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08 06 2022 | 06:15

Al Thumama Stadium Wins GSAS Certifications for Sustainability

Al Thumama Stadium has earned the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) 5-Star certification. This adds Al Thumama Stadium to other FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 venues that earned the…

07 06 2022 | 22:24

We older people must fight for a better America, and world, for younger generations

Ihad the chance this month to spend a couple of weeks on an utterly wild and remote Alaskan shore – there was plenty of company, but all of it had fur, feathers or fins. And there was no way to hear…

07 06 2022 | 22:18

Op-ed: Putting coal into an African perspective

Since the presidency of Thabo Mbeki, plans have been periodically put forward to increase South Africa’s nuclear output. At present, Africa’s only nuclear power plant, Koeberg, supplies electricity…

07 06 2022 | 22:10

Lagos State off-grid electrification strategy and action plan announced

The Lagos State Government has announced that it has developed the Lagos State Off-Grid Electrification Strategy and Action Plan. The Lagos State Government, through the Ministry of Energy and…

07 06 2022 | 21:50

CONGO: CGGC and Energaz Sign PPP for Two 331 MW Hydroelectric Plants

China Grezhouba Group Corporation (CGGC) will build two new power plants in Congo alongside Congolese company Energaz.

07 06 2022 | 21:44

AFRICA: Power Africa grants solarisation of 245 clinics in 5 countries

As part of the Power Africa initiative, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing a $2.3 million grant to six providers of off-grid solar energy systems. The devices will be…

07 06 2022 | 21:42

KENYA: Konza Technopolis, a smart city under construction in Machakos

As part of its "Vision 2030" for development, Kenya launched the construction of Konza Technopolis in 2012, a large technology centre located in Machakos County, south of Nairobi. The project, which…

07 06 2022 | 21:41

EGYPT: Two new plants convert waste into electricity in Abu Khreita

The Egyptian Arab British Company for Dynamic Industries (ABD) has completed the construction of two solid waste-to-energy plants in the city of Abu Khreita, Egypt. The announcement was made by the…

07 06 2022 | 21:39

MOROCCO: a call for tender for the studies of a water desalination project in the East

The Directorate of Research and Planning of the Moroccan Ministry of Equipment and Water is launching a call for expressions of interest for the execution of feasibility studies for a sea water…

07 06 2022 | 21:38

SENEGAL: The Diass solar power plant (23 MWp) officially comes into service

The Senegalese government recently inaugurated the Diass solar power plant located 40 km south-east of the capital Dakar. The installation, which has a capacity of 23 MWp, was financed by the German…

07 06 2022 | 21:36

MALI: Uduma provide drinking water to 45,000 people in Bougouni through 75 mini-WTPs

Uduma Mali has been awarded a new contract to manage drinking water services in Bougouni, in the Sikasso region of Mali. The subsidiary of the French group Odial Solutions will deliver the service…

07 06 2022 | 21:33

GABON: Owendo Container awarded Green Terminal label for its environmental performanc

Bolloré Ports, the subsidiary of the French group Bolloré, has awarded its Green Terminal label to Owendo Container Terminal (OCT), the manager of the container terminal in the Port of Libreville in…

07 06 2022 | 21:30

DRC: 18 solar-powered water supply systems provide water to 8,000 people in Lualaba

Société sino-congolaise des mines (SICOMINES) will finance the construction of 18 drinking water supply systems in four localities in the province of Lualaba in the south of the Democratic Republic…

07 06 2022 | 21:28

MOZAMBIQUE: AfDB Supports Mphanda Nkuwa Mega Hydroelectric Project

The African Development Bank (AfDB) is supporting the implementation of the Mphanda Nkuwa mega hydroelectric project in western Mozambique.

06 06 2022 | 19:17

Bonn Climate Change Conference Set to Kick off Next Week

UN Climate Change News,  2 June 2022 – The upcoming Bonn Climate Change Conference (6-16 June) is set to kick off next week, designed to prepare for the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 in November…

06 06 2022 | 17:27

Bonn Climate Change Conference to Lay Groundwork for Success at COP27

UN Climate Change News, 6 June 2022 – This year’s Bonn annual UN Climate Change Conference kicked off today, designed to lay the groundwork for success at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.…

03 06 2022 | 14:28

Interrogating green hydrogen cost and potential

IRENA members met recently to discuss plans for the international trade of green hydrogen and derivates. They also discussed the challenges they encounter in moving from announcements to projects at…

03 06 2022 | 14:08

Here’s what east Africa has to do to balance trade with the EU

Member states of the east African trade bloc will have to work on a number of requirements that they are scoring low if they are to fully benefit from European Union’s 447 million market. During a…

03 06 2022 | 14:05

Unlocking Digital Innovation for Net Zero

The transition to net -zero has to start with big business and it has to start now. These are the views from the ‘Unlocking digital innovations for net-zero’ panel at the annual World Economic Forum…

03 06 2022 | 14:04

Current policies will bring ‘catastrophic’ climate breakdown, warn former UN leaders

The policies currently in place to tackle the climate crisis around the world will lead to “catastrophic” climate breakdown, as governments have failed to take the actions needed to fulfil their…