Editorial Opinion Articles

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13 04 2020 | 07:08

Wildlife destruction 'not a slippery slope but a series of cliff edges'.

New study finds ocean ecosystems likely to collapse in 2020s and land species in 2040s unless global warming stemmed. Wildlife species will die out and natural ecosystems collapse in the near future…

11 04 2020 | 14:58

EAC warns against climate 'slipping down agenda' as it launches green technology inquiry.

COP26 delay offers UK more time to wield diplomatic muscle to push for global ambition, says Environmental Audit Committee chair Philip Dunne The government has been urged by MPs to ensure climate…

11 04 2020 | 14:54

The Age of Stupid film premiere.

“What I don’t understand is where does everybody else get their apathy from?” Franny Armstrong is out to change the minds of 250 million people... This evening a film that began life as a low budget…

11 04 2020 | 14:39

Huge East Antarctic Glacier Especially Susceptible to Climate Impacts.

Denman Glacier in East Antarctica retreated 3.4 miles (5.4 kilometers) from 1996 to 2018, according to a new study by scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of California,…

11 04 2020 | 14:09

Renewable energy wins over oil and gas in post-coronavirus world.

LAUNCESTON, Australia (Reuters) - Imagine waking up one morning with a deadly tiger snake in your bed. To make matters worse out of the window you notice an approaching bushfire. Both are a threat…

11 04 2020 | 14:07

Social Distancing And Storm Evacuations Save Lives. Here’s Why Some People Complain When They Do.

It is fascinating (and scary) to watch the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis play out. As a leader within the U.S. meteorological community, I notice several similarities between public responses to the…

11 04 2020 | 14:00

AFRICA: Afsia launches awards for solar innovation

The African Solar Industry Association (AFSIA) plans to award its new AFSIA Solar Awards on July 2, 2020 in Madrid, Spain. These are several awards that recognise innovation in the solar sector in…

09 04 2020 | 11:54

Are the climate and coronavirus crises really so alike?

There are similarities between the coronavirus and the climate emergencies, but what should really scare us are the differences Over the past fortnight the coronavirus pandemic has triggered a surge…

09 04 2020 | 11:32

How our responses to climate change and the coronavirus are linked.

The coronavirus pandemic may lead to a deeper understanding of the ties that bind us on a global scale. Well-resourced healthcare systems are essential to protect us from health security threats,…

09 04 2020 | 11:11

We practised for a pandemic, but didn’t brace.

Unheeded lessons from simulations of health and other disasters could still assist recovery. Planners have known that something like COVID-19 would come, even if they could never be sure when or…

09 04 2020 | 11:09

Cost-Benefit Analysis in the Time of Coronavirus and Climate Change.

Like climate economics, the economics of Covid-19 mean we need to take aggressive action, not incremental steps.

09 04 2020 | 10:55

New renewable energy capacity hit record levels in 2019.

Most new electricity globally was green and coronavirus bailouts must boost this further, says agency.

09 04 2020 | 10:49

Power in a pandemic - why energy access matters during coronavirus

Reliable, affordable electricity is needed to keep people connected at home and to run life-saving equipment in hospitals A pandemic puts pressure on every part of a country’s economy and society.…

09 04 2020 | 10:36

Earth scorched in the first 3 months of 2020.

The American economy has seriously sputtered during the coronavirus pandemic, but the planet's relentless warming trend hasn't. 

09 04 2020 | 10:36

Delaying the COP26 climate talks could have a silver lining.

In the face of the coronavirus outbreak, most people agree it was the right decision last night to postpone the COP26 climate summit until 2021. But what will the delay mean for the biggest moment in…

09 04 2020 | 10:35

Coronavirus could trigger biggest fall in carbon emissions since World War Two.

LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Carbon dioxide emissions could fall by the largest amount since World War Two this year as the coronavirus outbreak brings economies to a virtual standstill, according…

09 04 2020 | 10:16

The oil industry saw its opening and moved with breathtaking speed to take advantage of this moment.

Coal is now a loser around the world. There has been no more dramatic story in the world of energy over the last 20 years than the rise and fall of coal.

08 04 2020 | 23:10

Big Oil is using the coronavirus pandemic to push through the Keystone XL pipeline.

The oil industry saw its opening and moved with breathtaking speed to take advantage of this moment I'm going to tell you the single worst story I’ve heard in these past few horrid months, a story…

08 04 2020 | 11:49

The 5 Most Promising Long-Duration Storage Technologies Left Standing.

Low-carbon grids need longer-duration storage, but few technologies have succeeded at scale. Here’s the current roster of best bets. Rarely has such a crucial enterprise for the future of human…

08 04 2020 | 11:48

Oceans can be restored to former glory within 30 years, say scientists.

The glory of the world’s oceans could be restored within a generation, according to a major new scientific review. It reports rebounding sea life, from humpback whales off Australia to elephant seals…

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