engie, said they are…

06 10 2019 | 18:05

Collaboration on renewables-based energy systems for islands.

Two international organisations, UN-OHRLLS and IRENA, will collaborate on activities to support the building of renewables-based energy systems, in order to close the energy access gaps experienced…

06 10 2019 | 18:01

Climate explained: what each of us can do to reduce our carbon footprint.

As an individual, what is the single, most important thing I can do in the face of climate change? The most important individual climate action will depend on each person’s particular circumstances…