Editorial Opinion Articles

Αποτελέσματα 21 - 40 | από συνολικά 2511
25 11 2021 | 07:10

Climate denial is waning on the right. What’s replacing it might be just as scary

The wrapping of ecological disaster with fears of rampant immigration is a narrative that has flourished in far-right fringe movements in Europe and the US Standing in front of the partial ruins of…

24 11 2021 | 15:41

More than a thousand trees to be planted in north Northamptonshire

More than 1,000 trees are due to be planted across North Northamptonshire after the local council secured a grant to fund their purchase and upkeep. The money from the Local Authority Treescape Fund…

24 11 2021 | 15:03

Scott Morrison’s ‘can-do capitalism’ is a hypocritical example of ‘do nothing’ leadership

The Coalition has a solid track record in imposing ‘don’t do’ regulation on some people when it suits them “Can do capitalism” is the latest Morrison-ism to be tested this election campaign, with…

23 11 2021 | 15:21

Cop27 is in Egypt next year … but will anyone be allowed to protest?

Green experts and human rights activists are concerned the hardline Cairo regime will suppress any civil society action Concern is growing over plans to host a UN climate conference in Sharm el-…

23 11 2021 | 15:21

Numbers don’t lie: Amazon deforestation increased despite Brazil’s greenwashing attempt at COP26

No amount of greenwashing by the Brazilian government can obscure the truth: The Amazon is being destroyed at a historic rate. The country’s PRODES monitoring system shows there was a 21.97%…

23 11 2021 | 15:18

"We Can Learn a Lot from Indigenous Peoples"

The way we eat is destroying the world, says agricultural economist Yon Fernández de Larrinoa. His research focuses on the food systems of indigenous peoples, and believes they can teach us valuable…

22 11 2021 | 16:47

Mental health distress in the wake of Bangladesh cyclone shows the devastation of climate-related loss and damage

Over the past decade, there has been growing recognition of climate-induced loss and damage – such as the destruction of homes or buildings after a flood.

21 11 2021 | 11:18

Op - The Cop26 message? We are trusting big business, not states, to fix the climate crisis

The summit exposed a world looking beyond a broken neoliberal model

21 11 2021 | 11:13

‘A tipping point’: how poor forestry fuels floods and fires in western Canada

Clearcutting worsens heavy rain events but selective logging is needed to limit wildfire threat, experts say Adevastating string of floods and landslides have shocked residents in British Columbia,…

21 11 2021 | 11:07

Op-Ed: The failure at Glasgow and what needs to happen next

The one thing the climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, made clear is that human society remains in business-as-usual mode, with no meaningful curb on fossil fuel use. The soft pledges made at COP26…

21 11 2021 | 10:55

‘Farmers are digging their own graves’: true cost of growing food in Spain’s arid south

Intensive agriculture’s insatiable thirst for water is turning wetland to wasteland, draining rivers and polluting groundwater

21 11 2021 | 10:55

COP26: Did India betray vulnerable nations?

The Glasgow climate deal has put India and China in the spotlight after they opposed a commitment to "phase out" coal while negotiating the final agreement. Instead, countries agreed to "phase down…

21 11 2021 | 10:51

Electric cars are not a magic bullet for air pollution

Sarah Woolnough from the British Lung Foundation on why fewer vehicles are a better solution, not just cleaner ones

21 11 2021 | 10:28

Writing the wrongs of the climate crisis.

Meirion Bowen applauds Ben Okri’s stand, while Trevor Jones supports the wake-up call that less is more

19 11 2021 | 15:46

An environmental sociologist explains how permaculture offers a path to climate justice

Big farming is both a victim of climate change and a contributor. Droughts, floods and soil degradation threaten crop yields. But agriculture produces nearly one-quarter of global greenhouse gas…

19 11 2021 | 15:18

How workers unknowingly fund the climate crisis with their pensions

As fossil fuels become more volatile, pensioners may be exposed to greater risk unless their funds divest.

19 11 2021 | 15:03

This Desert May Contain Secrets To Avoiding Climate Famine

A landmark new study of plant life in one of the world’s driest places could yield new drought-resistant crops — if mining for electric vehicle batteries doesn't destroy the ecosystems first.

17 11 2021 | 19:00

The earth’s secret miracle worker is not a plant or an animal: it’s fungi

Without fungi we don’t have bread, chocolate, cheese, soy sauce, beer or wine. They are also crucial to protecting our climate.

17 11 2021 | 18:43

Op - The Guardian view on the Cop26 agreement: unfinished business

The best thing about the Glasgow agreement is the chance it offers for tougher emissions cuts next year.

17 11 2021 | 18:36

Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting focus

Members of an online movement infected with pandemic conspiracies are shifting their focus - and are increasingly peddling falsehoods about climate change. Matthew is convinced that shadowy forces…

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