climate change

Αποτελέσματα 1321 - 1340 | από συνολικά 3422
13 04 2021 | 10:34

Scientists detect world's coldest cloud hovering over Pacific Ocean.

The top of the storm cloud reached the stratosphere. A severe thunderstorm cloud that formed over the Pacific Ocean in 2018 reached the coldest temperatures ever recorded, according to a new study.

13 04 2021 | 10:22

We can stop thousands of tons of pollution from reaching the ocean — just by changing our laundry habits

It's a small change that can make a very big difference. Every day, some 13,000 tons of microfibers are released into European waters — that’s equivalent to two garbage trucks of small textile…

13 04 2021 | 10:16

Can geoengineering stop climate change? A new paper says it can help, but it’s no magic bullet

And there's still a lot we don't understand about its effects. The climate keeps getting hotter, and officials around the world are failing to rise to the task of tackling emissions to ensure a…

13 04 2021 | 10:06

Rapid global heating is hurting farm productivity, study finds.

Research shows rising temperatures since 1960s have acted as handbrake to agricultural yield of crops and livestock. The climate crisis is already eating into the output of the world’s agricultural…

13 04 2021 | 09:59

Vivaldi's 'The Four Seasons' Is Reimagined to Convey the Climate Crisis.

Three hundred years ago in 1723, Antonio Vivaldi composed "The Four Seasons," a series of violin concertos inspired by the natural world. Now, scientists, composers and designers have reimagined the…

13 04 2021 | 09:58

Solar Geoengineering Is Worth Studying but Not a Substitute for Cutting Emissions, Study Finds

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine tackles a controversial question: Is solar geoengineering – an approach designed to cool Earth by reflecting sunlight…

13 04 2021 | 09:41

Urgent policies needed to steer countries to net zero, says IEA chief.

Economies are gearing up for return to fossil fuel use instead of forging green recovery, warns Fatih Birol. New energy policies are urgently needed to put countries on the path to net zero…

13 04 2021 | 09:22

Scientists Identify Tipping Points for Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier for First Time

Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier is currently losing more ice than any other glacier in Antarctica, but could it collapse entirely?

12 04 2021 | 16:10

A Just Climate Transition for Africa.

In 2021, developed countries must work with low-income, developing, and emerging economies to chart a path toward a low-carbon future – and clear barriers to progress. This means, first and foremost…

12 04 2021 | 16:09

Greenpeace Aotearoa submission on the Climate Change Commission’s Draft Advice

INTRODUCTION This is a submission by Greenpeace Aotearoa, Inc. on the Climate Change Commission’s draft advice. Greenpeace is a global, independent campaigning organisation that acts to protect and…

12 04 2021 | 14:50

Net Zero? What’s that all about?

Zero became the biggest number in the investment world last month. More than 40 more asset managers, including Vanguard and BlackRock, signed up to the Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative last…

12 04 2021 | 12:43

What is Climate Change? | Start Here

The hard facts about global warming - a defining issue of our time. Climate change is happening now, and even world leaders meeting for climate talks at this year’s Cop25 know we aren’t doing enough…

12 04 2021 | 12:38

19M - Global Climate Strike

Vídeo promocional per la #GlobalClimateStrike19M​ (2021) Promotional video for the #GlobalClimateStrike​, March 19 (2021) Directed and edited by Birch With Aura Sala, Karu Borge, Sara Nofrerias,…

07 04 2021 | 11:55

Once-in-a-century wildfires in the UK could happen ‘most years’ by 2100 due to climate crisis.

In future decades large wildfires could pose similar level of threat to Britain as they currently do in the south of France or parts of Australia, say researchers. Wildfires which ordinarily only…

07 04 2021 | 11:49

Summers could last for half the year by 2100.

Our summers are already about 20% longer than they used to be, and if the climate crisis continues unabated then northern hemisphere summers could cover nearly half of the year by 2100, making them…

07 04 2021 | 11:43

Amazon Rainforest Is Probably Contributing to Climate Crisis, Study Finds.

  The Amazon rainforest likely emits more greenhouse gases than it absorbs, a first-of-its-kind study has found.  

07 04 2021 | 11:22

Twiggy Forrest sets sights on making the impossible possible when it comes to 'pure green energy'

But critics question the continued inclusion of gas in Andrew Forrest’s grand climate ambition. In the second half of last year, while most of the world was in pandemic lockdown, Andrew “Twiggy”…

07 04 2021 | 10:57

Earth Hour 2021 Shines a Virtual Spotlight on the Natural World.

On Saturday, March 27, people around the world will celebrate the annual Earth Hour, albeit in a slightly different way.

07 04 2021 | 10:50

Nature-Based Solutions Can Save the Planet, but Only if We Change Our Diets

Natural ecosystems, such as forests, grasslands and oceans, do a pretty good job of storing carbon and supporting biodiversity.

07 04 2021 | 10:38

How the shipping industry can halve climate-warming black carbon in the Arctic.

Switching to cleaner shipping fuel would prevent Arctic warming and deliver an easy win for the climate. Climate change is having a more rapid impact in the Arctic than anywhere else right now – the…