Editorial Opinion Articles

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31 10 2021 | 20:44

Climate change: How do we know it is happening and caused by humans?

Scientists and politicians say we are facing a planetary crisis because of climate change. But what's the evidence for global warming and how do we know it's being caused by humans? How do we know…

31 10 2021 | 20:42

What a net zero world will look like – and how to get there

It’s the phrase that will be on every world leader’s lips at the Cop26 summit – and it summarises the ambitious plan that will be central to efforts to limit the ravages of the climate crisis. So…

31 10 2021 | 20:38

Transforming care must be central to any bold vision of a greener future

Care work – paid and unpaid – has huge knock-on effects for the climate that can no longer be ignored

31 10 2021 | 20:37

Climate change: Pledge of $100bn annual aid slips to 2023

A key pledge ahead of an upcoming climate change conference has still not been met and the money is not sure to be available before 2023. The UK government has set out a new financing plan ahead of…

31 10 2021 | 20:33

COP26: Poorest countries fear not reaching UK for climate summit

The world's poorest countries say they are worried about getting to the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November. Twenty are on the UK's Covid red list - meaning hotel quarantine for arrivals.…

31 10 2021 | 20:32

Super cool building materials prove powerful arsenal against climate change

New building materials that reflect rather than absorb solar energy can reduce peak temperatures in our cities by up to four degrees.  New building materials that reduce urban temperatures, and…

31 10 2021 | 20:12

Climate change: How technology is helping cities tackle climate disasters

The threats to our cities seem endless - from flash flooding to pollution, overcrowding to the risk of pandemics. To help avert crises, many cities have invested in technology - the theory being…

31 10 2021 | 19:56

All hail the net zero strategy: a year late and lacking in both ambition and funding

The UK rushed out its climate plan just days before Cop26 – and it shows. The planet can’t afford further bluster and delay In politics, timing is everything. Last week the government set out its…

30 10 2021 | 10:23

Innovators in Indonesia are advancing renewable energy

The Indonesian government promises to almost triple the share of renewables in its energy mix in the next three years. That would reverse an investment climate in which fossil fuels saw 3 times more…

30 10 2021 | 09:52

Climate crisis education should be embedded in system, say unions

Government urged to carry out comprehensive review of curriculum and decarbonise school estate by 2030 Climate crisis education should become fully embedded in the system, unions have urged. A…

30 10 2021 | 09:44

China, India and Brazil must set out their plans to cut emissions

An insider says keeping temperatures within 1.5C above pre-industrial levels rests with big developing countries in G20

30 10 2021 | 09:30

A 7m wall has gone up on a Sydney beach: are we destroying public space to save private property?

Beachfront residents back the Collaroy wall but other locals worry the beach will disappear for longer periods as climate change increasingly drives coastal erosion. “We really didn’t want to build…

28 10 2021 | 08:18

Young Australians lodge human rights complaints with UN over alleged government inaction on climate

Five young people argue 2030 emissions target fails to uphold the rights of young Australians Five young Australians, including members of First Nations and disability communities, have lodged three…

28 10 2021 | 08:10

How global heating’s children view the world, 12 years on

In the run-up to the global summit in Glasgow, we revisit families with children – now teenagers – born at the time of the 2009 climate conference. They are entering their teenage years and aspire…

28 10 2021 | 07:58

I chaired Cop21 when we delivered the Paris agreement. We must go further in Glasgow

This is no time for climate fatalism. We need science, societies and states to be in alignment for our crucial next steps In the fight against global warming, the 2015 Cop21 meeting that yielded the…

28 10 2021 | 07:56

Climate crisis: economists ‘grossly undervalue young lives’, warns Stern

Economists have failed to take account of ‘immense risks and potential loss of life’, says author of landmark review Many economic assessments of the climate crisis “grossly undervalue the lives of…

27 10 2021 | 16:13

12 Environmental Novels We’re Reading This Fall

The collective unconscious is telling us something…

27 10 2021 | 15:45

Joanna Lumley says wartime-style rationing could help solve climate crisis

Actor proposes system under which people would have limited points to spend on holidays and luxury items. Joanna Lumley has suggested that a system of rationing similar to that seen during wartime,…

27 10 2021 | 14:54

Climate change: Sir David Attenborough in 'act now' warning

"If we don't act now, it'll be too late." That's the warning from Sir David Attenborough ahead of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. The broadcaster says the richest nations have "a moral…

27 10 2021 | 10:51

When the wind drops and the sun goes down: how can Southeast Asia handle fluctuating clean power supply?

While solar and wind help countries meet energy security and environmental objectives, their variable nature poses challenges to electricity grids that require utilities to rethink operations. The…

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