climate change

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20 04 2021 | 10:29

First Nations Land Defenders Take Direct Action Against Trans Mountain Pipeline.

A pair of Indigenous land defenders locked themselves to equipment at a fossil fuel pumping station in British Columbia on Saturday, vowing to continue resisting a government-owned oil pipeline that…

20 04 2021 | 10:15

Victoria blocks AGL's gas terminal on environmental grounds.

Rejection comes as company criticised over plans to split its business in two as part of a move to clean up its emissions profile. The Victorian government has rejected on environmental grounds a…

20 04 2021 | 10:07

African Leaders Push for Strong Action on Climate Change.

JOHANNESBURG - A pandemic has blanketed the planet. Economies have cratered. Across the world, people are scared, anxious and unsteady about the future.    And you want to talk about climate change…

20 04 2021 | 10:07

Aviva launches climate transition equity fund for workplace pension schemes.

Aviva has launched the Aviva Investors Climate Transition Global Equity Fund, an actively managed equity fund for workplace pension schemes that invests in the shares of companies globally who are…

20 04 2021 | 10:04

Earth nearly lost all its oxygen 2.3 billion years ago

A new study pushes the permanent rise of oxygen in the atmosphere to 100 million years later than previously believed. Earth's transition to permanently hosting an oxygenated atmosphere was a…

20 04 2021 | 10:02

Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline review – an intensifying crisis.

Ade Adepitan travels to the Pacific to see how the climate emergency is shrinking the land and killing the future – and to ask what, if anything, can be done to halt the destruction.

20 04 2021 | 09:51

Our Planet, Our Home – Family art project

In these unprecedented times of social distancing and lockdown, many of us are spending more time than ever at home. While the coronavirus means we must keep our distance, we can still find ways to…

20 04 2021 | 09:49

Reflections and projections on a decade of climate science.

To mark the tenth anniversary of Nature Climate Change, we asked a selection of researchers across the broad range of climate change disciplines to share their thoughts on notable developments of the…

20 04 2021 | 09:45

UN: More climate action needed during ‘make-or-break year’ for people and planet

With countries across the world having agreed through the Paris Agreement to a goal of limiting temperature increases to 1.5 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels to mitigate global warming,…

20 04 2021 | 09:31

The ocean is becoming more stable – here’s why that might not be a good thing

If you’ve ever been seasick, “stable” may be the last word you associate with the ocean. But as global temperatures rise, the world’s oceans are technically becoming more stable. When scientists…

20 04 2021 | 09:30

Militarism and its impact on societal and ecological welfare (Interview with Nick Buxton of The Secure and the Dispossessed, Part Two)

“We have to take that money out of politics and put strict limits on the influence these corporations have benefited from.”

20 04 2021 | 09:08

Most Economists Agree: Benefits of 'Drastic' Climate Action Outweigh Costs of Status Quo

While scientists and campaigners continue calling on world leaders to pursue more ambitious policies to cut planet-heating emissions based on moral arguments and physical dangers, a U.S. think tank…

20 04 2021 | 08:49

UN Chief Backs Wealth Tax on Rich Who ‘Profited’ From Pandemic.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is calling on nations to institute a wealth tax to help reduce global inequality exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. There has been a $5 trillion…

20 04 2021 | 08:40

Marine Life Is Fleeing the Equator to Cooler Waters – This Could Trigger a Mass Extinction Event

The tropical water at the equator is renowned for having the richest diversity of marine life on Earth, with vibrant coral reefs and large aggregations of tunas, sea turtles, manta rays and whale…

20 04 2021 | 08:21

The World’s Billionaires Are Going Absolutely Bunkers.

They’re building them like there’s no tomorrow. “I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.” — Jay Gould, railroad magnate

18 04 2021 | 08:18

'Wall Street Is a Primary Villain' in Climate Crisis, Report Concludes.

"The boardrooms of the world's largest banks are polluted to the core... How are we ever meant to stop the climate crisis if the world's most powerful decision-makers are in bed with the companies…

18 04 2021 | 07:57

World's wealthiest 'at heart of climate problem'.

The world’s wealthy must radically change their lifestyles to tackle climate change, a report says. It says the world's wealthiest 1% produce double the combined carbon emissions of the poorest 50…

18 04 2021 | 07:46

French lawmakers approve a ban on short domestic flights.

PARIS (Reuters) - French lawmakers voted late on Saturday to abolish domestic flights on routes than can be covered by train in under two-and-a-half hours, as the government seeks to lower carbon…

18 04 2021 | 07:45

Total signs deal to build East African oil pipeline, despite lack of finance.

Uganda and Tanzania have given political backing to the 1,445km East African Crude Oil Pipeline, but climate campaigners are deterring investment. Total has signed an agreement with Uganda and…

18 04 2021 | 07:35

Sea Level Rise Is Killing Trees on the Atlantic Coast, Creating ‘Ghost Forests’ Visible From Space.

Trekking out to my research sites near North Carolina's Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, I slog through knee-deep water on a section of trail that is completely submerged. Permanent flooding…