Editorial Opinion Articles

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29 01 2021 | 09:04

Climate crisis: world is at its hottest for at least 12,000 years – study.

Scientists say temperatures globally at highest level since start of human civilisation. The planet is hotter now than it has been for at least 12,000 years, a period spanning the entire development…

27 01 2021 | 11:21

Cities can help migrating birds on their way by planting more trees and turning lights off at night.

Millions of birds travel between their breeding and wintering grounds during spring and autumn migration, creating one of the greatest spectacles of the natural world. These journeys often span…

27 01 2021 | 11:08

Electric Cars Are Better for the Planet – and Often Your Budget, Too

Electric vehicles are better for the climate than gas-powered cars, but many Americans are still reluctant to buy them. One reason: The larger upfront cost. New data published Thursday shows that…

27 01 2021 | 10:57

Plastic petition by UK nine-year-old gains over 70k signatures in under a week.

After studying how microplastics damage the oceans, schoolgirl Lizzie wants the government to stop sending waste to developing countries. A petition by a nine-year-old schoolgirl calling on Boris…

27 01 2021 | 10:19

Why is snow white?

It has everything to do with optics. Imagine waking up after a night of heavy snowfall — you look out the window and see a world of white. But if you turn on a faucet or open the freezer, you'll…

27 01 2021 | 10:00

Hidden lives: the animals behind the products we consume – photo essay.

Photojournalists capture the often unseen side of the meat, fur and entertainment industries, in a collection co-edited by Guardian collaborator Jo-Anne McArthur

27 01 2021 | 09:58

How Climate Change Will Impact the Way We Eat.

Will climate change seal the end of the Mediterranean diet? We often read about how climate change will impact the way we live as if it was something yet to come, a threat still far away from us.…

27 01 2021 | 09:49

Coalition granting fossil fuel companies up to $250,000 to attend industry events.

International mining conference among forums involving oil, coal and gas industries approved for subsidies in program touted as boosting events sector. The Morrison government is offering fossil…

27 01 2021 | 09:35

One, two, tree: how AI helped find millions of trees in the Sahara.

Efforts to map the Earth’s trees are growing – and could change our understanding of the planet’s health. When a team of international scientists set out to count every tree in a large swathe of…

27 01 2021 | 09:25

'My neighbourhood is being destroyed to pacify his supporters': the race to complete Trump's wall.

In his final months in office, Donald Trump has ramped up construction on his promised physical border between the US and Mexico – devastating wildlife habitats and increasing the migrant death toll

26 01 2021 | 11:39

Cheaper solar power means low-income families can also benefit – with the right kind of help.

Until recently, rooftop solar panels were a clean energy technology that only wealthy Americans could afford. But prices have dropped, thanks mostly to falling costs for hardware, as well as price…

26 01 2021 | 11:21

Scots university members of green COP26 network invest £5.2m in fossil fuels and arms.

Scots universities signed up to a COP26 green network of academic institutions committed to tackling climate change have shares worth nearly £5.2 million in fossil fuel firms and arms companies.

26 01 2021 | 11:02

Why the US rejoining the Paris climate accord matters at home and abroad — 5 scholars explain.

The United States helped bring the world into the Paris climate accord, the groundbreaking global agreement reached in 2015 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to slow climate change.…

26 01 2021 | 08:01

Europe and China’s Year-End Breakthrough.

With the completion of a major investment treaty between the European Union and China, the new year will begin on a promising footing. Now is the time for the world's leading powers to stop casting…

26 01 2021 | 07:06

Revealed: business secretary accepted donations from fossil fuel investors.

Exclusive: Kwasi Kwarteng accepted funding as part of 2019 election bid despite Tories’ green pledges The UK’s new business secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng, accepted substantial donations from fossil fuel…

25 01 2021 | 16:51

Heatwaves may mean Sydney is too hot for people to live in 'within decades' .

Parts of Victoria and NSW are sweating through an extreme heatwave that started sweeping across Australia's southeast on Saturday. This may seem like just a good excuse to go to the beach, but as…

23 01 2021 | 11:39

Top scientists warn of 'ghastly future of mass extinction' and climate disruption.

Sobering new report says world is failing to grasp the extent of threats posed by biodiversity loss and the climate crisis. The planet is facing a “ghastly future of mass extinction, declining…

23 01 2021 | 11:38

Decarbonizing Cities – How to Harmonize Buildings, Mobility and Infrastructure.

Why is it so important to decarbonize cities? And how can we do it? The first question is easy to answer: The cities in which more than half of us live account for nearly two-thirds of the CO2…

23 01 2021 | 11:36

Pope’s adviser says Covid has highlighted ‘existential’ climate risk.

Focus must be on justice for those fleeing impact of extreme weather events, says new scientific adviser to Vatican. The pope’s newly appointed scientific adviser said the coronavirus pandemic has…

23 01 2021 | 11:24

The overreliance on carbon capture.

As governments and companies jostle to show how committed they are to fighting global warming, plans to take carbon dioxide out of the air are becoming a giant loophole — just as experts have warned…

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