Editorial Opinion Articles

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26 02 2021 | 11:35

Keeping trees in the ground where they are already growing is an effective low-tech way to slow climate change.

Protecting forests is an essential strategy in the fight against climate change that has not received the attention it deserves. Trees capture and store massive amounts of carbon. And unlike some…

26 02 2021 | 11:02

Climate change 200 million years ago helped dinosaurs walk from South America to Greenland, study suggests.

Why did it take sauropods 15 million years to cross the supercontinent of pangea? Why did it take sauropods - the family of dinosaurs which includes the very biggest creatures ever to have walked…

26 02 2021 | 10:49

The rich really do get richer, study shows. Here’s why.

It's all about taking risks: you don't need to take them when you're rich. Few topics are as polarizing as wealth. Everyone has an idea of how it should be spread and what’s not right in society,…

26 02 2021 | 10:40

Africa's fairy circle mystery is finally SOLVED: Strange patches in the grassy desert of Namibia are caused by the same toxic saps used in poison arrows.

Africa's fairy circles in grasslands are formed by a plant that releases a toxic sap into the soil when it dies, a new study reveals. This poisonous sap, which is used by local bushmen to dip the…

26 02 2021 | 10:28

Eight priorities for calculating the social cost of carbon.

Advice to the Biden administration as it seeks to account for mounting losses from storms, wildfires and other climate impacts. One of the first executive orders US President Joe Biden signed in…

26 02 2021 | 09:58

How the Texas electricity system produced low-cost power but left residents out in the cold.

Americans often take electricity for granted – until the lights go out. The recent cold wave and storm in Texas have placed considerable focus on the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT,…

26 02 2021 | 08:28

Digging in: a million trees planted as villages and schools join climate battle.

Community forest projects have seen a surge in volunteers keen to reduce CO2 emissions by creating new woodlands. The UK may be in the grip of a winter lockdown but in one village on the edge of the…

26 02 2021 | 08:21

How the Warming Arctic Helped Drive a Deep Freeze Into Texas.

The sub-zero temperatures causing blackouts across the southern U.S. are connected to climate change. The Earth’s poles are warming faster than anywhere on the planet. While the consequences of that…

26 02 2021 | 08:17

How bad is bitcoin for the environment really?

Cryptocurrency now uses nearly as much electricity as Argentina but analysts claim technology will soon be mostly powered by renewable energy In little over a decade, bitcoin has risen from a fringe…

25 02 2021 | 07:36

‘It's in our DNA’: tiny Costa Rica wants the world to take giant climate step.

President says the time is finally right for international agreement to tackle biodiversity loss and global heating. When it comes to the environment, few countries rival Costa Rica in terms of…

25 02 2021 | 07:24

'Global Dimming’ Was Caused by Human Pollution, Study Confirms.

In the late 1980s, scientists noticed something odd. Less of the sun's brightness was reaching Earth's surface, leaving us with a darker planet.

25 02 2021 | 07:14

A 10-Step Plan to Save Our Seas.

The year 2050 has been predicted by some to be a bleak year for the ocean. Experts say that by 2050 there may be more plastic than fish in the sea, or perhaps only plastic left.

25 02 2021 | 07:06

As Extreme Weather Events Increase, What Are the Risks to Wildlife?

A hailstorm in South Texas. Tornadoes in Tennessee. Wildfires across the West. A barrage of Gulf Coast hurricanes.

22 02 2021 | 14:55

Power outages across the Plains: 4 questions answered about weather-driven blackouts.

1. The Plains states have a lot of wild weather. Why is this cold wave such a problem for utilities? The central U.S. has freezes, heat waves, windstorms, droughts and floods. All of these events…

21 02 2021 | 08:57

Greenhouse gas emissions from raw material production ‘doubled in 20 years’.

Greenhouse gas emissions from material production rose by 120 per cent from 1995 to 2015, research says. The production of raw materials such as steel and cement is having an increasingly large…

21 02 2021 | 08:05

'Put a big fat price on carbon': OECD chief bows out with climate rally cry.

Exclusive: Ángel Gurría says action on environmental crises must be defining focus of wealthy countries after Covid. The environment, climate change and the protection of nature must be the defining…

20 02 2021 | 07:13

The Guardian view on climate progress: the need for speed.

The transformation of the US government’s stance on the environment is hugely significant. Now the global green recovery must start.

20 02 2021 | 06:52

The sustainable transition – Is ambition alone enough?

As vaccine roll-out continues to grow across Europe, it is time for national jurisdictions to look their long-term economic recovery. While businesses in the short-term will require funding to keep…

20 02 2021 | 06:44

To save the planet, we need a new type of growth.

Richard Murphy and Colin Hines on creating a programme of economic activity that improves social conditions and addresses the environmental crisis

18 02 2021 | 10:55

Ship Giant Maersk Bids Farewell to New, Fossil-Fuel Only Ships.

A century after the global shipping fleet ran largely on coal, the world’s largest shipping line is taking a historic step toward not using fossil fuels for propulsion.

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