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03 06 2022 | 14:01

Climate Transition in Emerging Economies

It’s no secret that a heavy reliance on commodities to build Africa’s economies has increased the continent’s carbon footprint. Although far less damage is caused by Africa than developed economies…

03 06 2022 | 13:54

COP15: restoring 1 billion hectares of degraded land by 2030

The fifteenth Conference of the Parties (COP15) to combat desertification ended on 20 May 2022 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, on a note of mixed satisfaction.

03 06 2022 | 13:52

Dr. Avgerinopoulou, Chairperson of Environment Committee of the Hellenic Parliament, at Stockholm+50

Dr. Avgerinopoulou´s participation at the International Meeting “Stockholm+50”

03 06 2022 | 13:46

AFRICITIES 2022: what concrete commitments for the future of intermediate cities?

Among the commitments made at the Africities summit held from 17 to 21 May 2022 in the Kenyan city of Kisumu, the leaders of local authorities and economic players agreed to promote green mobility,…

03 06 2022 | 13:39

Australia’s biggest coal plant can’t get enough coal, as fossil fuel disaster accelerates

The fossil fuel crisis affecting Australia’s energy markets took a new twist on Wednesday when Origin Energy, the owner of the country’s biggest coal generator, confirmed it could not source enough…

02 06 2022 | 13:09


The Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) were unanimously endorse

02 06 2022 | 11:11

EU committed to support Kenya's green transition

It is Europe Day again, the day that marks the origins of the European Union as a project for peace in Europe. The EU seeks to “contribute to peace and security and the sustainable development of…

02 06 2022 | 10:59

There could still be time to fix climate – but not with UK’s nuclear plans

With the weather changing dramatically across the world, will politicians finally take the climate crisis seriously? With a concerted effort, there could still be time.

02 06 2022 | 10:54

Canada Can Hit 100% Zero-Emission Electricity by 2035 Without Nuclear, CCS, Report Finds

Canada can achieve 100% zero-emission electricity by 2035 with an electricity system that prioritizes renewable energy, storage, energy efficiency, and interprovincial transmission and avoids the…

02 06 2022 | 10:48

What ‘greenwashing’ is (and how to spot it)

What ‘greenwashing’ is (and how to spot it) Greenwashing isn’t about getting your dishes clean using the least amount of water. Nor is it an innovative way to clean vegetables. No, it’s much more…

02 06 2022 | 10:46

Fossil fuel addiction subverts every single sustainable development goal

1st JUNE 2022 - As the UN commemorates 50 years since the first international summit on the environment, a new report exposes the critical dangers that fossil fuels pose to  all 17 sustainable…

02 06 2022 | 10:46

‘Highly implausible’ that new Galilee Basin coalmines would be profitable, study finds

Any new coalmines in Australia’s Galilee Basin, including Adani’s Carmichael mine, will not be economically viable in the long run under even the most generous assumptions about the future of the…

02 06 2022 | 10:42

Do wood burners add to air pollution in cities? Yes, say citizen scientists

Like many parts of the country, Bristol has experienced a huge rise in the number of houses installing wood burners over the past decade. But as they have proliferated, mainly in the wealthier parts…

02 06 2022 | 10:38

Sooty hands and damaged lungs: the toll of Nigeria’s illegal refineries

Several clusters of thick black soot clasp to the lungs of a 24-year-old man in a photo taken while he was being operated on by Iboroma Aku Shed in the oil-rich Nigerian city of Port Harcourt.…

02 06 2022 | 10:32

Beekeepers and communists: how environmentalists started a global conversation

The world’s longest serving environment correspondent explains the origins of a slow and continuing journey It all began with Högertrafikomläggningen, Swedish for “the right-hand traffic…

02 06 2022 | 10:28

Linking nitrous oxide to climate risk is yet another example of the disdain shown to women’s pain

When a new report suggested that people who use nitrous oxide when giving birth should be warned about the impacts on climate change, I felt the mild tremor of a collective groan uttered in unison…

02 06 2022 | 10:25

Greenhouse gas removal ‘not a silver bullet to achieve net zero’

Many of the UK’s top scientists working on carbon capture technologies do not believe they will be developed and scaled up in time to reach net zero and limit global heating to 1.5C.

02 06 2022 | 10:22

At least 91 dead in Brazil floods and landslides with many more missing

The death toll from floods in north-eastern Brazil could rise to more than 100 after authorities in Pernambuco state confirmed 91 deaths with many more people missing. Hundreds of state and federal…

02 06 2022 | 10:21

Africa Can’t Carry The Burden Alone−President Kagame On Climate Change

President Paul Kagame on Tuesday said that Africa cannot carry the burden alone on creating global warming because its emissions did not create a climate emergency and thus, developed countries must…